Comments on Profile Post by Anra7777

  1. Melodious Nocturne
    Melodious Nocturne
    *raids kitchen for cookies while YMB is distracted*
    Jul 24, 2021
    GonZ555 likes this.
  2. GonZ555
    *noms happily not noticing the clattering sound in my kitchen*
    Jul 24, 2021
    Anra7777 and Melodious Nocturne like this.
  3. GonZ555
    *secretly nibble on a cookie in my room after eating dinner*
    Jul 24, 2021
    Anra7777 and Melodious Nocturne like this.
  4. Melodious Nocturne
    Melodious Nocturne
    *couldn’t find cookies* QωQ
    Jul 24, 2021
    GonZ555 and Anra7777 like this.
  5. Melodious Nocturne
    Melodious Nocturne
    ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ ) *narrows eyes and follows cookie scent to bedroom* *hides under bed until Yummy Meat Bun falls asleep*
    Jul 24, 2021
    GonZ555 likes this.
  6. GonZ555
    *goes to bed*
    Hmm..? Feels a little bit lumpy..
    *slap my bed a few time before finding a comfy spot*
    *goes to sleep*
    Jul 24, 2021
  7. Melodious Nocturne
    Melodious Nocturne
    QωQ Owie! *holds hand over mouth to make sure YMB doesn’t wake up* *sneaks out from under bed and searches*
    Jul 24, 2021
    GonZ555 likes this.
  8. Melodious Nocturne
    Melodious Nocturne
    *ninjas his way around the room* *doesn’t find any cookies* QωQ *leaves*
    Jul 24, 2021
  9. GonZ555
    *a hidden compartment opens as demdem opens the door*
    *a jar of cookies drops down and roll across the room on an elaborate domino style pathway*
    *cookie jar bumps to the bed and stops*
    Jul 25, 2021
    Melodious Nocturne likes this.
  10. Melodious Nocturne
    Melodious Nocturne
    OωO!! *freezes* *checks to see if YMB woke up* *carefully sneaks over* Cookies! ( ^ω^ ) *picks up jar* *leaves one cookie for YMB and takes the rest home*
    Jul 25, 2021
    GonZ555 likes this.