Comments on Profile Post by Wujigege

  1. mm38910
    It's true tho. I don't live there, but the situation really is bad, both as per the news and my friends who actually live there currently.
    Nov 7, 2019
    Wujigege likes this.
  2. Wujigege
    I know the Indian government was promoting the whole made in India initiative, is that perhaps one of the reasons or is it just vehicle pollution?
    Nov 7, 2019
  3. mm38910
    Mostly vehicle and unregulated industrial activities. Plus, with Diwali recently happening, it all accumulated into a very visible change.
    Nov 7, 2019
    Wujigege likes this.
  4. Wujigege
    When people champion green initiatives they are attacked for not wanting people to have jobs
    Now with deaths, I hope people wake up
    Nov 7, 2019
    mm38910 likes this.