Comments on Profile Post by Lonelycity

  1. Wujigege
    It's ok. Even if you didn't mention me. They reply to all my threads for some reason. It is like a anti Wuji 50 cent army.
    Most are on my ignore list anyways so it's fine
    Jan 24, 2019
  2. Lonelycity
    I see dislike on both sides tbh....
    there was a time when ppl got bombarded with shameless self advertisements and everyone was fed up with it all.
    Though tbh you are disliked more and it’s easy to guess why~~
    Your stance is just too hardliners.
    Not commenting on it though^
    Jan 24, 2019
  3. Wujigege
    You can comment if you like.
    And I am not hardline, not one bit.
    I have told people to try to be understanding but people started thinking that trying to make peace means that I am easy to bully.
    Jan 24, 2019
    Lonelycity likes this.
  4. Lonelycity
    Well what I want to comment about and i still remember is why do you know Bollywood movies~~
    When I think you aren’t an indian XD
    But that’s besides the point~~
    You already gave an answer last time~~
    Jan 24, 2019
  5. Wujigege
    I also know a lot about Chinese movies, Hong Kong movies
    I have watched Thai movies too Jan Daara
    I have watched Filipino's On TheWings of love
    and a fair bit of Thai Lakhorns

    I simply do not discriminate
    Bollywood was not a choice though, it was very popular at one point even Disco Dancer dancer lead to a TV Dance show in Russia
    I dont think Hindi movies are as popular as before thanks to the Korean wave
    Jan 24, 2019
    Lonelycity likes this.
  6. Lonelycity
    Waaaah more elaborate answer~~
    Sank you....
    Wow you have watched quite a lot of foreign stuff huh....
    Well now that you mention apart from Hollywood and bolly I have watched quite a few Chinese stuff....
    Korean wave is recent though so not including it..
    Jan 24, 2019
  7. Wujigege
    Korean wave is over a decade old
    It is not that recent
    The wave of China spending fortunes producing Chinese dramas is recent
    Taiwanese little wave is also more recent
    Jan 24, 2019
  8. Lonelycity
    Korean wave took a while to reach my country... around 2015ish?
    Jan 24, 2019
    Wujigege likes this.
  9. Wujigege
    Try China Uncensored YouTube China and also
    CinemaSins and CinemaWins
    Jan 24, 2019
    Lonelycity likes this.
  10. Lonelycity
    Some other time when I’ll be free
    Jan 24, 2019
    Wujigege likes this.
  11. Wujigege
    Hahha I said YouTube China instead of YouTube Channel
    The thumbnails are pretty interesting for China Uncensored lol
    Jan 24, 2019
    Lonelycity likes this.