Comments on Profile Post by Gandire Alea

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  2. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    Shemtimeter has already been said before
    May 1, 2020
    Shem likes this.
  3. Deleted member 219339
    Deleted member 219339
    OK then, I will replace it with Shemrock
    May 1, 2020
    Shem likes this.
  4. Coffea to Ell
    Coffea to Ell
    May 1, 2020
    Shem likes this.
  5. Shem
    *cries in Hindi*………
    May 1, 2020
  6. Shem
    May 1, 2020
    Snowbun likes this.
  7. Deleted member 219339
    Deleted member 219339
    *hugs back* bwahaha
    May 1, 2020
  8. Coffea to Ell
    Coffea to Ell
    @Shem genderless... So he/she cant have a descendant....
    *nod nod*

    @SoongKi master.... *hugs you*
    May 1, 2020
  9. Effugium
    Master and disciple so similar
    May 1, 2020
  10. Coffea to Ell
    Coffea to Ell
    Isnt that what make we have a connection effy....
    *pat pat effy*
    May 1, 2020
    Deleted member 219339 likes this.
  11. Shem
    May 1, 2020
  12. Effugium
    @Shem what did you realize?
    May 1, 2020
  13. Coffea to Ell
    Coffea to Ell
    May 1, 2020
  14. Shem
    May 1, 2020
  15. Deleted member 219339
    Deleted member 219339
    @Effugium hey! I was never confused with pickle's gender =_=
    May 1, 2020
  16. Effugium
    Yes yes~ ofc the master would be better than the disciple~
    May 1, 2020
    Deleted member 219339 likes this.
  17. Deleted member 219339
    Deleted member 219339
    Yup like master, like disciple. Together we will rule the world( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑
    May 1, 2020
  18. Coffea to Ell
    Coffea to Ell
    @Shem is that so??? Which part??
    *pat pat shem*
    May 1, 2020
  19. Coffea to Ell
    Coffea to Ell
    @SoongKi *hugs master* yes...
    I will follow you master....
    May 1, 2020
    Deleted member 219339 likes this.
  20. Deleted member 219339
    Deleted member 219339
    *hugs back *
    But @Shem, you and my @seito have a similarity, both are the chibbiest chibis :p
    May 1, 2020
  21. Coffea to Ell
    Coffea to Ell
    Master, how about you forget im a chibi???
    *take glance at you with hope*
    May 1, 2020
  22. Deleted member 219339
    Deleted member 219339
    I can't... You are just too smol smol as a dot T_T
    May 1, 2020
    Effugium likes this.
  23. Effugium
    *pokes the dot*
    May 1, 2020
  24. Shem
    @Effugium ...both are too naive. And secretly sadist
    May 1, 2020
  25. Deleted member 219339
    Deleted member 219339
    It's not our fault if masos plead us to torture them |_+)
    May 1, 2020
  26. Effugium
    Yup yup, i bet if u say a dirty joke, both of them wouldn't understand
    May 1, 2020
  27. Shem
    @SoongKi even if the person ain't a maso tho <_<

    @Effugium true true... ゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。━━━ン!!!!
    May 1, 2020
  28. Coffea to Ell
    Coffea to Ell
    @SoongKi master... You're meanie... (T_T)

    @Effugium *poke you with brance*

    @Shem ughhh.....
    The sadist part, still learn it from master
    May 1, 2020
    Tilgarial likes this.
  29. Shem
    ……*stays away*
    May 1, 2020
    Tilgarial likes this.
  30. Tilgarial
    Shemdire alea!
    May 1, 2020
    Deleted member 219339 likes this.
  31. Coffea to Ell
    Coffea to Ell
    @Shem *shock~*
    No... Shem...
    Dont leave me with master and effy
    May 1, 2020
    Tilgarial likes this.
  32. Tilgarial
    Propulshem, for when shem needs to move
    May 1, 2020
  33. Deleted member 219339
    Deleted member 219339
    @Effugium who said I don't understand dirty jokes (¬·¬)
    May 1, 2020
    Tilgarial likes this.
  34. Coffea to Ell
    Coffea to Ell
    May 1, 2020
    Tilgarial likes this.
  35. Deleted member 219339
    May 1, 2020
  36. Deleted member 219339
    Deleted member 219339
    Owo... Dad?
    May 1, 2020
    Tilgarial likes this.
  37. Tilgarial
    Hi Ell!
    I'm fine~
    How are you?

    @SoongKi who said you do?
    May 1, 2020
  38. Deleted member 219339
    May 1, 2020
    Tilgarial likes this.
  39. Deleted member 219339
    Deleted member 219339
    Tilga is a sadist too. :p
    May 1, 2020
    Tilgarial likes this.
  40. Shem
    *pokes Tiger with stick* BAD PUN!
    May 1, 2020
    Tilgarial likes this.
  41. Effugium
    May 1, 2020
  42. Effugium
    Smh, don't be so shemsitive
    May 1, 2020
  43. Shem
    May 1, 2020
  44. Deleted member 219339
    May 1, 2020
  45. Coffea to Ell
    Coffea to Ell
    @SoongKi master, blue sis and tilga said i can become his daughter....

    @Tilgarial im fine dad~ (^_^)
    *hugs dad*
    May 1, 2020
  46. Tilgarial
    @Shem yeah, sadism runs in the family
    *pokes shem witha cookie*
    But dont tell blues, she hasnt been corrupted yet!

    *hugs ell*
    That's good~
    May 1, 2020
  47. Deleted member 219339
    Deleted member 219339
    blues is Eff's sister and blues is Isti's sister equals Effy is Isti's brother?
    May 1, 2020
  48. Shem
    e.e blues is already corrupted tho? *slaps Tiger*
    May 1, 2020
    Tilgarial likes this.
  49. Tilgarial
    Corrupted maybe, but not with sadism!
    May 1, 2020
  50. Deleted member 219339
    Deleted member 219339
    Tilga has a big family... Does he remember all his daughters and sons? Did he ever say "hey, who are you? You are! No, shutup!Aha, son/daughter I was just kidding"?
    May 1, 2020
    Tilgarial likes this.
  51. Tilgarial
    Not yet, but that sounds fun!
    May 1, 2020
    Deleted member 219339 likes this.