Comments on Profile Post by Vel18

  1. Vel18
    + Now I came back to just re-read the Mtl's from everyone. and I came across you saying that you are translating Vol 8? like is this recent? are you still translating the entire novel? ngl I thought that all of it was already translated before you got it private, so I was surprised when I saw ur comment on a post about it. +
    May 26, 2023
  2. Vel18
    + Tbh its really rude of me if I were to ask if I could join and see those but I respect if I cant (tbh I just wanted to read those smexy scenes lol). I just finished setting up my RIDI accnt 4 months ago. So I am really late to the party. So yeah! sorry if this was out of the blue or anything. I was just surprised that you're still translating it (or perhaps reading it? idk maybe I was mistaken or something).
    May 26, 2023
  3. NohrNeir
    I've read the novel over 10 times before I started translating, and by now I've already read it over 20 times probably. As for translating, yes, I am still translating. And, no, I'm on volume 9 . Only a few have access to my translation because I'm only sharing with those I feel I could probably trust, after they show proof of purchasing the novel of course.
    May 26, 2023
  4. Vel18
    omg!! you actually replied!! ah this not in a negative way I was just surprised you've answered so quickly. also could I ask, if I were to show you proof of purchase could I join in on the access?? or no?? cuz I truly understand if not cuz you clearly mentioned that you gotta trust the person first.
    May 26, 2023
  5. NohrNeir
    Yupp, I have to trust the person first. Someone shared parts of my translation elsewhere when I've told people not to so I've only been accepting people I had some conversation with to believe they won't share it.
    May 26, 2023
  6. Vel18
    aww damn thats... ugh!! this is why we cant have nice things. anyway... thanks for answering me. tbh i still do want to join but I respect ur decision. So have a great day!! <3
    May 26, 2023
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