Comments on Profile Post by northerner

  1. northerner
    I stopped reading normally after getting confused with MC's age. Like a 1 and a half year old speaking long sentences and has deep meanings. But everyone treats it as if it's normal.
    Jun 23, 2021
  2. northerner
    Then, she was 7 years old and still treated as if she's an adult. Her thoughts and actions are in no way of her age. Yes she's an adult in her past life but her actions in this life are treated as if it's normal.
    Jun 23, 2021
  3. northerner
    Also, wth, is she so arrogant? Lol, I scanned the novel, and saw how she shouted at a doctor because she's disturbing her treatment. Do I have to remind you that you are still a student and even if you are taught by a genius doctor for so many years, you don't have the right to treat a patient? You used pulse and acupuncture point in everything. The doctor was worried that you make a mistake and harm the patient.
    Jun 23, 2021
  4. northerner
    But you act like he's harming the patient. You don't even have a license yet.
    Jun 23, 2021
  5. northerner
    And also, how the hell did you adapt quickly, from transmigrating to your mother's identity in a book? Only a few paragraphs, you called your elders as your siblings.
    Jun 23, 2021
  6. northerner
    Everyone treats her as if she's a genius. Lmao. I want her to be crushed to the ground by a real genius.
    Jun 23, 2021