Comments on Profile Post by yuzuki

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  2. yuzuki
    it's really quite precious!
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika and iampsyx like this.
  3. yuzuki
    there were a lot of precious things I experienced here and elsewhere, so it's very dear to me! I'm forever thankful and grateful to have been together with all of you close to me!
    Sep 10, 2019
  4. yuzuki
    it is deeply irreplaceable in my heart!
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika and iampsyx like this.
  5. TouchMeLikeASpaceBar
    25 Is still young as hell~
    Sep 10, 2019
    yuzuki likes this.
  6. TouchMeLikeASpaceBar
    I mean, not as young as me but still young <( ̄︶ ̄)>
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika and yuzuki like this.
  7. iampsyx
    Ohh yeah, there's so many youngins around here XD In no time at all we'll be saying stuff like 'Back in my time...' hahahha
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika, Night Ghost and yuzuki like this.
  8. Nyann
    @TouchMeLikeASpaceBar she means nuf age

    Haha by myself I still feel like a noob but when I see the changing face of nuf with newer members and the ones I had been with missing, I too feel a kind of insecurity like an "oldie" lol
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika, iampsyx and yuzuki like this.
  9. Nyann
    I accuse "old members" that they keep bringing up old threads and topics but I myself am no different haha X"D

    I keep bringing up the moments which I enjoyed and even suffered
    Sep 10, 2019
  10. TouchMeLikeASpaceBar
    Ah I see, then I'm a complete newbie
    Sep 10, 2019
    yuzuki and Nyann like this.
  11. yuzuki
    I mean it's similar for real life too! As time passes, the location stays standing, even though many people have moved on and new unfamiliar faces have filled the corridors! But the location is meaningful and powerful and nostalgic!
    Sep 10, 2019
  12. iampsyx
    @Nyann Oh, I thought it was RL age too. XD Also I don't think there's anything wrong with talking about "old" stuff? At worst there'll be inside jokes you won't get but on the bright side you can ask people and use it as a conversation starter. I think I milked the 'newbie who doesn't know anything' chance before to sneak myself into convos lmao
    Sep 10, 2019
  13. Nyann
    Haha yup! I was curious and did ask around a lot and also read lots of old threads and posts. Haha ^^)/
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika, iampsyx and yuzuki like this.
  14. iampsyx
    @yuzuki My coworker who joined the team at the same time as I did just told me recently that our project was full of 'new faces'. I couldn't quite tell him that I was only able to memorize faces and names after a year so I wasn't able to tell... ;;;;;;; I think that as long as some 'key' people remain in a place/group, the atmosphere won't change much. (Or maybe it's just me and how oblivious I am?? orz)
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika, AliceShiki and yuzuki like this.
  15. Nyann
    *tilt head* then was it me who got it wrong?!!
    OAO!!! I mean 25 is still pretty young and most nuffians are in their early-mid 20s anyway...
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika and yuzuki like this.
  16. iampsyx
    @Nyann Lurking is the best! *hi5s* It's not as much fun when there's some time pressure to read everything and write a comment asap tho... *gets long-ass game threads flashbacks*
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika, yuzuki and Nyann like this.
  17. yuzuki
    I originally meant that when I click around and see 18 or 20 or 21, I think back to when I was that age and how it was full of precious memories for me online and still in uni! These days I'm a bit too busy to be that frivolous, but the memories are still precious! And also it's fine to interpret it whichever way it means something to you!
    Sep 10, 2019
  18. yuzuki
    (also I vaguely remember that I used to flirt on NUF back then >.<)
    Sep 10, 2019
  19. Nyann
    I see so you and yuzu chan are both lurkers? *tilt head* ^^") haha
    Sep 10, 2019
    iampsyx and yuzuki like this.
  20. iampsyx
    @Nyann 25 when compared to 30s is quite young, but not when compared to teenagers? When I was younger I considered 20-somethings as real adults who already have their lives together. 25 you should already have a stable job, some savings, and a clear goal about your future.
    Sep 10, 2019
  21. iampsyx
    Which reminds me... @yuzuki tell me when your engagement gets finalized!!! *twirls Yuzunyan around* I really wish you and Haru the best! <3333
    Sep 10, 2019
  22. yuzuki
    >//< I will! Thanks!
    Sep 10, 2019
    AliceShiki and iampsyx like this.
  23. Nyann
    Mm now I don't think so... Maybe yeah a 25 year old may be more experienced than me but I won't always idealise them to be more mature and responsible...

    Oh well haha there are many talks I won't understand in depth though. Nor would I find much interest ^^;

    But no, seriously, I don't think of 25 as old lol
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika, iampsyx and yuzuki like this.
  24. Nyann
    ... great, been a while like limit error-san hasn't it?
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika, iampsyx and yuzuki like this.
  25. yuzuki
    I'm almost getting an urge to write a blog from this. XD I agree with you that 25 isn't old, objectively speaking! But I think the transition periods in life can sometimes feel like quite something! Becoming an adult ("adulting") comes more easily or difficultly to certain people, and the change in pace at those shifts in life can really cause you to occasionally pause and reflect how much things have changed!
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika, AliceShiki and iampsyx like this.
  26. iampsyx
    @Nyann Maybe it's because I have a lot of older cousins and some of them already got married in their late teens/early twenties. XD
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika and yuzuki like this.
  27. Nyann
  28. yuzuki
    @Nyaan >.< why do you know my own blogs so well! Also that one was poorly written! I didn't do a good job! >.<
    Sep 10, 2019
  29. Nyann
    Haha I do know some of the stuff of others (in here) more than they remember themselves ^^)7
    Sep 10, 2019
  30. iampsyx
    @yuzuki Your blogs are always so inspiring and nice to read. I often feel the urge to comment something but end up just liking them, but I hope you feel the cyber hugs and kudos I telepathically send your way anyway! I really do wish I can express my thoughts and feelings the way you do someday. >w<
    Sep 10, 2019
  31. iampsyx
    @Nyann That's kinda scary but at the same time I feel envious! The guilt when you remember more about fictional characters than real people...orz It's like 90% of my brain cells are full of random story stuff and there's so little left to even reliably recall my best friend's birthday...
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika and AliceShiki like this.
  32. Nyann
    Haha I only remember a few people's birthday though ^^")7

    Yup I know lurkers are scary to me too *shudders* for example yuzu chan... ^^")7 not "scary" but just astonishing at times... Idk if she lurks or not either though...
    Sep 10, 2019
  33. iampsyx
    @Nyann L-lurkers aren't scary at all tho..?! N-not all of us anyway... Some of us are just your friendly and shy shadows who watch over everyone with kind eyes a̶n̶d̶ ̶p̶o̶p̶c̶o̶r̶n̶.
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika and yuzuki like this.
  34. iampsyx
    Rather than lurk, I think Yuzunyan is the type to use another identity to approach somebody to get them to spill their secrets and nefarious world domination plans...For friendship and science, of course! Definitely not to use the knowledge in our own plans, nuh-uh!
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika, AliceShiki and yuzuki like this.
  35. AliceShiki
    Well, it's kinda funny to look back on what I was doing back when I was at 16-20 and what I'm doing now with life... Things surely changed a lot in those last few years.

    Entering the "adult world" kinda forces us to mature to some extent... Which is not necessarily a bad thing, but...
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika, iampsyx and yuzuki like this.
  36. AliceShiki
    Well, I think I remember much more impactful and meaningful experiences from a few years ago than I remember from what I go through nowadays... It's a different type of life I guess.
    Sep 10, 2019
    Matsurika, iampsyx and yuzuki like this.
  37. A5G_Reaper
    Should we start calling you auntie yuzu
    Sep 15, 2019
    yuzuki, AliceShiki and iampsyx like this.
  38. iampsyx
    'We'? Does that mean you're gonna call me auntie too, you rascal? *noogies @A5G_Reaper*
    Sep 15, 2019
    yuzuki, AliceShiki and A5G_Reaper like this.
  39. A5G_Reaper
    Uncle! Uncle!
    Sep 15, 2019
    Nyann and iampsyx like this.
  40. iampsyx
    That isn't any better! *noogienoogie* We're nee-chans! Nee-chans!
    Sep 15, 2019
    AliceShiki, A5G_Reaper and Nyann like this.
  41. Nyann
    *watches* |.O
    Sep 15, 2019
    yuzuki, iampsyx and A5G_Reaper like this.
  42. A5G_Reaper
    Mostbeautifulandgracefuloneechans! *gyaaaaa-*
    Sep 15, 2019
    yuzuki, AliceShiki and iampsyx like this.
  43. iampsyx
    Much better! <( ̄︶ ̄)> =3 *pats Reapyon on the head and awards with cookie*

    @Nyann Oh...hohoho~ How embarrassing for you to see that~ *covers mouth delicately while laughing* Our house just has a mischievous child, nothing else...
    Sep 15, 2019
  44. AliceShiki
    *group hugs*
    Sep 15, 2019
    yuzuki and iampsyx like this.
  45. A5G_Reaper
    Sep 15, 2019
    yuzuki and iampsyx like this.
  46. iampsyx
    *group hug!*

    *rolls Reapyon into carpet-sushi*
    Sep 15, 2019
    AliceShiki, yuzuki and A5G_Reaper like this.
  47. A5G_Reaper
    Sep 15, 2019
    AliceShiki, yuzuki and iampsyx like this.
  48. iampsyx
    *picks Reapyon sushi up and starts spinning in circles*

    Sep 15, 2019
    A5G_Reaper, AliceShiki and yuzuki like this.
  49. yuzuki
    *sleepily joins the group hug*
    Sep 15, 2019
    A5G_Reaper, AliceShiki and iampsyx like this.
  50. iampsyx
    Puppy pile! >w< *snuggles Yuzunyan*
    Sep 15, 2019
    A5G_Reaper, AliceShiki and yuzuki like this.
  51. A5G_Reaper
    *dizzy rolls @.@*
    Sep 15, 2019
    iampsyx likes this.