Comments on Profile Post by Effugium

  1. Nyann
    Lolololol XD you ask the exact same question lol
    Mar 7, 2019
    Arexio likes this.
  2. Arexio
    Oh no, is this going to be 101 questions with @Effugium hour?

    (EDIT - You're welcome, you lurkers. Find more about Rex and what he thinks by scrolling down.)
    Mar 7, 2019
  3. Effugium
    I am just asking~ answer~
    Mar 7, 2019
  4. Arexio
    *starts getting intimidated again*

    Haha jk jk. I'm from the U.S. - Texas if you REALLY want to know.
    Mar 7, 2019
    Nyann likes this.
  5. Arexio
    What I'm reading rn?

    Not too much. My load has been very light since starting AG. Still reading TCF and re-reading PtO.
    Mar 7, 2019
  6. Effugium
    I dont really know what those letters mean...

    Texas huh... how is life in texas?
    Mar 7, 2019
  7. Arexio
    LOL @Effugium you gonna share any info about you or is this going to be an interrogation scene.

    AG - Adventurer's Guild
    TCF - Trash of the Count's Family
    PtO - Praise the Orc

    Texas is good. Hot during summers. Food is great. Peeps mostly friendly. Politics blows though. That about sums it up.
    Mar 7, 2019
  8. Arexio
    Keep the questions coming. Or I might fall asleep otherwise lol
    Mar 7, 2019
  9. Effugium
    How hot is it during summer? use celcius please~

    Politics? how is the politic?
    Mar 7, 2019
    Arexio likes this.
  10. Arexio
    Above 37 often especially during July/August. People stay inside lol

    Conservative. Most out of all other states in U.S. People can get a bit nasty about it too.
    Mar 7, 2019
  11. Effugium
    37?!?! WOW!!

    Hmm, i actually dont really understand politics in U.S... Why do people get nasty?
    Mar 7, 2019
    Arexio likes this.
  12. Arexio
    It's complicated. Politics in U.S. is a mishmash bc there's so many different states with their own ideas of what's best for the country. It changes all the time with whoever is in charge too.

    Part of it is religion, part of it is rights for certain groups. People get really firm in their beliefs. People protest. People fight. Arguements, conflict, it never ends. You get the picture.
    Mar 7, 2019
  13. Arexio
    @Effugium I still know nothing about you. Like zero.
    Mar 7, 2019
  14. Effugium
    Well, you can ask me as well~

    So which side of politic do you agree with?
    Mar 7, 2019
    Arexio likes this.
  15. Arexio
    1) Where are YOU from?
    2) Why do you like to ask so many questions? (Haha)

    Liberal/progressive. For many reasons.
    Mar 7, 2019
  16. Effugium
    And what are those reasons~?

    I am from Indonesia, I like to ask questions because i am curious~
    Mar 7, 2019
    Nyann and Arexio like this.
  17. Arexio
    1) Have you ever left the country?/Do you want to?
    2) What are YOU reading?

    Reasons: Liberals are for LGBT+ rights, gun restrictions, increase in government activity, etc.
    Mar 7, 2019
    Fiorisi likes this.
  18. Arexio
    Falling asleep. See you laters. Zzzzzzz.

    Mar 7, 2019
    Nyann likes this.
  19. Nyann
    Mar 7, 2019
    Arexio likes this.
  20. Effugium
    @Arexio i have left the country once when i was a little kid (dont even remember much of it), i do want to ig

    I am not reading anything rn
    Mar 7, 2019
    Arexio likes this.