Game Sign Up Adventurer Guild Member Registration

Discussion in 'Community Games' started by shad12ow, Jul 13, 2016.

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  1. Suneli

    Suneli Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2017
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    Got it thank you, Ima go though and edit them and I will prob only do one character, also my char (Koi) doesn't interfere with anyone elses right? I tried looking through them but couldn't bring myself to read all 140 pages
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
  2. Suneli

    Suneli Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2017
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    "Hello! Can I register here?" The small girl asked the receptionist, looking around excitedly "I already filled out my sheets" She said passing them to the person.
    Title/Given Name: Koi Shi
    Death God
    The Girl Beyond The Veil
    Gender: Female
    Race: Beastkin (Dark Purple Cat Race)
    Personality: Generally Calm, has an eery aura, flippin terrifying when angry, can be a little Reckless
    Age: Physically: 10-11
    Mentally: 15
    First: Magic Scythe Weilder
    Secondary: (???)
    Third: Songstress
    Weapon: Death God's Scythe
    [Mana Manipulation : SS]
    [Stealth : B+] Stealth
    [Teleportation: C+] Teleport you, items or people with permission. Once at SS you can teleport people without their permission.
    [Bloodlust : S] Bloodlust
    [Empath : A-] (Passive) Sense Emotions, can read minds if you get to a high enough level but you will have to focus.
    [Death Gods Body] (Passive) Causes body to stop aging right before puberty. The Owner will not be able to die from old age or disease however once every three months the owner will suffer from attacks for a week. They will be unable to sleep, move, they will also be suffering from pain unimaginable to most. Anyone who comes near her during this time will also be affected by the attacks. Gives user another form. Cant use huge amounts of magic without the possibility of suffering from an attack. the higher the skill level the less likely to get an attack. User Can grant people the skill [Death Gods Protection] which will make them unaffected by the poison her body emits during an attack.
    [Acting : SS] Acting
    [Shadow Puppet : B+] Can stop someones actions by touching their shadow, can also write and action for them to do in their shadow. (Ex. Writes Do 100 Push-ups and you would be forced to do them until the sun moves enough or you complete the action)
    [Drift : B-} Can drift through shadows to get to where you are supposed to be.
    [Insomnia : SS] Insomnia
    [Appraisal : B-]
    [Levitation : C-] Can fly on self. Can levitate others but not as fast or as high
    [Mental Saneness : F-]
    [Deteriorate : B-] Can deteriorate things she touchs, speed depends on level
    [Loop : B-] Can loop spells she casts
    [Physical Strength : A-]
    [Swimming : F-]
    [Singing : A-]
    [Musical Wave : F-] She sings a song depending on the song a shockwave will come out
    Adventurer Rank: E
    Missions Completed: 0
    Missions Failed: 0
    Gold: 0
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
  3. shad12ow

    shad12ow 『Semi-Offline』

    Dec 5, 2015
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    A small clockwork spider came from under the counter. It stopped on top of the paper and then scanned the counter with its mechanical eyes. After a while, another spider came from under the counter, bringing with it a small box. The two clapped their metallic mandibles to call the adventurer. The two then let out a small green glow before a voice came from their body.
    "Welcome to the Guild, Ms. Koi Shi. Do forgive us for welcoming you in such matter. I am Shadow, the Guildmaster. These are my subordinates. Your information has been received. For starter, please take this item box that can hold quite a lot of stuff. You can go to the tavern to meet the other adventurer or go straight to the quest board to pick some quest you want to undertake. With that, we wish your adventurer be a grand one!"
    When the voice stopped, another different voice came from the spider, this time with a very mechanical voice.
    "This is a recording. Please do not reply to this. Thank you for understanding."
    The two spiders stopped glowing and then tapped their metallic mandible again before once again disappeared into the darkness.
    AliceShiki likes this.
  4. EmilyEvelan

    EmilyEvelan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    A short girl walks into the Adventurer's Guild Hall.

    "Hello! Can I register here?" she asks, peeking over the counter of one of the service desks.
  5. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    *hears the sound*
    *turns towards her direction while keeping eyes closed*

    "Oh uhn... Hello? Eto... There should be no problem in registering, but Hikari needs to check your registration form first, did you already fill it? It is..." *starts tattering a bit through the desk* "Here~" *gives you a sheet of parchment* "Now this..." *tatters a bit below the counter* *gets ink and a pen*

    "Please fill the form up if you haven't already, Hikari will check the registration then~" *smiles*

    ((Welcome aboard! Please fill this form and I'll process your registration!

    Given Name/Title:
    Gender: (male/female/undisclosed) (Must choose one)
    Adventurer Rank: E (Don't change)
    Missions Completed: 0 (Don't change)
    Missions Failed: 0 (Don't change)
    Gold: 0 (Don't change)

    Make sure to have fun! ^^)/))
  6. EmilyEvelan

    EmilyEvelan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    "Thank you!"
    The prospective adventurer accepted the parchment and ink pen.

    Name: Huaria
    Gender: Female
    Race: Flügel
    Job/Class: Magic Archer
    Weapon: Wind Melody Bow
    Skills: Explosive Arcana, Piercer, Arcane Step
    Equipment: Horizon Runner
    Adventurer Rank: E
    Missions Completed: 0
    Missions Failed: 0
    Inventory: Food and a shrinking portable pillow that is always cool
    Gold: 0

    After filling out the information, Huaria gave the parchment back to the girl with the shrine maiden dress. "I'll be in your care!"
    AliceShiki likes this.
  7. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    "In Hikari's care...? Ah? Are you done? Please wait a bit then!"

    *turns to the side while still keeping her eyes closed* "Manami-san, could Hikari get a bit of help again?"

    *a girl that was cleaning the walls stops what she was doing and comes closer, takes the registration form and starts reading it out loud*

    "Hmmm, thanks for the help again Manami-san." *cleaning girl accepts the thanks and goes back to what she was doing*

    *Hikari turns back towards you* "So... Huaria-san, right? Welcome to the guild~!

    Please take this Item Box, it should help Huaria-san carrying things around~

    Also, feel free to go to the Tavern later if Huaria-san wishes to talk to other adventurers or to ask any questions.

    Hmmmm... Hikari thinks this is all, so please enjoy the stay on the guild, Hikari is happy to have Huaria-san joining us~" *bows*

    ((Welcome aboard! Please put your guild card on your signature! It makes things easier for everyone to know who you are.

    Ah, and check the guild related links on my signature please! They will help you moving around.

    Remember to have fun! *hugs*))
  8. Lordos

    Lordos Member

    Feb 23, 2018
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    Given Name/Title:Lordos
    Gender: Male
    Race: High Elf, Long White Hair, tall and good looking
    Job/Class: Paladin (Tank)
    Weapon: Sword and Shield
    Skills:Base Healing magic, Shield Mastery, Def bonus, Sword Mastery,Provoke tools and magic to get enemies attestations.
    hidden abillity only trigger near death "Invincible" Grants immunity to all physical attacks.
    Equipment:Full body armor set (yes with Helm need to protect that Handsomeface). One hand sword and Wood shield.
    Adventurer Rank: E
    Missions Completed: 0
    Missions Failed: 0
    Gold: 0

    Last edited: May 16, 2018
  9. shad12ow

    shad12ow 『Semi-Offline』

    Dec 5, 2015
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    A small clockwork spider came from under the counter. It stopped on top of the paper and then scanned the counter with its mechanical eyes. After a while, another spider came from under the counter, bringing with it a small box. The two clapped their metallic mandibles to call the adventurer. The two then let out a small green glow before a voice came from their body.
    "Welcome to the Guild, Mr. Lordos. Do forgive us for welcoming you in such matter. I am Shadow, the Guildmaster. These are my subordinates. Your information has been received. For starter, please take this item box that can hold quite a lot of stuff. You can go to the tavern to meet the other adventurer or go straight to the quest board to pick some quest you want to undertake. With that, we wish your adventurer be a grand one!"
    When the voice stopped, another different voice came from the spider, this time with a very mechanical voice.
    "This is a recording. Please do not reply to this. Thank you for understanding."
    The two spiders stopped glowing and then tapped their metallic mandible again before once again disappeared into the darkness.
    OOC: Welcome to the Guild~ Please put your information into your signature so that other adventurer can see your info easily. And make sure to post image inside a spoiler next time~ This time it is okay~ Have fun~
    AliceShiki likes this.
  10. Options

    Options Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2016
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    A small paper airplane flies trough the open guildhall doors before landing on the counter. A small magic circle on its right wingtip lights up, causing it to unfurl into three separate sheets of paper. There seems to be something written on two of them.
    ^Hello. I would like to join this fine institution. I believe that I have already successfully filled out the needed information below. In the event that there is a problem of some kind in the form, please inform me by writing it down on the blank piece of paper I have provided and tap the magic circle twice with your finger. If there is any item that you would need to give me, such as a Guild Card, just place it on top of the sheet of paper before tapping the circle. It should fly off in a few seconds. I apologise for my inability to be here in person and hope that it will not pose a problem. Have a nice day!^
    Given Name/Title: Vera Steele
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Job/Class: Scribe
    Weapon: Pen of imbuing
    Skills: Calligraphy, Bookbinding, Literacy
    Equipment: Comfortable leather robe, Fingerless leather gloves
    Adventurer Rank: E
    Missions Completed: 0
    Missions Failed: 0
    Inventory: Inkwell of Wind, Inkwell of Earth, Pristine black paper x10, Pristine white paper x8, Sewing set
    Gold: 0
  11. shad12ow

    shad12ow 『Semi-Offline』

    Dec 5, 2015
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    A small clockwork spider came from under the counter. It stopped on top of the papers and then scanned the counter with its mechanical eyes. After a while, another spider came from under the counter, bringing with it a small box. The two clapped their metallic mandibles to to "communicate" with each other. The first one pointed to the first paper with one of its metallic leg and then pointed to the other paper in another second. The The two then let out a small green glow before a voice came from their body. After that glow, the second one went under the counter and went back again with a pen. The first one climbed onto the second one and hold the pen with its mandible, stabilizing the pen. The two spiders then crept onto the paper and started writing. The content are as the following:
    "Welcome to the Guild, Ms. Vera Steele. Thank you for joining our Guild. I am Shadow, the Guildmaster. The little ones that wrote this are my subordinates. Your information has been received. For starter, please take this item box that can hold quite a lot of stuff. You can go to the tavern to meet the other adventurer or go straight to the quest board to pick some quest you want to undertake. With that, we wish your adventurer be a grand one!"
    Finished writing the reply letter, the first spider released the pen from its grip and then climbed down next to the second one. The second one then returned under the counter for a bit to return the pen they have just used. While waiting, the first one put the Item Box onto the paper from before. The second spider returned to the counter to find that everything has been done and the two crept near the magic circle and the tapped on it twice with their metallic legs. The two just watched as the reply letter and the package flew back. After witnessing that, the two spiders raised their front legs and gave each other a "high five" before clapping their metallic mandible a few time. And thus the two once again disappeared into the darkness.
    OOC: Hope that works for you~!
    Options and AliceShiki like this.
  12. Liener Rynnsfield

    Liener Rynnsfield Holder of Alpha Stigma

    Apr 24, 2017
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    "So this is the rumoured Aeternus Adventurer's Guild hall huh?" While looking at the surrounding, i then walk into the counter and give a sheets of paper about my information.

    Given Name/Title: Liener Hanayuki/ Alpha Stigma Holder
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Job/Class: Archmages
    Weapon: one handed short sword,
    Skills: Copying Magic (Active Skill). Cursed eye of Alpha Stigma (Passive Skill). Berserker (Sealed Skill). Relic or Artifact Reading (Passive Skill). Solver of All Formulas (Sealed Skill).
    Equipment: Cloak of High Demons.
    Adventurer Rank: E
    Missions Completed: 0
    Missions Failed: 0
    Inventory: Lost Arts Book. Forbidden Magic Grimoire. Comb of Elemio. Evelyn Love Letter.
    Gold: 0
  13. shad12ow

    shad12ow 『Semi-Offline』

    Dec 5, 2015
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    A small clockwork spider came from under the counter. It stopped on top of the paper and then scanned the counter with its mechanical eyes. After a while, another spider came from under the counter, bringing with it a small box. The two clapped their metallic mandibles to call the adventurer. The two then let out a small green glow before a voice came from their body.
    "Welcome to the Guild, Mr. Liener Hanayuki. Do forgive us for welcoming you in such matter. I am Shadow, the Guildmaster. These are my subordinates. Your information has been received. For starter, please take this item box that can hold quite a lot of stuff. You can go to the tavern to meet the other adventurer or go straight to the quest board to pick some quest you want to undertake. With that, we wish your adventurer be a grand one!"
    When the voice stopped, another different voice came from the spider, this time with a very mechanical voice.
    "This is a recording. Please do not reply to this. Thank you for understanding."
    The two spiders stopped glowing and then tapped their metallic mandible again before once again disappeared into the darkness.
    AliceShiki likes this.
  14. BookHermit

    BookHermit ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

    Dec 31, 2017
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    A sixteen year old looking girl wanders into the hall.

    After confirming this is the right place she is about to hop over to the reception desk when she spots someone registering.

    A look of realization hits her face face as she recalled what her friend told her.

    ‘That’s why he gave me a that piece of paper!’

    Stuffing her hand down her nonexistent bosom she retrieves a crumpled up paper. She quickly fills it in, and runs to the reception desk.

    With a somewhat proud look she places the crumpled paper which is now filled in (with info and doodles alike) and waits.

    Name: Mikaela (*^◯^*)
    Title: The infamous girl with a ‘bird’
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Age: 23
    (Current appearance: young maiden ho ho〜 _(┐「ε: )_ )
    Job/class: Needle Maven ※ Deception adept
    Weapon: Needles ※ Metal wires
    Equipment: Silky dress
    Skills: Acupuncture ※ Makeup mastery ※ String Manipulation ※ Throwing intermediate ※ Deception ※ Break in and Entering

    Adventurer rank: E
    Missions complete: 0
    Missions failed: 0
    Inventory: makeup, various sweets, apple juice
    Gold: 0
  15. SquadCammander354

    SquadCammander354 『Early Life Crisis』〖Stormy's Bro〗『Lord of Storms』

    Nov 13, 2016
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    ........we need a Fuck-Face to sign you up! <(*^*")>!!!!
    Kysil and BookHermit like this.
  16. Nurman

    Nurman ( ಠ∩ಠ) [Retired Ton]

    Sep 7, 2016
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    @ExitedDeviljho Heads up, we’ve got another one. We almost have enough traps to form your idol unit.
  17. SoulZer0

    SoulZer0 Heaven Refining

    Oct 25, 2016
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    Guess I'll update my name...
  18. Zero300

    Zero300 『Mask Maker』『Kamen Rider Khaos』『Demon Immortal』

    Nov 10, 2015
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  19. SquadCammander354

    SquadCammander354 『Early Life Crisis』〖Stormy's Bro〗『Lord of Storms』

    Nov 13, 2016
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    After almost 3 months of inactivity~
  20. SoulZer0

    SoulZer0 Heaven Refining

    Oct 25, 2016
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    3 months?
    SquadCammander354 likes this.
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