Comments on Profile Post by Reindeer

  1. Reindeer
    I feel scared for the wrong reasons and there's no one really there that can understand me. It feels like I'm on a sinking ship and everybody else is busy complaining about other things. Really makes me feel restless, I already lost sleep over this last night....
    Jan 31, 2020
  2. Reindeer
    Welp here to take my monthly dose of paranoia.
    Jan 31, 2020
  3. Loni4ever
    Unrest cause of the corona virus? And why 2 weeks?
    Jan 31, 2020
  4. Reindeer
    2 weeks for the incubation period. If it so happens that other people are confirmed to be infected by then, the situation will spiral into an unimaginable chaos. If not, the tensions will ease a little but the threat will still be present.
    Jan 31, 2020
    Loni4ever likes this.
  5. Reindeer
    The people are already blaming the government for lack of immediate response to the situation (not imposing travel bans immediately) despite there being no conclusive evidence yet, I can't imagine the chaos if the first citizen is confirmed to have the virus (as of now, not yet).
    Jan 31, 2020
  6. Loni4ever
    Which country are you from?
    Jan 31, 2020
  7. Reindeer
    From the Philippines. Everybody turning their backs on the president for his mismanagement of the situation. Reasonable where they're coming from but it still breaks my heart. Intentionally made my posts obscure since they'd most likely just label me a troll for still trusting the president.
    Jan 31, 2020
    Loni4ever likes this.