Comments on Profile Post by Wujigege

  1. Bakaturq
    Boku no pico. She either becomes a fujoshi or gets vaccinated.
    Feb 22, 2020
  2. Wujigege
    I saw a video on it when I clicked on a reddit link
    It was about how you should not watch it and how he sold his soul and is now going to hell
    He kept saying that he didn't want to continue watching but couldn't stop
    I don't know whether it was a joke because it was an English video with Indonesian subtitles, so I am not sure the intentions of the original video creator
    Feb 22, 2020
  3. Bakaturq
    He probably got rickrolled
    Feb 22, 2020
    Wujigege likes this.
  4. Wujigege
    Yeah, he admitted to having no idea what it was about. A friend sent him the videos
    Feb 22, 2020