Comments on Profile Post by kobatochandaisuki

  1. Hirame
    What do you translate?
    Dec 23, 2018
  2. kobatochandaisuki
    Pm or not, what does it matter? I didnt make a thread but he could still make an "official" statement publicly to an issue. He didnt contact us in private to discuss about the "pick up" ever so why would i discuss about this in private as well?
    Dec 23, 2018
    Deleted member 37987 likes this.
  3. kobatochandaisuki
    @Hirame it's because of God of Cooking that was on hiatus. I wouldnt have mind to let someone pick up if it was gently asked for. But then Wujigege and AsianHobbyst don't seem to think that's a true lack of respect among fellow translators and groups to not even try to contact and ask. Does it hurt to ask?? Does it take ages for it?
    Dec 23, 2018
  4. Deleted member 37987
    Deleted member 37987
    lol why do people try to speak up for someone else all the time? I bet it's the real reason there's so much drama crap around.

    You're not someone under his team of translators right? And you went AS FAR AS FREAKING FINDING A QUOTE FROM HIM, not just trying to argue in his stead or something. You're totally trying to fuck shit up or something.
    Dec 23, 2018
    kobatochandaisuki likes this.
  5. kobatochandaisuki
    Dec 23, 2018
    Deleted member 37987 likes this.
  6. kobatochandaisuki
    But noneless, GoC was still meaningful for our website and we have a feeling for it,like all series we worked on. And not even bothered to contact? Do they not have fingers to write a few words?
    Dec 23, 2018
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  7. kobatochandaisuki
    Clearly they did for their interest as GoC had a certain popularity and many chapters already out. Why not start a new serie from ground zero? Cuz it's more profitable to leach from a built popularity than pioneer. But then not even bothered to contact us when we were still active, it's like taking lands without ever talking from native americans when they were away from the said lands.
    Dec 23, 2018
    Deleted member 37987 likes this.
  8. kobatochandaisuki
    The translation community already went through this kind of shit several times because of assholes who had no ideas about etiquettes and went all out for profits. Why commit the same error again and again?
    Dec 23, 2018
    Deleted member 37987 likes this.
  9. kobatochandaisuki
    And I hate this pick up request thread because it kinda gives good conscience to the poachers and profit dogs. Groups still have to solve things between groups, translators between translators. But then I want to say 1 thing: "fucking leave us alone!"
    Dec 23, 2018
    Deleted member 37987 likes this.
  10. kobatochandaisuki
    I'm on a rant spree but then seriously, why there's need to look for shits to our group and our works when we asked for nothing and never went to make troubles with others? Just fucking leave my group alone! Seek for your own stuffs ffs! Sick of these things. That's what made me sick of translating and killed my motivation to translate long ago. And it will kill many others' motivation.
    Dec 23, 2018
    Deleted member 37987 likes this.
  11. kobatochandaisuki
    @Wujigege so mate, you couldnt find time to write me to ask for pick up but then still find hell lot of time to delete my comment on your wall or to write in every threads of NUF? Or should i say about a lack of respect and manners? What do you respond to this?
    Dec 23, 2018