Comments on Profile Post by acertainpasserby

  1. melomarl
    *air hug*
    Jan 26, 2021
  2. pass1478
    I'll comment what I want to say later, for now, have a:
    *air hug* +1
    Jan 26, 2021
  3. Tilgarial
    You'll never know if maybe, somewhere, sometime, you were anothers inspiration, anothers sunshine on a rainy day, the one who helped in ways you couldn't even imagine.
    Maybe the sight of your smile made a strangers day, maybe a friend was lonely and you didn't even know and where just there.
    It's easy to see where things went wrong, but seeong where things could have been worse wothout you, is hard beyond compare.
    Jan 26, 2021
  4. Shalalalala
    *pats pats*
    everything will be alright
    Jan 26, 2021
    Tilgarial likes this.