Comments on Profile Post by Chuki Yuuki

  1. PomeloCloud
    Yum sis!
    Jul 4, 2020
    Chuki Yuuki likes this.
  2. Chuki Yuuki
    Chuki Yuuki
    I've later added a lot of hot sauce and wasabi paste on it *^*
    Jul 4, 2020
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  3. Chuki Yuuki
    Chuki Yuuki
    I hope you have a delicious lunch too! Are you working? Be careful~!!!!
    Jul 4, 2020
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  4. PomeloCloud
    Oh hot sauce! *^*
    I just had brunch ^_^
    Work will be on Monday hehe. Be careful as well sis!
    Jul 4, 2020
    Chuki Yuuki likes this.
  5. Chuki Yuuki
    Chuki Yuuki
    Thanks! But I really think the be careful wishes is moot on me since I am basically cooped up in our home all day long, just getting fat and never putting down my phone... .____.
    Jul 4, 2020