Comments on Profile Post by Ginko Biloba

  1. God slayer
    God slayer
    What's the song?? That you're listening to it like your life depends on it....
    May 14, 2021
  2. Shiki
    First, download the song. Second, set it to repeat.
    May 14, 2021
  3. Ddraig
    right-click and select loop, Now you dont need to hit replay or download
    May 14, 2021
  4. Shizukani
    Replay until you get sick of it! (≧▽≦)
    May 14, 2021
  5. Ginko Biloba
    Ginko Biloba
    May 15, 2021
    God slayer likes this.
  6. Shiki
    Like people above me said, every time you press repeat, your brain gets rewarded with dopamine hits. Therefore, disassociate the action of pressing replay button by automating it.
    May 15, 2021
    Ginko Biloba likes this.