Comments on Profile Post by Bad Storm

  1. PomeloCloud
    Yes, hello xD
    Oh an old novel then? \o/
    And good job writing a poem, Stormy o7

    Will read that ^^
    Did you post?
    Oct 11, 2021
    Bad Storm likes this.
  2. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    I'm actually not sure? More like returned to the past novel so the setting is more on the old side.

    I did post but I deleted it (bad habit of mine)
    Here if you want link (I'm pretty sure i got the notif on for posting blogs tho)
    Oct 11, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  3. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    Anyway, how have you been? What you been up to these days?
    Oct 11, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  4. PomeloCloud
    Thanks for the link, I read it just now. Was great! *thumbs up*

    Been quite busy studying since I was planning on applying for a job but needed to pass the exam first *wipes sweat*

    How about you?
    Oct 11, 2021
    Bad Storm likes this.
  5. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    What field you gonna work on?

    Nothing much these days, just spending it away until I die ig...
    I should probably pick up some motivation sooner or later.
    Oct 11, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  6. PomeloCloud
    Oof, sorry I got busy l, Stormy (///_-)
    It's in the healthcare field.
    What you mean spending it away? *huffs*
    *pats* but it's alright to rest and chill even for a while. Maybe during that time you will be able to find what you are looking for *thumbs up*
    Oct 15, 2021
    Bad Storm likes this.
  7. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    *pat pat poor pom*
    Oct 15, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.