Comments on Profile Post by Hypothon

  1. HazyPrecise
    over-powered MCs with basically no presence of mind (basically stupid idiotic ones). Makes me really frustrated.
    Nov 3, 2020
    Hypothon likes this.
  2. Hypothon
    I respect your opinion and thank you for answering @HazyPrecise. Makes me curious on what you feel to say, Natsu on FT (used to be obsessed with the series but outgrew it) or Asta of BC (I actually enjoy Asta because the fights are actually interesting on BC)
    Nov 4, 2020
    HazyPrecise likes this.
  3. HazyPrecise
    aye tbh, I am new to this world. it got only possible because of my homestay during the quarantine. Earlier I was no different than a person with opinion anime and cartoons are the same with the former's origin being Japanese. And that they are based on real-life character designs.
    Nov 4, 2020
  4. HazyPrecise
    and then from anime, I went towards manga. and then manhwa because of art. The first anime I ever watched was One punch man. I love it! speedo sonic is my fav lmao he is hilariously villainess!
    I will be checking out the series you mentioned.
    Nov 4, 2020
  5. HazyPrecise
    And regarding the trope, I mentioned...overpowered regarding the sense they get sent back in time have the knowledge yet foolishly still follow the same path. but in order to make this timeline different, the author uses miracles.uff there are more but it would make my rant quite long.
    Nov 4, 2020
  6. HazyPrecise
    p.s- I see you in almost all the forums I visit. You are a star in my eyes~
    Nov 4, 2020
  7. Hypothon
    Please... stop *insert heavy blushing* How embarrasing. I'm merely an active commenter. Too poor to contribute in uploading, lazy in MTLing
    Nov 4, 2020
    HazyPrecise likes this.
  8. HazyPrecise
    Ara ~
    Nov 5, 2020