Comments on Profile Post by Tsuru55

  1. Tsuru55
    Normally you should find the rom and emulator easily.
    Jun 10, 2019
    Moonpearl likes this.
  2. Moonpearl
    I feel like I've heard the name before, but I've never played it. The soundtrack is very relaxing~! I'll definitely give it a shot.

    Hm... Now I really want to play old games. XD Have you ever played Magical Starsign or Lunar Knights?
    Jun 11, 2019
  3. Tsuru55
    Starsign no but lunar knights yes. Funny thing i tried to gring the blade of the shop kinda high. A+A = B twice => B+B=C / Redo A+A until another C / Etc etc. Didn't get to the end and i forgot at which stade it was but that was funny at the time. I was crazy.
    Jun 11, 2019
    Moonpearl likes this.
  4. Tsuru55
    Oops ! Unless that was for the game Boktai 2. I think it was. Boktai 1 and 2 (and another one that stayed in Japan) was the precusor series of Lunar knights you know ? Solar gun and stun.
    Jun 11, 2019
    Moonpearl likes this.
  5. Moonpearl
    I only found out about the prequels recently. Did they have a localisation?

    I always managed to get stuck after about three or four levels in Lunar Knights. XD
    Jun 11, 2019
  6. Tsuru55
    Eh ? Normally they do i think. Try to find the roms/emulators.
    Jun 12, 2019
    Moonpearl likes this.