Comments on Profile Post by Maid Chan

  1. Robbini
    I would say i'm going for extreme pragmatism & practicality in games if possible. In games with a light / dark option, I tend to mostly go for light, because that gets me more friends / allies and items in the long run, but that doesn't really stop me from in ME terms 'going renegade' to kill someone in a brutal way, if I know it'll benefit me soon, and have no long-term negative sideeffects.
    May 15, 2019
    Maid Chan likes this.
  2. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    May 15, 2019
  3. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    Hey hey what do you say about this;
    May 15, 2019
  4. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    I found this manga about restaurant that serves cold-blooded assassins with reputation, yea.
    May 15, 2019
  5. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    And the author is trying to shed them in different light, aka good light, by adding backstory to them.
    May 15, 2019
  6. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    One of them is a former doctor and also a father. His daughter is down with serious illness soooooooo that's why he became a killer.
    I commented "he could've researched medicine since he's a doctor but nooo. BUT he has the time (years) to research ~The World Strongest Poison~ tho."
    May 15, 2019
  7. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    And one of the reader, a hardcore fans it seems, trying to justify his choice as: "Researching medicine take lots of time and money! What else can he do!? Be an assassin and get insta money it is"
    May 15, 2019
  8. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    In which I shot back, "You don't just insta get hired to kill big shot and get huge amount of money when you are a nobody. You gotta build a reputation first and killing aint that easy either--there's risk and it includes him getting killed in mission, leaving his sickly daughter behind.
    May 15, 2019
  9. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    "He's more of a psychopath than a father if he got the determination and time to build his reputation from the ground instead of, yknow, researching the actual cure!"
    May 15, 2019
  10. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    Wdyt m8; what's your thought on his action. Is he that type of "good person who do bad things" or just plain straight psychopath who use his daughter as a justification for his acts?
    May 15, 2019
  11. Robbini
    Depends on the illness and his background.
    If it's something unknown and/or incurable, then he could've become a doctor.
    If it's something known, curable or atleast delayable but hella expensive, or the medicine is extremely limited in supply and he can only get it through achievements, in his case assassinations, then it's a means to an end.
    May 15, 2019
  12. Robbini
    If it's something made up of several powerful illnesses, none of which can be easily cured, as the antibiotics or cure otherwise would weaken her enough for the others to finish her off, so she has to be kept on serious medicines all the time, then it's a necessity.
    And if there is a cure or delaying medicine, does the dosage remain the same all the time, or increase along with her using it for long periods of time ?
    May 15, 2019
  13. Robbini
    Additionally, had he ever killed someone before she got sick ? And what was his medicinal specialization, and if there was a specific illness mentioned, is that anywhere near that ?
    May 15, 2019
  14. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    The author just said its an illness that needs surgery immediately otherwise it ll be fatal BUT HE HAS TIME TO FUCKING BUILD HIS REPUTATION AS AN ASSASSIN AND EVEN INVENTED POISON
    May 15, 2019
  15. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    No he never killed someone before. The author wanted to make it seems like he ll do anything, even the most twisted thing just to cure his daughter. Before this, he's a doctor.
    May 15, 2019
  16. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    But then again, he researched poison for many years until he can finally extract it, compound it, and wield it as a weapon that not only is deadly, but will also kill someone in the most torturous way possible
    May 15, 2019
  17. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    This guy aint no father. He s just a twisted sicko killer, imo.
    May 15, 2019
  18. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    If he can do all that just to ensure someone's life to end in the most miserable way possible, that means he could find the cure for his daughter. But he didnt do that.
    May 15, 2019
  19. Robbini
    If immediate surgery is needed and it's a one time thing, no follow-up surgeries or expensive treatments, then the only 'good' reason I would conclude, is simply it was too expensive, so he had to borrow a lot of money quick, which meant loansharks or organized groups, and they had very high interest rates, so he needed to pay them off.
    May 15, 2019
  20. Robbini
    Provided he's somewhat successful, and earns money from his contracts, he would eventually pay them off and be done with it. A few contracts after that, would secure their lifestyles, but if he wants her to have a luxurious future, more contracts are needed.
    May 15, 2019
  21. Robbini
    As for poisons... nowadays, a lot of poisons have been studied, so unless he invents something new, he would at most combine them in some special formula for more effectiveness.
    May 15, 2019
  22. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    How does the whole being an assassin work?
    May 15, 2019
  23. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    You immediately got handed a contract to just kill this big shot?
    May 15, 2019
  24. Robbini
    Depends on how quickly you want to get into the business ,and how desperate someone is for assassins. If you take it slowly, you would probably contact someone to act as a middleman to get you contracts, thus also keeping your identity safer. But you could probably contact someone directly if they seem to be in dire straits and would like a problemsolver.
    May 16, 2019
    Maid Chan likes this.
  25. Maid Chan
    Maid Chan
    On to the next topic, isnt evil just perspective? What do you think "doing the right thing" genuinely means.
    May 18, 2019
  26. Robbini
    The right thing is subjective based on reasons, purpose, perspectives, logic and emotions.
    May 19, 2019
    Maid Chan likes this.