Comments on Profile Post by Nyann

  1. Moonpearl
    Apr 13, 2019
    SummerForest and Nyann like this.
  2. SummerForest
    R0 is getting approachable? XD XD I remember him trying to be offensive deliberately, or was it my imagination? But he had always been fun to watch.
    Apr 13, 2019
    Moonpearl likes this.
  3. Nyann
    Somehow I think it's better than being ignored...

    And he ACTUALLY changed his title lol.
    Apr 13, 2019
    SummerForest and Moonpearl like this.
  4. SoulZer0
    Quite sure I do change my title regularly though this one is just me having absolutely no idea of what title I want to use so I combined all the defaults
    Apr 14, 2019
  5. SoulZer0
    Also, was I really unapproachable before? I don't even realize because I treat nuffians all the same
    Apr 14, 2019
  6. SoulZer0
    @TwilightForest yes I do sometimes deliberately offend people but I'll just leave them if they didn't bite it. Sometimes there were people thinking I was being helpful when I low-key being sarcastic. It's weird how the lack of intonation on the internet can change a lot of things.
    Apr 14, 2019
  7. SummerForest
    When aren't you being sarcastic? Haha I'm joking, so don't mind. It's the lack of intonation...
    Apr 14, 2019