Comments on Profile Post by Gandire Alea

  1. Kiss
    Alea-chan is on fire~
    Jul 3, 2021
    Gandire Alea likes this.
  2. Tony
    Sorry but I don't do updates on the blogging feature or any of the NUF features so that's not possible
    Jul 5, 2021
  3. Kiss
    *Revolution noise intensify*
    Jul 5, 2021
    Gandire Alea likes this.
  4. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    You day that, but you totally added a ton more trophies some time back.
    Jul 5, 2021
  5. Tony
    Adding trophies isn't a new feature as the function to add trophies already exists. Right now it's not possible to add trophies for categories for blogs so I would have to do custom programming for it AKA new feature.
    Jul 5, 2021
  6. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    Jul 5, 2021