Comments on Profile Post by pass1478

  1. Archaic pickle
    Archaic pickle
    I do it all the time, then write it, then delete it/ go to the new forum tab so it's lost
    Jul 12, 2020
  2. LAOG
    Yup, I'll write up a response then proceed to delete it and just reply with "that's crazy/wild"
    Jul 12, 2020
  3. Archaic pickle
    Archaic pickle
    I'm glad I still got my filter somewhat
    Jul 12, 2020
  4. pass1478
    But isn't it really enticing just to see their reaction? I mean, it'll probably be a block and/or report, but don't you just wanna see their reaction?
    Jul 12, 2020
  5. Needyneedle
    I just skipped and pretend that I didn't read it.
    Jul 12, 2020
  6. LAOG
    I used to like saying shit for the sake of reactions, but now that I am older it's just not as enticing to upset people.
    Jul 12, 2020
  7. pass1478
    No, not just angering people, but their genuine response/reaction to your thought, 'cause a lot of the things we genuinely think up about something are things we don't say, right?
    Jul 12, 2020
  8. LAOG
    It really depends on how word it. Nothing wrong with expressing your genuine thoughts, but it depends on the conversation at hand and the person you are speaking with.
    Jul 12, 2020
  9. Arie Sun
    Arie Sun
    I usually think that after I said em'. Kinda bad reading others social cues
    Jul 12, 2020