Comments on Profile Post by Effugium

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  2. Nobody
    Then when did you have the right to say I don't have a gender??
    Even @Kitsune Alea is on my side, and she is so right since we're not talking about sexuality.
    Aug 6, 2019
  3. Effugium
    I dunno, but in my language gender and sex are the same thing
    Aug 6, 2019
  4. Nobody
    No, because right now, we're using english language, it has difference. What you mean is in your vocabulary.
    So even if it is, then did you have the right to say I don't have the right to say? *dyu get that? *
    Aug 6, 2019
    Lurking likes this.
  5. Effugium
    then is gender something that's in your soul? u.u
    Or you just think you are a certain gender because of hormones? Which... someone who has no body like you wouldn't have
    Aug 6, 2019
  6. Nobody
    Gender isn't something decided by the society but by the individual her/himself.
    Aug 6, 2019
  7. Effugium
    babies don't decide their gender tho
    Aug 6, 2019
  8. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    gender roles
    Aug 6, 2019
    Lurking likes this.
  9. Effugium
    gender roles??
    Aug 6, 2019
  10. Nobody
    Because they're are babies. They're too young to think of their gender, what they have is sexuality until they are old enough to judge themselves.
    Aug 6, 2019
    Lurking likes this.
  11. Nobody
    You just tripped yourself when you said gender, should've said sexuality.
    They said ignorance is bliss, it's not.
    Aug 6, 2019
  12. Nobody
    Aug 6, 2019
  13. Effugium
    then the thing they decide to become would be what their parents raise them to be and also what they think the society wants them to be. for example they likes to play with dolls even tho they are a boy, then they will believe that their gender is female because females like to play with dolls. but for me personally, i think they are male that behaves like what society decides to be a female.
    Aug 6, 2019
  14. Effugium
    I sometimes wonder if some ancient humans also do something that their opposite genders do, did some ancient male humans cook, farm, etc? did some ancient female humans hunt?
    Aug 6, 2019
  15. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    isn't sexuality about whether you are straight, gay, bi, etc??
    Aug 6, 2019
  16. Nobody
    No, you got it all wrong. Gender is defined whether you are a male or female by your 'actions'. So the decision is by an andividual. It's not about how society views you to be.
    If a ancient male wants to cook, then he can cook but still be a male gender if he wants to. If female wants to hunt, then she can hunt but can still be a female if she wants to.
    It's within a person what she wants to be.
    Aug 6, 2019
    Lurking likes this.
  17. Nobody
    And corrections, ancient males farm. Those are what we call farmers.
    Aug 6, 2019
    Lurking likes this.
  18. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    Gender roles probably developed because of biology. A woman probably ended up with the homemaker role because the woman gives birth. Since the woman will have to stay home to give birth, and be the one to nurse the child, it became convenient for the woman to assume all the responsibilities for homemaking as well.
    Aug 6, 2019
  19. Nobody
    Amd you just said it in your former comment, males are gender females if they believe they are.
    Aug 6, 2019
  20. Effugium
    Oh really? i thought ancient males hunt and ancient female take care of children, cook, and farm...
    Aug 6, 2019
  21. Effugium
    Yeah decided by your action, and whether that action is more in line with female action or male action is decided by what the society's standard... in the end the males that say they identify as female say that because they are male that acts like a female according to society and vice versa. without society setting that kind of standard there won't be this whole gender thing
    Aug 6, 2019
  22. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    ancient humans didn't farm...
    Aug 6, 2019
    Lurking likes this.
  23. Effugium
    they don't? the ancient human that already made settlement or sth?
    Aug 6, 2019
  24. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    depends how you classify them. But at first, we were more gather/hunters.
    Aug 6, 2019
    Lurking likes this.
  25. Nobody
    Depending on how ancient your descriptiom of humans to be. I thought we're already on the farming era.
    Aug 6, 2019
  26. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    depends on the civilization. I'm pretty sure the Mesopotamians developed agriculture quite early compared to others
    Aug 6, 2019
    Nobody likes this.
  27. Nobody
    And effy, just search the difference of gender and sexuality. It's already set in stones, we don't need to argue about this. There are better things to arugue about.. XD
    Aug 6, 2019
  28. Nobody
    I love social science subject before, but why did I forget about society evolution when I clearly listened to it.
    I am so dissapointed in myself.
    Aug 6, 2019
  29. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    like whether this is an argument or not~
    Aug 6, 2019
    Nobody likes this.
  30. Effugium
    Hmph hmph! They are the same!
    Aug 6, 2019
  31. Nobody
    Effy you're so stubborn!!!!! You're hopelss, you're not willing to accept the truth. How are you going to grow then??
    Aug 6, 2019
  32. Effugium
    But that's how i am raised! Since in my country sex and gender are the same thing, ofc i will think that way u.u

    Anyway, someone without a body can't be a male!!
    Aug 6, 2019
  33. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    male and female isn't determined by the body's appearance...
    Aug 6, 2019
  34. Effugium
    My thinking is not as advanced
    Aug 6, 2019
  35. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    there there
    Aug 6, 2019
    Nobody likes this.
  36. Nobody
    You need to understand rhings you don't know and not to be too persistent of things you believe that was already set in stone in regards to vocabulary.
    Aug 6, 2019
  37. Nobody
    Kitsune is right (gender).
    Aug 6, 2019
  38. Effugium
    Ehh, i do understand, i am just raising my doubts...

    So what's the point of separating gender and sex? Also why is genderbender called genderbender and not aexbender because in the end it's your physical body that change, not the way you identify yourself...
    Aug 6, 2019
  39. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    gender and sex are seperated cause they refer to different things. Society in general tends to confuse gender as meaning the same thing as sex, hence misleading terms
    Aug 6, 2019
    Lurking likes this.
  40. Effugium
    I still think they should just be the same, i see no point in separating them
    Aug 6, 2019
  41. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    gender is how you view yourself, sex is the body you have.
    Aug 6, 2019
  42. Effugium
    Yeah... But what's the point of separating them?
    Aug 6, 2019
  43. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    you break you arm. It's broken, but your doctor says your fine.
    right now, you're the doctor saying there's nothing wrong
    Aug 6, 2019
  44. Effugium
    No, wrong...
    you break your arm. it's broken. you tell yourself that your arm isn't broken. that's what gender is to sex.... sex is your sexual organ which in this case is your broken arm, gender is how you view yourself which is what you tell yourself...
    Aug 6, 2019
  45. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    either way, you're the guy saying the arm isn't broken even though it's no longer attached to your body
    Aug 6, 2019
  46. Effugium
    ehh?? *looks at arm*
    gasps!! When did i lose my arm?!
    Aug 6, 2019
  47. in_awe
    Oh I see. This was what you were talking about~
    Aug 6, 2019
  48. Nobody
    Yeah. You see how stubborn he is???
    Aug 6, 2019
    in_awe likes this.
  49. in_awe
    *nod nod*
    Aug 6, 2019
  50. Effugium
    No, i am not stubborn. I am just very firm~
    Aug 6, 2019
  51. in_awe
    He's so firmly stubborn
    Aug 6, 2019
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