Comments on Profile Post by JennyS

  1. Little Evil
    Little Evil
    Hi, New, I'm little evil~
    Feb 4, 2020
    JennyS likes this.
  2. AliceShiki
    I'm not quite sure what your question entails, please clarify it to me.

    Do you mean that you want NovelUpdates to start showing releases of a novel it is currently not showing releases of?

    In this case you can do so by the following method:
    Feb 4, 2020
    JennyS likes this.
  3. AliceShiki
    Go to the homepage and click on your name, a dropdown menu will appear, in that menu, click on the following:

    1) User Profile -> Add Group (put the group that is translating the novel here, in case they aren't listed already that is.)

    If they're already listed, skip to step 2:
    Feb 4, 2020
    JennyS likes this.
  4. AliceShiki
    2) User Profile -> Add Series

    3) User Profile -> Add Release

    Do note that the series will not be added until a release is added for it. Also keep in mind that those things need to be manually approved for a mod, so it may take a while for them to be visible.
    Feb 4, 2020
    JennyS likes this.
  5. AliceShiki
    Lastly and most importantly, NovelUpdates lists ONLY freely available translations of Asian Novels.

    If the novel you want to add does not fit into that criteria, don't try adding it as it will be rejected.
    Feb 4, 2020
    JennyS likes this.
  6. AliceShiki
    Feb 4, 2020
    JennyS likes this.