Comments on Profile Post by Milanin

  1. Milanin
    Any language I read, I understand in some kind of mix of the languages I know or some unspeakable feeling that stemms from that words meaning.
    Jun 16, 2020
  2. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    I am bilingual. that is a good question. When I read, I think in that language. Perhaps because some things don't cross over into the other as well.
    Jun 16, 2020
  3. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    This would make a really interesting General Chat post. :)
    Jun 16, 2020
    Coffea to Ell likes this.
  4. Needyneedle
    @Femme Fatale same here! I once tried translating English words to my native tongue before because I thought I would understand the significance better but nope. It confused me even more. lol
    Jun 16, 2020
    Milanin likes this.