Comments on Profile Post by Axia

  1. Axia
    Well, guess mung bean porridge for supper, not bad its my favourite. :)
    Dec 22, 2015
  2. Ratatoskr
    At least thats something. Hahaha
    Dec 22, 2015
    Axia likes this.
  3. Axia
    Yep yep, it was, but when it come to time to tell them to pause their games for foods, lil daughter normally said "aiyah mom dont you have something better to do?"
    Dec 22, 2015
    Slimikyi, CDLevit and Ratatoskr like this.
  4. Ratatoskr
    Kids does say stuff like that. If it's my mom she would reply with 'eat before i take away your game'. My lil bro and i would instant teleport to the table. Guaranteed to work everytime.
    Dec 22, 2015
    CDLevit and Axia like this.
  5. Axia
    Hahahaha.. if i said that she will teleport her plate to the computer table and guard her games till she finish her foods..
    Dec 22, 2015
    Slimikyi and CDLevit like this.
  6. Ratatoskr
    Ratatoskr move. What about 'eat on the table or no more buying new games' move?
    Dec 22, 2015
    CDLevit and Axia like this.
  7. Axia
    She downloaded for free from her uncles and cousins.. well, son used to tell her he will hide the laptop charger.. that works though but a little evil so i dont do that..
    Dec 22, 2015
    Slimikyi, Ldyrdy and CDLevit like this.
  8. Ratatoskr
    Why not? A little evil is fine as long as you keep your word. Like the carrot and stick, but with candies instead of carrot. Hahaha
    Dec 22, 2015
    Slimikyi, CDLevit and Axia like this.