Comments on Profile Post by MrBanana

  1. UnGrave
    Depends on if it's a game I can afford to sit around a lot in. Something like factorio is great for reading. Can't play doom while reading though.
    Jun 12, 2020
  2. Novela
    Nope... though I'd like to split into 4 people and do different things...
    Jun 12, 2020
    Needyneedle likes this.
  3. Needyneedle
    @Novela How is it working for you? I can never multi-task this much without giving up one.
    Jun 12, 2020
  4. Novela
    Nah I can't really multitask unless its listening to music to relax and sleeping or reading and listening to music or listening to a story while drawing really @-@)
    Jun 12, 2020
  5. Melodious Nocturne
    Melodious Nocturne
    *plays Kingdom Hearts Union X while reading* <-(not all the time)
    Jun 12, 2020
    Novela likes this.