Comments on Profile Post by HNCKrstl

  1. Ophious
    Hey there my favorite guest~ how you been~?
    May 3, 2021
    HNCKrstl likes this.
  2. HNCKrstl
    Still in college. >.> No idea when we'll graduate since it closes frequently because of covid outbreaks. How are you? :D Seems like even NUF juniors are bullying you now.. ^v^
    May 4, 2021
    Ophious likes this.
  3. Ophious
    Orz don't remind me
    People suddenly appear out of nowhere and start stabbing me is really confusing
    I'd like it if they atleast explained why!
    Also yeah good luck with college, I'm struggling with online classes too
    May 4, 2021
    HNCKrstl likes this.
  4. HNCKrstl
    haha..You are surviving well though :3
    They probably don't know the reason themselves..

    Same..we returned back to online classes because the covid condition got worse. When will you graduate? We'll both be going to the covid frontline when we graduate and get jobs..I think..?! :D
    May 8, 2021
    Ophious likes this.