Comments on Profile Post by ludagad

  1. yun yun yun
    yun yun yun
    The body does it's work~
    We just tend to mess up with it...
    Nov 19, 2022
  2. yun yun yun
    yun yun yun
    I imagine tiny workers organizing boxes, then I just go and mess with the order...
    Nov 19, 2022
    ludagad likes this.
  3. ludagad
    Aging itself messes up things. The cells just go deteriorate and die, sigh. And when it comes to teeth... just eating to live messes them up. I can't win. I hate going to the dentist T_T
    Nov 19, 2022
    yun yun yun likes this.
  4. yun yun yun
    yun yun yun
    From someone with three missing molars and build up plaque... Yes, you need to go to the dentist...
    Nov 20, 2022