Comments on Profile Post by joey183

  1. joey183
    I googled the sport you quoted and found it only happened in the war times, which means that's history. Like I said, there's no point condemning a child for the wrongs of his parents. So China should just let the grudge rest in past.
    Jan 25, 2019
  2. SoulZer0
    They slaughtered so many people in SEA just for the fun of it.
    Jan 25, 2019
  3. SoulZer0
    History shouldn't be forgotten. No one hates Germany. They condemned the 3rd reich. While Japanese people are still proud of their atrocities. The government refused to acknowledge what they did.
    Jan 25, 2019
  4. SoulZer0
    That's what make China mad
    Jan 25, 2019
  5. joey183
    You are right. History shouldn't be forgotten. What China needs to do is to forgive. Not asking China to forget the wrong. No matter what the current generation Japanese think of their ancestor's deed, they are the child that is innocent of the act.
    Jan 25, 2019
  6. joey183
    So, the child of a criminal is still an innocent.
    Jan 25, 2019
  7. SoulZer0
    Just acknowledge your ancestors' wrongdoings. If you don't, you're an accomplice.
    Jan 25, 2019
  8. joey183
    Nah. You are only an accomplice if you participate in the act. And the current Jap aren't participants since the action are all long done.
    Jan 25, 2019