Comments on Profile Post by Uselessdead23

  1. fangurks
    Greetings to you! Greetings to your skeleton army!
    And thank you lots for the warm welcome! This bag of living meat appreciates it!
    Jun 9, 2021
    SylviaViolet likes this.
  2. amilhs
    Jun 9, 2021
    fangurks likes this.
  3. Uselessdead23
    As you should.
    *Pat pat pat*
    And this is just the bare minimum no need to thank me
    (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
    Jun 9, 2021
    fangurks likes this.
  4. SylviaViolet
    Skeletons giving a warm welcome? *shivers*
    Jun 9, 2021
    fangurks likes this.
  5. fangurks
    Love the energy in this thread. xD
    Gotta hug those skeletons till they run away scrambling with fear~!
    Jun 9, 2021
  6. SylviaViolet
    Uselessdead, you have met your nemesis.....
    Jun 9, 2021
    fangurks likes this.
  7. SylviaViolet
    Fear the power of..........warm hugs?
    Jun 9, 2021
    fangurks likes this.
  8. Uselessdead23
    The dead especially skeletons do not feel 'fear' or any emotions as they are 'dead' unfortunately..
    But I know they would like those hugs!
    Jun 9, 2021
    fangurks likes this.
  9. fangurks
    How about bone-crushing hugs, then? Won't let them perish obviously (y'know, the whole being dead thing), butt maybe I'll manage to sneak one or two fallen-off bones into my collection~
    Jun 9, 2021
  10. Uselessdead23
    That's not something I can decide on!~
    Although they are my skeleton army that doesn't mean they don't have a will of their own!
    (Tip: choose the M ones they like their bones to be broken)
    It's an honour to me for my skeletons to be added in your collection~
    Jun 9, 2021
    fangurks likes this.