Comments on Profile Post by Ddraig

  1. Moonpearl
    I know~! Such a nostalgic anime... I remember watching it when I was just a little girl.

    I only found out it had a fourth season very recently, so I just finished watching the whole thing yesterday.
    Jul 1, 2019
    Ddraig likes this.
  2. Ddraig
    The anime plot (especially the ending) is different from the one in novel. The anime one is an original plot.
    Jul 1, 2019
    Moonpearl likes this.
  3. Moonpearl
    I've never read the novels. I thought about it after rewatching the anime, but... I cba going through the all the harem "humour" again.
    Jul 1, 2019
    Ddraig likes this.
  4. Ddraig
    Haha the cur treatment of mc was the annoying part of the series for me
    Jul 1, 2019
    Moonpearl likes this.
  5. Moonpearl
    I got desensitised to that fairly quickly. The number of times Saito outright cheats on Louise though... Le sigh. I'd almost given up by season 4.
    Jul 1, 2019
    Ddraig likes this.