Comments on Profile Post by MasterCuddler

  1. deadlyexistence23
    Chickenn, who is noble ran againn???
    Dec 9, 2021
    Noble Ran likes this.
  2. MasterCuddler
    Our lovely N-word user Deali~
    Dec 9, 2021
    Noble Ran and deadlyexistence23 like this.
  3. Noble Ran
    Noble Ran
    @UsefulAlive24 Do you have the memory of a goldfish? Even my overwhelming presence fails to refresh your memory.
    Dec 9, 2021
  4. Noble Ran
    Noble Ran
    Dec 9, 2021
    MasterCuddler likes this.
  5. deadlyexistence23
    ....I forgor who is that >.> Is it that solo levelling Avi? I don't remember their names cuz it's long dhjdhsbs
    Dec 9, 2021
  6. Noble Ran
    Noble Ran
    Sigh, I'm Vanilla Buddha... Your budding dementia is seriously worrying.
    Dec 9, 2021
  7. deadlyexistence23
    Omg right! Yee, I remember noww XD, sorryyy djdjjsjs
    Dec 9, 2021
    Noble Ran likes this.
  8. Noble Ran
    Noble Ran
    It's okay, I don't care much. I'm pretty sure there'll be a next time, though.
    Dec 9, 2021