Comments on Profile Post by Agentt

  1. GonZ555
    *plays demdem's sitar*
    Cookies please~
    May 21, 2022
    Agentt and Anra7777 like this.
  2. Anra7777
    (╯✧∇✧)╯ DEMDEM!! You came at just the right time!! I’ve been writing again!! Hold still and be my muse!! While you’re not technically in it unless the Momyx theory is true, I still need inspiration! There are still lots of bad things happening to the characters! Bwahahahaha!!!
    May 21, 2022
    GonZ555 and Agentt like this.
  3. Anra7777
    *happily ties up both DemDems and takes them to her dungeon*
    May 21, 2022
    GonZ555 and Agentt like this.
  4. Agentt
    *is dragged along*
    I don't dribble in romance much, Hamster person.
    May 21, 2022
    Anra7777 and GonZ555 like this.
  5. Agentt
    *sprinkles water everywhere*
    Ahem..water, DANCE!
    May 21, 2022
    Anra7777 and GonZ555 like this.
  6. Anra7777
    (╯✧∇✧)╯ *uses Hamster Freeze on water clones to capture them* Yay!
    May 21, 2022
    GonZ555 likes this.
  7. Agentt
    And what is hamster person writing this time?
    May 21, 2022
  8. Anra7777
    Er, er, er… do you really want to know? >_> <_<
    May 21, 2022
    GonZ555 and Agentt like this.
  9. Agentt
    Yes! I am a author too! Tho...i really suck at romance...orz...
    *cookie noises*
    May 21, 2022
    Anra7777 likes this.
  10. Agentt
    I am more of a comedy author!
    May 21, 2022
    Anra7777 likes this.
  11. GonZ555
    *gets popcorn ready*
    May 21, 2022
    Agentt and Anra7777 like this.
  12. Anra7777
    So, uh… it’s a Momxu fic where the Master of Masters and Luxu are soulmates… but are terrible people to each other. And they end up using Ava (poor Ava) to hurt one another. It’s a dark, no fluff fic, and it’s driving me a little crazy because even though it’s my brain coming up with this awful stuff, I crave fluff and I feel like a terrible person writing it.
    May 21, 2022
  13. Anra7777
    Usually my brain stops itself from writing my most horrible ideas, but here we are. I still got my dark fic I started two years ago still needing to be finished. Maybe I won’t finish this one. <_< Maybe I should write some fluffy XigDem afterward as a palate cleanser…
    May 21, 2022
    Agentt likes this.
  14. Agentt
    Mmm, I see hamster person. I often feel the same, hahh. I have an incomplete smut which i can't complete because i don't write smut
    May 21, 2022
    Anra7777 likes this.
  15. Anra7777
    That is exactly the problem I’m having with my two year old fic. I’ve got everything else written. It’s just the smutty parts confounding me. Probably because it’s dark smut and my brain just wants to write happy smut. QAQ
    May 21, 2022
    Agentt likes this.
  16. Agentt
    Also, ahem
    I am not saying I forgot, because how could I, Demyx forget the incidents between me and Xig. But...could you refresh my memory?
    May 21, 2022
    GonZ555 and Anra7777 like this.
  17. Agentt
    What is in this dark smut? Like, what are the scenes?
    May 21, 2022
    Anra7777 likes this.
  18. Anra7777
    The two year old fic is basically a whole Org13/DemDem fic… and DemDem’s level of willingness fluctuates greatly. So, some are straight up noncon, some are dubcon, some are he consented but isn’t exactly enjoying himself, etc. I just haven’t been able to make myself write those scenes… QAQ

    *casually drops link to refresh DemDem’s memory*
    May 21, 2022
    Agentt likes this.
  19. Agentt
    *looks around for dictionary*
    And I see I see. Wouldn't scenes where he doesn't enjoy him-I mean myself, be quite easy? You can slowly add thoughts like the position is uncomfy, it hurts, the regret, the sweat, and how it soon stops being pleasurable and he starts to feel more like an object just being used.
    May 21, 2022
    Anra7777 likes this.
  20. Anra7777
    Ehehehe… *cough* <_< >_> *cough*
    May 21, 2022
    Agentt likes this.
  21. Agentt
    ....are you doing worse things to me hamster person?
    May 21, 2022
    Anra7777 likes this.
  22. Anra7777
    *goes to reread it to check* Hmmmm….
    May 21, 2022
    Agentt likes this.
  23. Agentt
    *goes to sleep because it's my bed time*
    May 21, 2022
    Anra7777 likes this.
  24. Anra7777
    Night-night, DemDem. Hehehehe…
    May 21, 2022
    Agentt likes this.
  25. GonZ555
    May 21, 2022
    Agentt likes this.