Comments on Profile Post by Tilgarial

  1. Shem
    *gives candy to Tiger while wiping tears* 。・゚( / Д \)゚・。 Finally, a good one. What did you eat today???
    May 5, 2020
    Tilgarial likes this.
  2. Tilgarial
    Hahaha ~
    Good is the wrong direction tho! xD

    Mhm, not much. Should be getting around to making lunch soon though

    How about you?
    May 5, 2020
    Shem likes this.
  3. Shem
    Its defo a good one xD something I didn't expect from you.

    Its not hot in your place?

    Just done eating dinner, probably gonna sleep in a few minutes or hours _(:з」∠) _
    May 5, 2020
    Tilgarial likes this.
  4. Tilgarial
    Yeah, me either

    Nope, not yet... should be soon, however

    Good job~ had some seafood? Some shemps?

    Haha xD
    Well, an early good night then :'p
    May 5, 2020
    Shem likes this.
  5. Shem
    Why soon?

    My god! Your tendency of making a good pun is really once in a blue moon! xD
    May 5, 2020
    Tilgarial likes this.
  6. Tilgarial
    Summer is coming. It will be warm. *grim*

    Hahaha xD
    Well, quantity is a quality all of it's own!
    And somebody has to make the bad ones
    May 5, 2020