Comments on Profile Post by Kiskaiya

  1. OnceandFutureLurker
    strangely feeling slightly optimistic and doing fairly well overall. And you? i imagine getting sick slowed down a little your collegework and what not
    Oct 25, 2019
    Kiskaiya likes this.
  2. Kiskaiya
    I'm doing pretty good now. Trying to figure out 940 and 941 forms >.<
    And yeah, getting sick actually pretty much knocked out my lead so now I'm just at where the rest of the class is *sigh* But I'll get ahead again *Hercules pose*
    Oct 25, 2019
    OnceandFutureLurker likes this.
  3. OnceandFutureLurker
    good fortune 0/ as ive told others in similar words - leave no prisoners and dont look back to view the carnage
    Oct 25, 2019
    Kiskaiya likes this.
  4. Kiskaiya
    I kind of like seeing carnage though~ Oh! I should totally be binging horror movies while I study!
    Oct 25, 2019