Comments on Profile Post by Silver Snake

  1. ludagad
    Same old circus :)
    Nov 30, 2021
    Silver Snake likes this.
  2. Silver Snake
    Silver Snake
    What do you mean?
    Nov 30, 2021
  3. ludagad
    I'm bored of the current state of the world, and I don't even live in the worst place. Things were better when I was 8 and knew nothing.
    Nov 30, 2021
    Silver Snake likes this.
  4. Silver Snake
    Silver Snake
    Don't say that. Look at the life you have now, aren't you proud of it? At least a little?
    Dec 1, 2021
  5. ludagad
    No. It's rather pointless. Unless you count getting taxed which is my only contribution to society. Those aren't suicidal thoughts and I'm not unhappy. I just feel doomed overall as I live through my third global Economic crisis and see just how little we matter as individuals. I'm a bit worried about my survival, but so far it's okay. Maybe in 5-10 years there'll be a real cause to worry.
    Dec 1, 2021
    Silver Snake likes this.
  6. Silver Snake
    Silver Snake
    When do you try to got to sleep, how long are you awake before you try to sleep, how long do you lie down before trying to stimulate yourself again?
    Dec 1, 2021
  7. ludagad
    Haha it's very irregular. The later I go to sleep the faster I fall asleep. Unless my brain is overly excited, then nothing can make me fall asleep sigh. Well, I really don't have the intention to unload my worries on unsuspecting people on the internet. I appreciate your concern tho :))
    Dec 2, 2021
    Silver Snake likes this.
  8. Silver Snake
    Silver Snake
    You're right, we should be friends.
    Dec 2, 2021