Comments on Profile Post by Tilgarial

  1. Archaic pickle
    Archaic pickle
    Is the tiger a young master?

    You had eyes but didn't see the fangs so I'll eat your extended family infront of you.

    - relevant tags- netorare, Gore, Stockholm syndrome, revenge, magic, strong ML, character growth, harem
    Nov 18, 2019
    Tilgarial likes this.
  2. Tilgarial
    I'm kinda sad I dont have any pickles at home right now
    Nov 18, 2019
    Archaic pickle likes this.
  3. Archaic pickle
    Archaic pickle
    You cannot take bananas and pickles on at the same time, me and my brethren will march at dawn!
    Nov 18, 2019
    Tilgarial likes this.
  4. Tilgarial
    I'm going to the store today anyways, might as wrll get pickles

    *thinks more*
    Maybe put them in a salad? Hmm~
    Nov 18, 2019
  5. Archaic pickle
    Archaic pickle
    Pickles in a salad... O_O
    Nov 18, 2019
    Tilgarial likes this.
  6. Tilgarial
    I imagine its possible!
    Some combinazion will make it good!
    Also; they'll naturally be cut and diced first
    Nov 18, 2019
  7. Archaic pickle
    Archaic pickle
    Nah sliced and on a sandwich with a avocado spread
    Nov 18, 2019
    Tilgarial likes this.
  8. Tilgarial
    Everything can go in a salad
    Nov 18, 2019
  9. jbturkle
    I feel like mad scientist pickle has reached new levels of dangerous. And those tags are confusing me on what my future will be like now.

    And you have misstepped, Young Master Titi. Those were the pervy second cousins! They won't be missed!
    Nov 19, 2019
    Tilgarial and Archaic pickle like this.
  10. Tilgarial
    Yah, same here. I can somewhat see where most of them come from, but then I have to wonder what kind of mind came up with that connection

    Then they wont be missed. But I yet have more Bananas in my grasp, left to devour. We shall see how long your resistance lasts!
    Nov 19, 2019