Comments on Profile Post by Emdie

  1. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    Just yesterday I was thinking about how to describe color to someone blind!

    As for your question, I think they associate names for the colors, not a direct translation tho kinds like naming a blue bird and then thinking of all blue things as the bird's name.
    Nov 28, 2022
  2. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    If, however, they don't have a language, the color might be associated to sensations rather than words. Bright snakes = dangerous, therefore bright colors = dangerous.

    At least, that's my take on it. I haven't looked up any studies tho so I'm not sure really.
    Nov 28, 2022
  3. Emdie
    I think that you're right in a way because we pretty much evolved to associate certain colors with certain things like danger etc
    Nov 28, 2022
  4. Emdie
    But certain colors like black and white have very different meanings depending on the culture that you grew up in, for example, black is known to symbolize mourning, however, some countries (mainly in Asia) have white as the color of mourning. So I'm kinda curious about how and why we develop certain associations
    Nov 28, 2022
  5. Emdie
    It's primarily human nature and instinctual but it's interesting to see how different cultures evolved different interpretations of colors.
    Nov 28, 2022
  6. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    I think I read this before. In western culture, dying means you go to the Underworld, therefore it's darkness amd caves. But on asian and such cultures, white is for purity and reincarnation.
    Nov 28, 2022
    Emdie likes this.
  7. Emdie
    As for describing colors to a blind person, a lot of people describe it using feelings/sensations. Like for example, some people would describe warm colors like red to be warm and dominant.
    Nov 28, 2022
  8. Emdie
    But at the same time it really depends on the subjective interpretation of the person describing, it would be interesting if there was a universal code for how to interpret colors, though its kinda impossible.
    Nov 28, 2022
    Bad Storm likes this.
  9. Emdie
    yep, in eastern cultures death is seen as an opportunity for rebirth, but at the same time in some countries it means grief and misfortune. (I forgot which culture exactly)
    Nov 28, 2022
  10. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    Yeah, one thing I read about it is there's this blind person who was made to touch some water, it's a cool sensation and said that's blue.
    Then the blind person was also told to stand under the sun, it's warm and he was told that's red.
    Then lastly, was made to touch some leaves, fresh was how it was described for green.
    Nov 28, 2022
    Emdie likes this.
  11. Emdie
    oooo that's interesting
    Nov 28, 2022