Comments on Profile Post by NightmareSeller

  1. melomarl
    welcome \o/
    How much is the nightmare of my enemy a.k.a my noisy neighbor?
    Nov 13, 2020
  2. NightmareSeller
    Save your money.
    A day of being noisier than them without annoying yourself to death will do.
    If your other neighbors don't report them, they won't report you either.
    And if they do report then maybe you've found the right one to educate [Sell free nightmare to] your dear dear dear neighbor.
    Nov 13, 2020
    melomarl likes this.
  3. melomarl
    Hmm I had my fair share of annoying them too. But sometimes they get too freakin noisy. Sad that even reporting them to authorities will do nothing coz the head of their family is a retired cop with connections ;-;

    I'll just cri in my lil bubble
    Nov 13, 2020
  4. NightmareSeller
    Any CCTV near their house?
    Nov 13, 2020
  5. melomarl
    None that I think of. Issokay tho, I'll suck it up and blast some metal songs every now and then~
    Nov 13, 2020
  6. NightmareSeller
    My personal suggestion is to cut their electricity, but I'm not sure if it's possible in your country. In my place, all you need to go is going to the garage and cutting the wire. [Pay attention to safty]
    You can also 'accidentally' put pins on their cars way, it kind of fun, seeing how they'll be late for work or an appointment while thinking it was an accident.
    Nov 13, 2020
    melomarl likes this.
  7. NightmareSeller
    'Accidently' breaking their window while playing volleyball will also do.
    The most important word is 'accidental', never confess.
    Special mention, we are law obedient citizens. It's just a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye. Annoy me, I'll annoy you back.
    Nov 13, 2020
    melomarl likes this.
  8. melomarl
    Hahahahahah I like your suggestions! We will be friends! @Raidou99 I found a fwendo~
    Nov 13, 2020
  9. Raidou99
    I'd rather just confront them but yea~ being sneaky like that seems kinda fun too!
    Nov 13, 2020
    melomarl likes this.
  10. melomarl
    being snek is fun *nods nods*
    Nov 13, 2020
    Raidou99 likes this.
  11. Raidou99
    Yea u would know that, u snitch snek
    Nov 13, 2020
    melomarl likes this.
  12. melomarl
    >.> *hums a happy little song*
    Nov 13, 2020