Comments on Profile Post by Negiomi

  1. Shem
    Hello, negggggg ┃ᐕ) ⁾⁾
    I'm reading To Be a Heartthrob In A Horror Movie. It's a bl novel, but horror. Its scary
    Apr 26, 2020
    gwy and Negiomi like this.
  2. Shem
    Apr 26, 2020
    Negiomi likes this.
  3. Negiomi
    Oho? I think I've seen the description that one before~

    I've been fairly decent after my stress calmed down huhu ^^
    Apr 26, 2020
    Shem likes this.
  4. Shem
    Yeah! Try it! It doesn't have sex scene or anything. Mc goes to watch movies and experience it for himself as a cannon fodder, but then he lives till the end.

    Why are you stress?
    Apr 26, 2020
    Negiomi likes this.
  5. Negiomi
    Will add it to might reading list then~ World-hopping and horror are definitely to my taste huhu

    Sadly, school is at it once again...
    Apr 26, 2020
  6. Shem
    Tho this one ain't world-hopping. Its just there are VR people can use if they wanna experience the horror movie, or watch it 2d if you don't. MC survive at the first horror movie and it was rereleases(so everyone can see how he and the protagonists in the movie survived)

    What?! Why?! There's a pandemic tho!
    Apr 26, 2020
    Negiomi likes this.
  7. Negiomi
    I didn't read the description properly *Facepalm*

    E-school, and next year school QwQ
    Apr 26, 2020
  8. gwy
    Hello, I just finished reading To be Heartthrob in a horror movie. I say that is very good story.
    Apr 26, 2020
    Negiomi likes this.
  9. Shem
    @Negiomi its okay (っ´ω`)ノ(╥ω╥) Just read it when you feel like it. I won't force you~

    E-school? What is that??

    @gwy i even got nightmares Q.Q
    Apr 26, 2020
    Negiomi likes this.
  10. gwy
    @Shem well yeah but it is awesome that he can turn the story around.
    Apr 26, 2020
    Negiomi likes this.
  11. gwy
    @Negiomi what genre do you usually read?
    Apr 26, 2020