Comments on Profile Post by Wujigege

  1. TypeFantasyHeart
    What caused it? Communists. Thats what. Chile had the best constitution in the world, but now they "voted" if you can csll that stealikg the whole election to remove it. In here communists sre promotong thr destruction of thr fsmily. The aproval of "teaching" sex to kids below 6 with actual persons having sex in an orgy. They voted a law where they csn literslly steal you baby from you and brainwash it.
    Dec 13, 2020
    Wujigege likes this.
  2. TypeFantasyHeart
    Do not come here. This country will soon be like venezuela with 90% poverty. Just like how argentina now has over 50% poverty... and this data from before china virus.
    Dec 13, 2020
  3. Wujigege
    Why call it the China virus?
    It makes people irresponsible.
    They blame instead of combating the disease.
    Look at Taiwan.
    They defeated the disease without any name calling.

    It is horrible how everything is sexualized.
    Loli should be limited to fiction not reality. I can't even stand loli in fiction either.
    Is it communism or socialism?
    Socialist healthcare works but it should not be used in other things
    Dec 13, 2020
  4. TypeFantasyHeart
    Communism really. Things are veey bad here. And each week it gets worse. Somentime sgo i saw people showing kindergarten children a "game"... when i saw the video i was furious... hownthe fuk you explain this if yiu kids ask.... the mental damage is huge... the video which showns the gsme is as follows....
    Dec 13, 2020
  5. TypeFantasyHeart
    A depraved and definetly crazy group of 20-40 years old adults, both men and women get completely nsked in front of q whole clsss of over 20 children. Then do a circle... out their finger in the ass of the one in front... and run in circles as fast as they csn.... the one who fells and reloves the finger from their ass... loses..... and they "happily" explain how fun this "game" is.
    Dec 13, 2020
  6. TypeFantasyHeart
    This is a move made by thebdese commiesnto destroy normal human values and destroy the family... what they need is an stupid minion to do their bidding. Not an intelligent and cultured person who knows truth from lies thst goes againdt them...
    Dec 13, 2020
  7. TypeFantasyHeart
    How do you tske over a culture and destroy it slowly? Destriy the future by corruoting the children. This is how terrible the situation is... i have heard lots of psrents suing school teachers for trying to turn their children gsy and trans.
    Dec 13, 2020
  8. Wujigege
    It has been going on for years worldwide. People excuse it as just fiction but given all the low birth rates and other problems caused my lack of normal families. It is a horrible idea
    Dec 14, 2020