Comments on Profile Post by Twilight Fox

  1. Deleted member 37987
    Deleted member 37987
    Probably nothing but this makes me think of something interesting: whether you can actually transfer the confidential informations of users with it. Techincally you shouldn't be able to do it by simply selling randomly but I don't think this has been adressed anywhere for forums.
    Jan 25, 2019
    AMissingLinguist likes this.
  2. Twilight Fox
    Twilight Fox
    Would the information collected be the responsibility of the entity collecting it? NUF?
    Jan 25, 2019
  3. Deleted member 37987
    Deleted member 37987
    Whose else ?
    Jan 25, 2019
  4. Nom de Plume
    Nom de Plume
    Tony wouldn’t... is the answer. He has planned for if one day he can’t maintain it himself anymore and who would take over at that time. You’d have to ask @Tony more about it directly however. I *can* tell you with absolute certainty that he would never put the user’s privacy at stake.
    Jan 26, 2019
  5. Deleted member 37987
    Deleted member 37987
    It's not about user privacy, it's about how any regulation of the transfer of information of a supposed 'clientele' doesn't seem to exist (at least as far as I know). Don't make me accuse someone of putting privacy in danger or something.
    Jan 26, 2019
  6. Twilight Fox
    Twilight Fox
    Tony wouldn't sell though right? I mean, NU and NUF are kinda valuable in the sense that this is where people come to be directed towards a novel.

    It would be like owning the front desk of a mall, and telling patrons where to go.
    Jan 26, 2019
  7. Nom de Plume
    Nom de Plume
    He’s turned down offers before and likely to do so in future. I don’t see him selling, no. I was speaking more about retirement, and that’s a while off. I think (?) that Tony makes more money from other things although NU has quite a lot of traffic last I knew.
    Jan 26, 2019
  8. Nom de Plume
    Nom de Plume
    He made the site to give readers a place to go, including himself. Id describe this more as a passion project than his main life. I do know he wouldn’t give it to just anyone even if he retires from NU/NUF one day.
    Jan 26, 2019
  9. Deleted member 37987
    Deleted member 37987
    I don't honestly recall much cases like this anyway. Usually it's the company behind the website that changes ownership, not the website itself (totally forgot about this when I was talking of transferring data).

    And well Tony isn't a company, is it?
    Jan 26, 2019
  10. Nom de Plume
    Nom de Plume
    He’s not haha.
    Jan 26, 2019
  11. Twilight Fox
    Twilight Fox
    That's good, I was worried Tony might sell NU and it would get bought by Aidian or something. Now THAT would be a nightmare...*shudder*
    Jan 27, 2019
  12. Deleted member 37987
    Deleted member 37987
    As far as I know Qidian never took such initiatives did they? Now that doesn't speak for the group owning them of course.
    Jan 27, 2019