Comments on Profile Post by Halcyon Observer

  1. AliceShiki
    It's certainly a pretty Remi avi~
    Jun 15, 2021
    Zissel likes this.
  2. Zissel
    I've a few more. But why am I the older sis??
    Jun 15, 2021
  3. AliceShiki
    Because Flandre is 495 years old and Remilia is 500 years old~

    So Remi is the older Scarlet sister~
    Jun 15, 2021
    Zissel likes this.
  4. Zissel
    0.o.... Honestly didn't use it with that intention. What you're talking about is the game, right???
    Jun 15, 2021
  5. AliceShiki

    Remilia is the final boss of the 6th touhou game (Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil), and Flandre is the extra boss of the same game. It's the game that introduced the both of them to the franchise~
    Jun 15, 2021
    Zissel likes this.
  6. Zissel
    I see I see. Sadly I only know the faces and the name. I actually suck at games and thus don't play. welp
    Jun 15, 2021
  7. AliceShiki
    *pat pat pat*

    If it makes you feel any happier, touhou is actually pretty hard, so many people actively involved in the fandom are terrible at the games and struggle to clear them even on the easy difficulty! ^^)/
    Jun 15, 2021
    Zissel likes this.
  8. Zissel
    Thanks, but I literally suck. I even struggle to play spades. I can only play the clicking games. That's why, though I'm interested in the game, I'm not brave enough to play.
    Jun 15, 2021
  9. Zissel
    Your new avi's very pretty BTW.
    Jun 15, 2021
  10. AliceShiki
    Ehe, thank you~
    Jun 15, 2021
    Zissel likes this.