Comments on Profile Post by Novela

  1. Osamaru
    ?? What's up?
    Jan 17, 2020
  2. GonZ555
    Osa made novela cry...
    Jan 17, 2020
  3. Novela
    Some on tried to make a joke by squid some luzacade into my fsv when I came into the class first thing in the morning after still eating my breakfast and still having a bit of toast, I was gonna talk to work colleague who is in my school and she squirted lots of luzacade in my eye by accident ad a joke and I couldn't help but cry for like 2 hours.
    I'm okay now after sleeping but yeah T_T
    Jan 17, 2020
  4. OnceandFutureLurker
    Jan 17, 2020
  5. Osamaru
    *pats and hugs* Oh wow, sounds like a rough day.

    Also, did you report that coworker? That's pretty messed up, even as a joke.
    Jan 17, 2020
  6. OnceandFutureLurker
    Jan 17, 2020
    GonZ555 and Osamaru like this.
  7. Osamaru
    Oh wait ,the Sports drink.
    I thought you meant the Medicine.
    Jan 17, 2020
  8. OnceandFutureLurker
    Matters not really which it was the point is valid
    Jan 17, 2020
    GonZ555 and Osamaru like this.
  9. Osamaru
    Jan 17, 2020
  10. GonZ555
    *pat pat pat*
    Jan 18, 2020
  11. Novela
    It happened in school but I wanted to tell someone in my school about Job cuz they work in the same job as me when her friend did that to me,
    Jan 18, 2020
  12. Novela
    It felt bad cuz teachers had to ask if I was mentally or physically hurt and not send me to class till after a few mins when I insisted I wanted to, everyone kept asking if I was okay which made me cry again and I forgot my chemistry book and borough the wrong book for my 2nd class so I'd to catch up on notes after.
    Jan 18, 2020
  13. Novela
    Girl had apologised when it happened and then apologised again at lunch saying she'll make it up by buying me something which wasnt on in my book but I said i forgive her but I wouldn't really, I'd just have a bad impression.
    I just hated how much of a crybaby I was and how defenceless and easily attacked I was '^')
    But better now I guess hopefully I didn't lose any vision or anything ...
    Just gotta train had I guess
    Jan 18, 2020
  14. Novela
    I mean to protect myself next time and all * . *)
    Jan 18, 2020
    Osamaru and GonZ555 like this.