Comments on Profile Post by FIEND

  1. tallrice
    c1 of Merticore was interesting but quickly went downhill after that... illogical MC, moe maho shoujo... full on wish fulfilment with the object editor... the editing details are nonsensical too... no details to the world around him, the author just wanted to dive into a mishmash harry potter/scifi world... a shame, since the writing style's decent and the premise had potential... I'll try out the other one.
    Sep 1, 2020
    FIEND likes this.
  2. tallrice
    Ben's Damn Adventure is actually pretty funny, from what I've read over the first 5 chapters. So definitely seems recommendable as a comedy. That being said, comedy fantasy is not a genre I care much for... and I'm getting a bit put off by the zaniness, which I think many would enjoy...
    Sep 1, 2020
  3. FIEND
    merticore imo is a work in progress, its rough to read which I am with u on. Honestly it has promise, its amusing to see him try to bullshit his way through the magical world, and the editer of reality is more like a
    Sep 2, 2020
    tallrice likes this.
  4. FIEND
    system where they both need an exuberant amount of points to operate.
    Sep 2, 2020
  5. FIEND
    I do wish he went down the Anti Meta manhua route where he had to bullshit people inorder to get points. continue to troll reality. Might recc that the author.

    i put off bens till im in the mood u can only read it if ur not somber soberish
    Sep 2, 2020