Comments on Profile Post by Pyoo

  1. J-Mitch
    You miss the wind,
    but you moved on.
    but what happens when it comes again?
    Will you turn back?
    Jun 28, 2016
    Autumn Wind, Pyoo and Laazy like this.
  2. Ophious
    the wind blows desolately as seasons past
    leaves fall, snow comes, sun rises
    seasons die as time flows by
    be they good or bad the story must have a end
    Jun 28, 2016
    Autumn Wind, Pyoo and Laazy like this.
  3. Pyoo
    I'll wait for the wind to catch up
    I'll wait until the wind is ready
    To blow and fly with me
    For our next travel together
    Jun 28, 2016
    Autumn Wind, Risus and Laazy like this.
  4. Pyoo
    The story will end but not the wind
    As it embraces those it passes
    The seasons will fly and so will I
    But the wind will continue to flow
    Jun 28, 2016
    Autumn Wind and Laazy like this.
  5. Ophious
    seasons die as the sun shall rise
    time flows and the wind must go
    bird grows and ages on
    the wind flows and time will continue on
    all must come and go
    just like the gentle wind that once flowed
    Jun 28, 2016
    Risus and Pyoo like this.
  6. Risus
    *mentally noted*
    Jun 28, 2016
  7. Ophious
    what did you note senpai~?
    Jun 28, 2016
  8. Pyoo
    @ ophi .... i died alrdy it seems.
    All come and go without amiss
    Yet there is a lingering breeze
    In your heart as you miss
    The time when the gentle wind kiss
    Jun 28, 2016
  9. J-Mitch
    I will be the wind.
    I will be the gentle.
    I will be the kiss.
    Jun 28, 2016
  10. Ophious
    our hearts linger when the gentle wind blew
    and we all enjoyed watching how the little bird flew
    but time flows on without mercy
    as the gentle wind passes by as time flies by
    the little bird that danced with the wind must not look back but face forward and continue to fly
    Jun 28, 2016
    Autumn Wind likes this.
  11. Ophious
    my poems are awful as always....
    why do I try...
    Jun 28, 2016
  12. J-Mitch
    Jun 28, 2016
  13. Ophious
    *got kicked*
    Jun 28, 2016
  14. J-Mitch
    It is only customary to greet your Aniki.
    Jun 28, 2016
  15. Ophious
    I did somewhere else
    Jun 28, 2016
  16. Pyoo
    @Risus ... who are you mentally noting? >.>
    @ mitch stop flirting...
    @ ophi it sounds good~~ at least the previous ones~ haha~

    the little bird danced merrily
    riding on the joyful winds
    but even without the cheers it brings
    the little bird dance expectantly
    Jun 28, 2016
  17. Risus
    The bird, longing for the wind, a dear friend to once again send its feathers a flutter. To once again mutter gentle song in its ear, to once again be near, washing away the fear of unfriendly piers.
    Jun 28, 2016
  18. Risus
    You guys inspired me, thus I decided to dish out a few lines here
    Jun 28, 2016
  19. Risus
    But I had to take a shower, so I had to remind myself
    Jun 28, 2016
  20. Ophious
    I don't understand poems Orz
    can you three teach me if you're ever bored?
    Jun 28, 2016
  21. Pyoo
    @Risus okay, great *deadpan* take you time (?)
    Jun 28, 2016
  22. J-Mitch
    I'm a free bird.
    I can't help myself.
    Why must I talk words so sweet?
    Why must I prance and dance, and sing?
    Is it her?
    Yes its her.
    Because she makes me smile
    Because she makes me laugh.
    Jun 28, 2016
    Ophious and Pyoo like this.
  23. Risus
    The wind, friend of all, dancing among any beast, no matter if they fly through the seemingly boundless sky, or crawl among the dust, dirt, and leaves of fall.

    Though it may one day leave behind these friends, messages it shall send, witnessed in a seasonal blend. Messages that tell of its coming again.
    Jun 28, 2016
    Autumn Wind, Ophious and Pyoo like this.
  24. Pyoo
    @ophi i never studied it tho.. So i might not be a good choice..

    A bird without wind
    A day without light
    A night without moon
    Longing and losing
    Yearning and crumbling
    Jun 28, 2016
    Autumn Wind and Ophious like this.
  25. Risus

    Poetry, as you call it is something I started on a whim, within the halls of NUF, since then I couldn't escape, the words and rhymes crawl in my mind. I can never have enough.

    I allow the words to guide me, in a sense, and stitch together rhymes in slim moments of time to aide in the flow as my words go on.
    Jun 28, 2016
  26. Ophious
    I understood about 35% of that
    but thanks anyways
    Jun 28, 2016
  27. Pyoo
    She makes me elated
    She makes me fly
    She makes feel like I can reach the skies
    For with her I'm dancing
    With her I'm singing
    My words of love, never enough

    @ ophi rhymezone is your friend. and synonyms. and the rest is history (?)
    Jun 28, 2016
    Autumn Wind and Ophious like this.
  28. Pyoo
    So good :"""") I can't reply..
    the wind dances among all
    not differentiating, not discriminating
    it views all as equal, sheltering them kindly
    while I view it as special, one sidedly, left behind
    Jun 28, 2016
    Ophious and Risus like this.
  29. Risus
    Childishly fluttering to and fro
    Whimsically putting on a eternal show
    Happily dancing among branches and leaves
    There one moment, it seems, and gone the next
    A mind simple yet complex
    Its language incomprehensible
    Its presence always dependable

    The wind
    Jun 28, 2016
    Autumn Wind, Pyoo and Ophious like this.
  30. Ophious
    You people will make me run out of likes again..............................................
    Jun 28, 2016
  31. Risus
    The wind is freedom, its home is the sky.
    A bird's kingdom is the sky, freedom its prize, and the wind its companion.
    Jun 28, 2016
    Pyoo likes this.
  32. J-Mitch
    The rock is the antithesis of the wind.
    The rock is the foundation that makes the sky.

    So why do you leave it behind?
    Why do you spurn it alike?

    It watches you go.
    It watches you soar.

    It wants to cry,
    But the sky has taken that too.
    Jun 28, 2016
    Risus and Pyoo like this.
  33. Pyoo
    @Ophious I'm so used to it whenever there's a poem-off at this point...

    *teng teng* I'm out of ideas.. please continue on ris & mitch~
    Jun 28, 2016
  34. J-Mitch
    Welp.. I should go read.
    Jun 28, 2016
  35. Risus
    The Wind treats all the same, even with a rock it plays its games, nudging, tickling, slipping along its surface.
    The rocks purpose, is to remain unmoved, it sits with comfort along its grooves and silently endures the wind's games, yet occasionally it cannot remain the same. The rock clatters amongst its brothers telling each other of their eternal friend, the wind.
    Jun 28, 2016
    Autumn Wind and Ophious like this.
  36. Pyoo
    @ Mitch: Ophi is telling you to sleep tho...
    Jun 28, 2016
  37. J-Mitch
    My lil-bro cares for me.. But Reading is more important at the moment.
    Jun 28, 2016
  38. Ophious
    Jun 28, 2016
  39. J-Mitch
    So you can flirt when I keep my eye off you?
    Jun 28, 2016
  40. Ophious
    I am reading emperors domination
    so I only glance here once in awhile
    Jun 28, 2016
  41. Pyoo
    The wind leaves its marks
    On all it touches
    It won't let you forget
    It's invisible presence

    The rock remains steady
    But it can't help accept the wind
    As it caresses and shapes it
    To a thing of beauty
    Jun 28, 2016
    Autumn Wind, Ophious and Risus like this.
  42. J-Mitch
    Lol. I was expecting the last sentence to be "to a beautiful thing"

    The wind will shape it?
    Obviously it hasn't seen Mt. Tai.

    what about the core?
    the heat and fire inside?

    Will it cool it?
    And let the world die?

    Or will it just kiss it?
    And burn bona fide?
    Jun 28, 2016
    Ophious and Risus like this.
  43. Pyoo
    how is it different?
    btw, rocks aint mountains...
    bbtw, you aint sleeping?
    bbbtw, the birds are forgotten already orz
    Jun 28, 2016
  44. J-Mitch
    No. Just how I was reading it.

    *Rock not 'rocks' meaning earth.

    I'm not sleeping. I'm reading your words.

    birds are not forgotten. How could they be?
    Jun 28, 2016
    Pyoo likes this.
  45. Ophious
    they weren't mention in the poems anymore
    Jun 28, 2016
    Pyoo likes this.
  46. J-Mitch
    You think I have forgotten you.
    That beauty; that grace

    Those colors streak across the sky
    And my heart aches

    You force me to say bye
    I cannot as I'd rather die

    I don't want to leave you
    And let others give you their perch.

    I will be that perch, that ground, that rock
    Even if the wind takes you from time to time

    Because I know,
    you will have to come back to me when you tell the sky bye bye
    Jun 28, 2016
    Pyoo and Ophious like this.
  47. Pyoo
    The sun sets, dyeing the sky an autumn colour
    The birds return home, done for the day
    a single tree stayed still by the cliff side
    waiting for its children to come back to it
    Jun 28, 2016
    J-Mitch and Ophious like this.