Comments on Profile Post by Loni4ever

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  2. Osamaru
    Gasp! Really? For some reason I thought I saw you were..... =___= Hmmmmm, Maybe I'm gettiing a littttttle tired. *whistles*
    Jan 7, 2020
    Daisydacrazy and Anra7777 like this.
  3. Anra7777
    Nope. I have ancestors from Russia, and I know the majority of Russia is in Asia, but the DNA map puts me squarely and completely in Europe.
    Jan 7, 2020
  4. Snowbun
    oAo);;; Daisy looks exactly like my (same age) cousin with that filter!
    Jan 7, 2020
  5. Loni4ever
    Plot twist: the two are actually cousins
    Jan 7, 2020
    Lonelycity, Daisydacrazy and Osamaru like this.
  6. Osamaru
    |wo) *Waits on the hamster's*
    Jan 7, 2020
    Daisydacrazy likes this.
  7. Osamaru
    XD plot twist.
    Jan 7, 2020
  8. Daisydacrazy
    Jan 7, 2020
    OnceandFutureLurker and Osamaru like this.
  9. Anra7777
    I downloaded Snapchat, then started reading its privacy policy. Was a bit weirded out and deleted it before I even signed up...
    Jan 7, 2020
    Osamaru likes this.
  10. Loni4ever
    If you don't mind, you could send a pic of yours to one of us on disc and said person filters it?
    Jan 7, 2020
    Osamaru likes this.
  11. Anra7777
    Jan 7, 2020
    Osamaru likes this.
  12. Anra7777
    My disc name is Anra7777.
    Jan 7, 2020
    Osamaru likes this.
  13. Osamaru
    Jan 7, 2020
  14. Daisydacrazy
    Thatd be some good luck unless you have nitro
    Jan 7, 2020
    Osamaru likes this.
  15. Anra7777
    Loni’s got the pic. o(^▽^)o
    Jan 7, 2020
    Osamaru and Daisydacrazy like this.
  16. Daisydacrazy
    I remember you sent your pic before. Tho i don’t remember much bout your face except the red lips. I think you had dirty blond hair hmm i could be wrong
    Jan 7, 2020
    Osamaru likes this.
  17. Anra7777
    It’s the same pic.
    Jan 7, 2020
    Osamaru and Daisydacrazy like this.
  18. Loni4ever
    Ok guys, I've finished. Buckle up, we're in for a ride~ xDDD
    Jan 7, 2020
    Anra7777, Osamaru and Daisydacrazy like this.
  19. Loni4ever
    First the normal ones

    And now prepare yourselves cause I've created another repeated gender flip one XD
    Jan 7, 2020
    Osamaru and Anra7777 like this.
  20. Anra7777
    Jan 7, 2020
    Osamaru likes this.
  21. Osamaru
    XD We could be Brothers, Anra!
    Jan 7, 2020
    Loni4ever, Snowbun and Anra7777 like this.
  22. Loni4ever
    It's modern art XDD

    The original:
    Edit: is not here anymore but you can still look at those wonderful filters ↑ xD
    Jan 7, 2020
    Osamaru and Anra7777 like this.
  23. Anra7777
    Eeehhh... Osa is better looking than male me...
    Jan 7, 2020
    Osamaru likes this.
  24. Anra7777
    Thanks, Loni!!! o(^▽^)o I’ve always been curious to know what I’d look like if I’d been born a guy! Now I know!
    Jan 7, 2020
    Loni4ever likes this.
  25. Loni4ever
    It was my pleasure hahaha xD

    As for Osa being better looking than male you, lighting, angle and taste can make a lot of difference~
    Jan 7, 2020
    leegood and Anra7777 like this.
  26. Osamaru
    Wow! That's pretty cool. I think the Program gets confused when you run it through several times like that.
    Jan 7, 2020
    leegood, Anra7777 and Loni4ever like this.
  27. Loni4ever
    It gets incredibly confused. And I'm incredibly happy it does hahahahahahahaha xDDDDD
    Jan 7, 2020
    leegood, Daisydacrazy and Anra7777 like this.
  28. Osamaru
    XD True! lol. Case in point, Hamster has a loving Hubby and I've never even Dated, HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    And, with that, My Likes are Gone.
    I am going to take that as a hint that I need to go to bed, Pffft.
    Jan 7, 2020
    leegood, Daisydacrazy and Loni4ever like this.
  29. Loni4ever
    Recover (your likes) well xD
    Jan 7, 2020
    Osamaru, leegood and Daisydacrazy like this.
  30. Daisydacrazy
    Night osa o/
    Jan 7, 2020
    Osamaru and leegood like this.
  31. leegood
    (~^o^) daaa~ *hugs mama ossan*
    Jan 7, 2020
    Osamaru, Snowbun and Daisydacrazy like this.
  32. Osamaru
    Jan 8, 2020
    Loni4ever likes this.
  33. Loni4ever
    Jan 8, 2020
    Osamaru likes this.
  34. Novela
    Next for what? I mostly skimmed the chat at first I read it properly though then skimmed for pics....
    @Loni4ever just saying you could pull off as a girl with a little glam and a wig
    Jan 8, 2020
    Daisydacrazy likes this.
  35. Osamaru
    /o/ You do it too!
    Jan 8, 2020
    Loni4ever likes this.
  36. Novela
    Unless osa gets hired with a job and gets like 12 euro an hour
    Jan 8, 2020
  37. Loni4ever
    @Novela lmao I am a girl XD that pic is me with a male filter and beard + fringe
    I meant show a pic of yourself with a gender changing filter
    Edit: I meant the pic on my profile. In this thread though, there's even a real pic of mine xD ... do I actually look that androgynous lolol
    Jan 8, 2020
    Daisydacrazy, Novela and Osamaru like this.
  38. Osamaru
    ( ̄▽ ̄) Plot twist, Osa IS currently working at a Job making $15USD/Hour.

    *waits for her to uphold her part*
    Jan 8, 2020
    Novela and Loni4ever like this.
  39. Novela
    Osa your not!
    I need proof
    And also got a library book that seemed interesting, turns out it has yuri. I suspected the protagonist to turn that way.
    Well I guess I was right and gonna hang out on nuf more texting people ik in irl just makes me feel too excited and all and text long texts with emojis which my friends say its annoying '^')
    At least no one in nuf cares T_T)
    Jan 8, 2020
  40. Osamaru
    *Also tags @Nyanko before it dies, just because*
    Jan 9, 2020
    Novela and Loni4ever like this.
  41. Novela
    Remind me every Monday since Monday is the start of the week for me and the saddest day, school
    Jan 9, 2020
    Osamaru likes this.
  42. Nyanko
    So I missed Osa-tan admitting the truth, that he is actually a girl? Sad nyan
    Jan 9, 2020
    Snowbun, leegood and Loni4ever like this.
  43. Osamaru
    QAQ Wait, no!
    Jan 9, 2020
    Snowbun, leegood and Loni4ever like this.
  44. Nyanko
    So it's not the truth? You are lying in admitting you are not a girl?
    Jan 9, 2020
    leegood and Loni4ever like this.
  45. leegood
    (~^o^) Mamwa ossan~!
    Jan 9, 2020
    Nyanko likes this.
  46. Loni4ever
    Jan 9, 2020
    leegood likes this.
  47. Osamaru
    Not a Mama!
    Jan 9, 2020
    Novela and leegood like this.
  48. Snowbun
    Osa is NUF cutest Mama! :D
    Jan 11, 2020
  49. Daisydacrazy
    Jan 11, 2020
    Novela and Tilgarial like this.
  50. Snowbun
    Ah! It's hard to compete with the fluffiness!!
    Jan 11, 2020
  51. Tilgarial
    *peeks in*
    Yes yes~ *pats daisy*
    Not as cute as you, though :'p
    Jan 11, 2020
    Daisydacrazy, Snowbun and Novela like this.