Game Sign Up Adventurer's Guild: Naval Adventures (AGNA) - Registration Thread

Discussion in 'Community Games' started by AliceShiki, Mar 27, 2022.

  1. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Hi hi everyone! Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild! An Open-Ended Writing-Based Roleplay! In this game you're supposed to create your character, and then start writing stories about how you clear out quests and grow as a character while interacting with your fellow players!

    The game is set on a medi-fantasy world, and the players are part of the crew of a ship that travels through the seas in search for adventures. Which can be anything from helping an old lady in need in a port town, to exploring a remote island in search for treasure! Whatever your adventure will be is up to you!

    That's about it! Remember to be respectful to everyone and have fun when playing! Below I'll be putting some more detailed guidelines, but this is the main gist of things~ (Please do read the stuff below if you wanna play though! >.<)
    To create your character, just fill out this simple template:

    Appearance (Can be an image if you don't want to put a description):
    [The things below are all optional. Put them in your character if you want]
    Class (This is just a simple way of saying what is your character good at, for example, "Warrior"):
    [Put your stuff here, organized however you want]
    This can be a kamehamaha, or simply saying that you are good at cleaning. Put whatever you want here.
    Put a very cool (or simple, I dunno) backstory that explains how your character entered the guild here.

    Once you finish filling out the Template, just post it here and you'll have joined the game!

    Also, please put your character into your signature, so as to make it easier for other people to know who your character is.





    Once that is out of the way, you can head to the other threads, like the Task Board or the Tavern to start playing with your character and interacting with other players, have fun~
    • The Adventurer's Guild isn't a big organization or anything. It's just a ship whose crewmembers want to go around the sea and have adventures.
    • The ship itself is basically a very ordinary ship, moved by sails and/or rows and stuff.
    • The setting is a very standard medi-fantasy. No cannons, no guns, no steam-powered trains no high-tech mechs, no spaceships.
    • How big is the ship? That's a bit of a Speed of the Plot question. To put it simply, the ship is as big as it needs to be for the sake of fitting everyone that is playing the game... It's just not something you should worry too much about.
    • World Name, Ship Name, Ship Captain's Name and whatever have yet to be decided. I don't mind if the players decide on something, I'll just add them here.
    • You cannot change the setting in any major way.
      • Example: Don't go and create the industrial revolution. It's a medi-fantasy setting, stick to it...
      • Also, no guns, period. It's a medi-fantasy, stick to the setting.
        • What about magitech, you ask? It's basically fine for as long as it respects the medi-fantasy aspect of the setting.
          • Okay: A magical sword that constantly emanates fire.
          • Not Okay: A magical gun.
    • You cannot control other people's characters without their explicit permission:
      • Example: If Character A and Character B are fighting, here are some quick descriptions on what would be okay to write and what would not be:
        • Okay: I tried punching Character B's face.
        • Not Okay: I punched Character B's face, sending him flying.
      • Essentially, you can control what your character does, but not what happens to the character of the other player. Let them decide if your punch hits or misses.
    • Respect other people:
      • This is obvious, but needs to be said. We're here to have fun, so remember to respect everyone.
      • Also, have some common sense, alright? If you are making lewd jokes on the Tavern all the time and are getting people uncomfortable about it, then you should stop. Seriously, it's not that hard.
      • Lastly, if you're having some trouble with a specific player, please, please pleeease don't try to solve the problem in-character. Go out-of-character and talk to the player directly about the problem. If you talk about it in-character, the other player might not realize that what they're doing is even bothering you, so talk out-of-character instead.
        • If for any reason you don't feel like you can solve the problem yourself, do talk to the game's staff (like me). We'll do what we can to help solve it. We want everyone to have fun in the game, after all.
    • Your character should not be someone in a commanding position within the ship:
      • Simply speaking, you can't be the captain, nor the second in charge, nor anyone else that has any real authority over the characters of other players.
    • Consider making a weak character.
      • While there are no real rules regarding how strong/weak your character must be, please do understand that, the stronger your character is, the harder it will be for your character to find interesting stuff to do as you progress through the game.
      • Similarly, do understand that there is a limit to how much content the game staff can make that will be interesting to your character. If you can kill a Kraken, then your character probably won't be fazed by a giant enemy crab attacking the ship.
      • On the other hand, if your character has trouble dealing with a pirate in single-combat, then you'll probably have a much more interesting time when trying to deal with said Giant Enemy Crab.
    • Try to play together with other players:
      • This is a Roleplaying game whose main charm is playing around with other players. While you can write your character's own story by yourself, it won't be nearly as interesting as if you did it by constantly interacting with others.
      • Similarly, try avoiding creating many NPCs (non-player characters) that your character regularly interacts with. If you have 5 followers that go with you on any and every adventure, then you probably won't feel like there is much point in playing together with others...
    • Don't think too much about how the exact way that time works:
      • We're in a ship, we're traveling a lot to all sorts of places... Don't try thinking too much about travel time, or about where your character is at each given instance on the timeline or whatever.
      • You can just think that the flow of time is kinda fluid if you want.
      • It's totally okay and encouraged for you to be interacting at the tavern while also completing a task at the same time.
    And that's it! Remember to have fun, everyone!

    Here are our other thread, do pay them a visit, if you will! ^^)/

    Ship's Tavern | OOC | Task Board | Task Completion Tales | Announcements | General Roleplay

    And here is our staff list! If you have any trouble, feel free to contact us! We'll do what we can to help!
    • Head GM: @AliceShiki
    • Friendly Staff 1: ...
    • Friendly Staff 2: *cricket noises*
    • Friendly Staff 3: *rolling tumbleweed noises*
    • Evil Staff...?: Error 404, Staff not found.
    Ah, I'm not currently looking for new staff btw, no worries, the staff list is just a bit of a joke. This game is supposed to be very light on moderating needs, so I think I should manage alone... If I feel like I need more people though, then I'll try recruiting.

    For now, let's just play the game and see how it goes.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2022
  2. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Reading List:
    OOC: Here's my own's character registration, in case anyone needs a reference on what they need to do to register their character.


    Name: ???
    Gender: Female
    Age: Child
    Race: Mermaid
    Notes: Nobody in the crew ever heard her voice.
    Not much is known about her. She was one of the first members to join the crew, but not one of the founding members...

    We just found her one day found her on a beach. She seemed to be quite scared of something, but was unable to tell us of what... Still, none of us were okay with leaving a shivering, terrified child alone in a beach, so... After a bit of internal discussion, we took her in.

    We didn't know if it was the right idea, but she came along with us when we offered her a ride on the ship, and she always came back on her own whenever she dove underwater... She also smiles a lot more nowadays than she did back when we first found her.

    We still don't know her name, nor her family, nor what scared her so much in the day we first met, but... We hope she is happier now.
    OOC: And that's it. Since I posted my character here, I'm now officially registered and can play the game~

    Ah, and you can put an actual age for your character if you want. Mine has no age because nobody knows her age.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2022
    Jeanette, Tangshu, kyuukestu and 6 others like this.
  3. Haitaka

    Haitaka [Always Busy]

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Reading List:
    Name: Gin
    Gender: Male
    Age: Old
    Race: Loxodon (Elephant Man)
    Appearance: A man who looks like an older elephant with and elephant head and grey skin, dresses like an old English bartender.
    Class: Bartender
    Flask of Fresh Water
    Small Talk
    Charm (Charisma)
    A man who learned how to mix drinks and continued to become a bartender until he reached an old age
    Jeanette and Naraku like this.
  4. Renzy

    Renzy 『⚓』『JackOfAllTrades』『7years』

    Dec 16, 2016
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    Reading List:
    Name: Aren Smith (Old Ren)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 58
    Race: Human
    Occupation: Farmer (retired Blacksmith)
    Backstory: when the war between humans, demons and other races came to an end, this blacksmith decided to live his life far from the bustling city. With his grandchildren by his side, he enjoyed a simple life raising livestocks and do some farming.
    Last edited: May 8, 2022
  5. Fossil

    Fossil 「Spooky」「Scary」「Skeleton」

    Jun 5, 2016
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    Reading List:
    Name: Li Yaolong
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Race: Human
    Wandering Cultivator
    An umbrella, a hanfu, and some shoes.
    Yaolong is a wandering cultivator, although he hasn't progressed that far. Currently he has some skill in Qi manipulation, massages, and medicine. His senses are much higher than an average persons, to the point that he can use them to predict the future if the target is weaker than him. He can magnify faraway sights, and isolate sounds. Lastly, he has great stamina, strength, and speed.
    When I was seventeen, I got lost in the mountains and took shelter in a cave during a blizzard. The blizzard raged on for a whole week, leaving me without food and water all the while. Out of desperation, I explored the cave while shivering and found a tree. A tree of pale blue color with pure white leaves. Sprouting on some of the branches were plump, crystalline fruit that looked like apples. Having been starving for nearly three days at this point, I ran to the tree without looking around, and grabbed an apple.

    My hand was freezing at the touch, most certainly contracting frostbite as it came into contact with the fruit's skin, but I was too hungry to care. Ignoring the pain, I bit straight into the apple and felt a cool, refreshing feeling rush through me as my mouth froze. Even so, I kept on eating, even grabbing another one from the tree. Not too long after that, my body started freezing solid and vision went dark.

    Next time I woke up, a fox spirit wearing a mask was sleeping beside me, and I felt an unnatural coldness running through my body. As I was trying to wrap my mind around everything, I woke the girl up. She calmed my nerves by pressing on some acupoints on my back before explaining what happened to me. Namely, how cold Qi was running through my meridians, the Dao, and more.

    From there, we went on a journey as I slowly learned more about her, such as her name being Xiao Xue, and what I wanted to do with this new strength I possessed. Eventually, we stumbled upon a ship with a friendly crew and decided to go on an adventure with kind folk.

    Xiao Xue:
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2022
  6. Jeanette

    Jeanette Lemo's wife, Anra's heroine, Aliceshiki's Kouhai

    Jul 7, 2019
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    Reading List:
    Name: Juna
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Race: Elf?
    Appearance (Can be an image if you don't want to put a description):
    Water Priest
    A Dress~
    A flower headband~
    [Underwater Detection] - "Every sea elf needs this~ else they'd be eaten ya know~"
    [Clean] - "Being clean is not a choice~"
    [Cooking] - "Sashimi gets boring after awhile ya know~"
    [Underwater Tracking] - "Another staple of sea elves~ before the fish farms we had to find food~"
    [Swimming] "Well, duh~"
    [Underwater breathing] "well, kind of, We still have to surface every now and then~ of course the purer sea elves can breathe forever underwater! just that they can't be on the surface very long~"
    [Singing] "My singing is pretty nice~ though I've been mistaken for a siren before~"
    [Prayer of Healing(WEAK)] "It's kind of weak~ for now? I can handle small cuts, bruises, and the common cold!"
    "You know~ I smelled a mermaid on this ship so I followed~ mermaids are really cute and huggable~ Ah I don't know where the mermaids are since I don't keep up~"
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2022
    ChiliJam and AliceShiki like this.
  7. ChiliJam

    ChiliJam Sunflower Goddess' Devotee

    Mar 13, 2022
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    Reading List:
    Name: Pussa
    Gender: Male
    Age: 15
    Race: Nekojin

    It's a trap!
    Class: Recorder/Part-time Shinobi
    A leather book, Ink and pen, a pocket watch, and a dagger.
    Pussa has great flexibility and always lands on feet first. He is also a natural at walking quietly thanks to his soft paws, and see in the dark as if it were dim light. Although he has a small stature, his strength is higher than a trained human adult.
    Pussa was born in a village hidden in the leaf on a small Island—where everyone is destined to be a great shinobi. And as a Nekojin lineage with natural-born talent, Pussa was pressured by the village's elders' expectations. The only thing that makes him endure the harsh and strict training were the books inside one of the elder's libraries, a book filled with creatures and scenery of the outside world.

    The book inspires Pussa to someday see the outside world himself, and when he sees it, he promises to himself that he would record it in his book. But as Pussa grows up, he comes to know that it was near impossible to escape from the island without a boat and it would also be impossible to secretly build one on an island full of shinobi.

    Then, when all hope seems to lose, a commotion came from the island coast when Pussa was on his daily walk. A large ship and people of unknown origin dock on the coast with their smaller boats. He didn't think much and quickly walk stealthily towards the smaller boats. He knows that the village will come to know the commotion here, and they surely reject a visitor from outside the island—that reason was the one who made Pussa hide in one of the baggage on the boat.

    Sometimes later, the ship finally sailed away from the island with Pussa inside. It was later at night, Pussa's first "official" encounter with the ship's crew.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2022
    Jeanette and AliceShiki like this.
  8. Haxagen

    Haxagen Fallen's|Addicted to Gacha

    Dec 4, 2017
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    A humanoid taking the form of a young girl. Save for the occasional feathers, she looks normal enough to pass off as a human — minus the (slightly) glowing eyes, of course. She also carries around a goblet that seems to be made of gold.

    The curious young lady capable of elemental manipulation takes things two steps at a time, but she also seems to be a little lost.

    Identity: Honoka, Bird Beast (Humanoid Female, Age Unspecified)
    The offspring of mythical birds have the potential to fly to the heights of their progenitors, but a faint flame has to be carefully nurtured before it develops into an inferno.

    When threatened, the humanoid unleashes her Killer Move: Feet-Burning Floor! to warn off attackers.
    Feet-Burning Floor: Upon invocation, a certain area around Honoka starts heating up, particularly the ground which becomes extremely hot to stand on. The surface temperature is high enough to inflict second-degree burns even through footwear.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2022
  9. SquadCammander354

    SquadCammander354 『Early Life Crisis』〖Stormy's Bro〗『Lord of Storms』

    Nov 13, 2016
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    Honestly does sound awesome, hopefully when I make my character I don't forget about it. ( ._.)
  10. BB_Tensei

    BB_Tensei [Crystal Operator][Jack of all Trades]

    Aug 31, 2017
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    Reading List:
    Name: Test Subject 6666
    Gender: Female
    Age: 638519380 seconds
    Race: Chimera
    Class: Demolition Expert
    Manastone Conversion Device (located inside the stomach area)
    • Mana Furnace - The chimera is equipped with an efficient magic device which converts crystalized mana into spell power.
    • Explosion - Generates an explosion within visible range. The power of the explosion increases in potency as more fuel is converted. This is visible through a bright pillar of light extending from the chimera's feet, as she charges.
    • Implosion - Consumes large amounts of mana to pressure an object visible within 2 kilometers into imploding. The mana conversion rate is terrible, and the consumption need increases proportionately to the size of the object.
    • Rending Claws - The chimera's claws are mana conductive and produce magical blades when infused with energy. These are extremely sharp, to the point friction between the claws and any object heats it to melting temperatures. To avoid melting, the chimera uses Rending Claws in very swifts bursts of movement, as the effect lingers after a swipe.
    638519560 seconds ago the chimera was spawned in an underground collapse caused by unknown means. Not one to question its origin, it fed on a cluster of mana stones inside the ruins of her birthplace. Eventually the mana stones ran out, so she dug for more, only to discover the outside world. The sunlight made her go back home, but the hunger eventually drove her to return outside. It wasn't too bad, as there were many new things to discover, especially the delicious food inside big animals.

    A long, long time passed and she met a few creatures who were screeching with flappy tongues at each other, while trying to get food from a big prey. The chimera laughed at them, showing how to eat the food, but it only made the creatures chase after her. That's when she discovered the joys of playing. She played with the creatures a lot, until they were all too tired.

    The next day the creatures didn't want to play and ran away. She chased after them as the sky changed a few times. Just as it was getting boring, another creature joined in, glowing in a very delicious way. She played with the creature all night, until she could no longer move. She wasn't hungry so she didn't know why she couldn't move. The chimera had discovered curiosity, and with it began to learn many things.

    A long long while after, the glowing creature named Sera had taught her how to talk and how to play properly. She told her there were many stones she can get if she played at a certain ship, following the scratches on the board. The chimera didn't know how to read, but Sera said it was fine, because the other creatures would tell her where and how to play to get stones. Sera told her to learn a lot so she can eat and play much more. The chimera was happy and got registered, which took 2678 seconds more.
  11. strikegunner

    strikegunner Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    Reading List:
    Name: Ragios
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Race: Half-elf
    Class: Former Knight Candidate
    Made from wood that has properties like steel in Elf forest
    Normal Linen clothes with elven decoratation
    • Elven swordsmanship
    • Street brawling
    • Throwing
    • Tracking and Scouting
    • Household skills
    Raised in a small hut between elf village and human territory, he received no discrimination during young age as a half-elf and visit both sides quite often to learn his parents' cultures. He trained in swordsmanship by elf guards and picked up a few brawling skills at the bar when he was young. However, even with his elven parentage, Ragios was terrible at learning archery and magic.

    Later, Ragios got banned from the elf village from the incident that he mixed HUGE amount of laxatives into the village chief's food because he heard that the chief got a 'stick in his ass' by his father.

    He left his home at age of 20 following his father's word to find the most precious treasure in the world. And after a long year of wandering through human settlements, Ragios came across a ship filled with adventure with dreams like him
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2022
    Jeanette, AliceShiki, Naraku and 2 others like this.
  12. Siostar

    Siostar Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2016
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    Reading List:

    Name: Xuelin
    Gender: Female
    Age: 22
    Race: Human
    Class: (Half Eastern) Witch Apprentice
    Ability Summary: Familiar Summoning, Spell Casting, Spirit Sensing and more...
    Hand bag that can actually hold around 1 m^3 of items.
    Book of shadow, it's contain notes of spells and recipes.
    A bracelet that have a negating affect for curses.
    Xuelin comes from a small town and was often talked about for her strange behavior as a young girl. Of cause, the person herself will hear about those whispers both in low and loud voices, therefore she often went outside the town to play,

    One day, a plague suddenly appeared in the town, causing many people to die from it and that included Xuelin's mother. Despite the girl have been affected by the illness as well, she was still blamed for causing the plague, as people started to believe that Xuelin have cursed the town.

    Blamed by everyone and devastated by her mother's death, the young girl decided to leave her hometown after she discovered a secret from her mother's diary. Apparently, there was indeed a curse on play, but it will only affect the female members of her family.
    For many generations, her mother's side of her family carried a very strong curse, it shorted their lifespan and will often cause strange death. The males are fortunately not affected, but they will still pass the curse down, while it has become weaker over the time, Xuelin couldn't ignore how she will become it's the next victim.

    As if to prove it's existence, an unfinished tattoo appeared on Xuelin's left arm some years ago, the same one as her mother had when she died, the only difference is that her mother's tattoo was almost fully finished.

    In order to lift the curse, Xuelin sought out the help of a forest witch who lived a few hours away from her hometown. Years passed by and Xuelin has become the Witch's apprentice. They managed to prolong Xuelin's lifespan but was unable to break the curse itself.

    When it was time, the witch told Xuelin that she should travel to find more information about her curse, perhaps she will find a clue from someone else.
    The pupil went out and quickly met up with a big problem... she didn't have enough money on her! Fortunately, a timely rumor of a seafaring guild made its way to her ears. A job which provide money and traveling seems like a great place to start.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2022
  13. The Everdistant Utopia

    The Everdistant Utopia Honorary Maou | Part Time Writer | Crau's

    Mar 9, 2017
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    Reading List:
    Name: Rayu Sersev
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Race: Therian
    Class: Vanguard Lancer
    >Bronze greaves
    >Bronze vambraces
    >Bronze halberd
    >Basic tracking and scouting
    >Spear combat
    >Hand to hand combat
    >Therian affinity - allows Rayu to somewhat communicate with felines
    Rayu is just a normal, regular Therian spearman
  14. Little Evil

    Little Evil Hello o/

    Jul 27, 2017
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    Reading List:
    Name: Maya
    Gender: Female
    Age: Don't ask a lady that... Somewhere in the 20s tho.
    Race: Human
    Class: Baddass (Enchanter)
    Definitely not from the ship, don't worry.
    A basic set of enchanting tools, don't touch. It won't hurt you, Maya will.
    It's always full. Must have for any self-respecting enchanter.
    Just a basic knowledge, risk of explosions and unexplained reality-breaking accidents is fairly low.
    Reality may not be what it seems.
    Shhh, it's watching~
    The ship sailed without Maya.

    Then, she was there. Has always been in fact, everyone knew her their whole life, never a friend, always a stranger at the edge of memories, but always there, no matter how far would one search.

    Enchanting is an interesting school of magic. To warp reality brings a consequence, warping the user with it, bringing madness and horrific consequences to those who take it lightly. Someone did just that. Probably not Maya, as other than little reality insertion, madness, and memory loss, there's hardly any consequence for her, but someone out there probably got the wrong end of that same stick.

    Maya may deal with the result one day. Or not, she's not that adventurous. Until then, she better find out what's up around here.

    Oh, hey, a plank. Could use that.
  15. TDDM

    TDDM Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Reading List:
    Gender:Hermaphrodite (As they possess both reproductive organs, sylvain do not differentiate between genders or sexes)
    Age: 63
    Race: Sylvain
    Something like that but more masculine, red, and the sepal on his back are slimmer and can wrap around his torso and while wrapped it looks like a red vest antares-valdemar-vaqa8ox-imgur.jpg Only appearing humanoid in shape, these creatures are pure plants. Aside from having bipedal, upright posture, and all the familiar facial structures, nobody would mistake these creatures for anything but a Sylvain. Chlorophyll, not blood passes through the veins of these creatures. As they age, their skin takes on a browner color, as well as a more bark-like texture. Unlike the usual stereotypical plant humanoids that are always green or have branches and flowers, Sylvain embodies colors like that of single flowers. They can accurately be described as buds that grew into a flower that took a human shape. The entire pistil of the flower sticks out and flattens along a Sylvain's back, so the petals and sepals bloom out, giving Sylvain a flourishing appearance. A small cluster of the flower's ovules is firmly attached to the chest of the Sylvain, which is used for reproduction. A Sylvain commonly never shows its face, as it is covered by a bulb that has yet to blossom. as Sylvain ages, this will open up to reveal their face. A Sylvain's body is very soft in general, feeling velvety like the petals of a flower.
    Class: Doctor/Gardener
    - Woden circular emblem with carved rose in it
    - Medical supplies ( bandages, ointments, sterilizers and some painkillers)
    - Brown cloak
    - Some normal cloths
    - Dagger
    - Bottles and vials with many different preserved plants
    - Pouches with plants minced into powder
    - Magical water purifier (can purify only enough water to sustain Mawar)
    - Communication coin (recharges after a week)
    - Thread creation (can crate fine thread that can be used as stitches that are absorbed into the body)
    - Eastern/western medical knowledge
    - Growing nails into sharp needle-like objects with possible size adjustment
    - Herbology
    - Possible survival photosynthesis but prefers normal food
    - Plant-like regeneration allows regrowing of most body parts
    - Knows a few languages.
    - Can comunicate with plants
    After the destruction of household Ventre by the kingdom's forces caused by their illegal activities. One of their smaller villas that housed a garden with many rare and medical plants was bought by doctor Leonard who wanted to broaden his abilities to help people.

    While cataloging the plants in the garden he found a small boy with rose-red skin and covered by petals leaning on a side of the tree he quickly run to help him out just to realize that the boy was in fact connected to the tree with his back. After a while realizing that he can't really help him he contacted a few of his friends and got to know that what looks like a boy really is a newborn of the race called Sylvian.

    His friends send him a few books about them through magical means and after skimming them just a bit he realized that they will be born in the next few days so he decided to help and rise him and he gave him the name Mawar with means Rose in one of the languages he knows he gave him that name because of his red color.

    With time Mawar learned from Leonard how to read and write in more than one language, herbology, and medicine as well as how to help with patients. When Mawar was 61 Leonard was already 90 years old and he took Mawar to the side and told him

    "Mawar I know that you love me, I love you too but I'm getting old and while I think that I may still live long live people of your race live a very long life and I think that while you learned medicine and bedside manners from me and I'm very thankful you should still experience different ways of live and even maybe try to get in touch with your people. We traveled a lot but you never really got to interact with people other than patients and their families and some of my friends. You should meet people of all walks of live and maybe even fall in love"

    After that, they had a long talk, and Mawar even if a bit unwilling still decided to listen to his father, because he was excited to experience an adventure and meet many new kinds of people.

    So he decided to join the crew of Adventurers guild which seemed to be created just for that purpose, to experience adventure. But he also swore that he will come back to see his father at least a few times before his death.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
    Jeanette and AliceShiki like this.
  16. Naraku

    Naraku 『』『』『』

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Reading List:
    Name: Solium (current name)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 29
    Race: Human
    Appearance :
    Class: Highwayman / Mage / Animal Caretaker
    • Counterfeit Money
    • Dagger
    • Wooden Staff
    • Ink & Paper
    • Plenty of books
    Hailing from a long lineage of merchants, Solium turned down the opportunity to continue the family tradition to save his own skin. His father's life was nearing his end, likely to be taken by an illness of some sort.
    Thus this led to a conflict of interests between the siblings, fighting over the overwhelming inheritance the father would behind him. Solium estimated that his forces were too weak to contend with his siblings, and thus accordingly surrendered.

    To convince them of his sincerity, he gave up on his original name and has taken upon the name of Leon-- entering the Academy as an unaffiliated candidate. In one way or another, he became a scholar who dedicated most of his time studying the topic of chimeras, a topic far from being well regarded in the Academy. Everyone expected him to be kicked out of the Academy at the tiniest mistake-- yet, it did not happen.
    Why? Because Leon possessed a rather common but convincing ability: blackmail.
    His old habits as a former merchant kicked in.

    Unfortunately, outlaws-- likely hired by his colleagues-- broke into his home, robbed him, planted fake evidence, which led to a trial he never attended.

    The former merchant skipped town after gathering emergency funds, quickly consumed to head towards another region... in which he became the leader of a band of bandits that was about to be eradicated by local beasts. As someone who studied chimeras, there is no need to explain what he did to those beasts after subduing them. Despite everything, Leon still disliked bloodshed-- any bandit who killed for the sake of pleasure was "disposed of."

    This led to growing dissatisfaction, quieted down with counterfeit coins and bills. No matter how much wealth he poured into his research, most of it was consumed by this merry little band. Thus, he decided to simply lead those rag-tags bastards to a profitable trap. One day, Leon laced the food with sleeping drugs, led the local authority to the hideout, and was left off the hook.

    Leon faded in the past, and Solium, with little to no background, appeared.
    ...At least, that is how it should have been. People who cannot let go of their grudges pursued him, and he had no choice but to sail with neither practice nor theory.

    The result? A typical shipwreck.
    Fortunately, a friendly crew fished him-- and one of the many bags he had. All the wealth he had accumulated disappeared in a flash. He had nothing of value.
    Oh, his life, perhaps.

    "Bah! Third's time is the charm!"
    No lessons were learned, at all.
    Jeanette and AliceShiki like this.
  17. Myriadfold

    Myriadfold 『Silkmaid』『Ishhara's Devotee』『Daoist』『WW Vet.』

    Sep 21, 2016
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    Reading List:
    hmm. gotta think about it.
    OnceandFutureLurker likes this.
  18. TiggerBane

    TiggerBane Always asleep yep yep yep| Canidae lover

    Oct 30, 2017
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    Reading List:
    Name: Askelion
    Gender: Female
    Age: Young enough to look both ways whilst crossing the road for carriages.
    Race: Elf
    Key differences to image include elf ears instead of human and cat like eyes as well as the sword.
    Class: Herald of Valdemar
    Divine sword Apthere (A normal sword that the blacksmith who made it for Herald Askelion gave a weird name)
    Heralds whites (7 sets)
    Other adventuring necessities
    Mind Speaker: Can talk to another person in their mind so long as they know they are there. Can yell a thought into an area causing it to be picked up by all minds in the area. Yelling into too large an area can cause the person to collapse. Requires physical communication to reply.
    Mind sensing: Can sense the mind of other individuals within roughly 5m of them.
    Herald-Companion mind link. (Due to Mind Speech can converse directly with the Companion in words and Pictures instead of just feelings. Can talk at any range.)
    Heraldic Combat training (Trained in sword, bow and throwing daggers)

    Name: Carithian
    Gender: Male
    Age: 37 years
    Race: Companion (A pure white horse)
    As above.
    Companion barding, tack and saddle
    Herald-Companion mind link: Can freely communicate
    Human level intelligence
    Companion-Companion Mind Link: Can talk to any Companion close enough and directly draw on their memories. These memories reach as far back as to birth of the Companions.
    Healing Gift boosting/Latent Healing creation: An Individuals healing magic or otherwise non natural healing prowess can be boosted via a physical link being established between the Healer and Companion or Healer and Herald.
  19. GamingIce

    GamingIce 『Holder of the Ring of Promise』『RPG Nerd』

    Aug 18, 2016
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    Reading List:
    Name: Smirking Benjamin
    Gender: Male
    Age: 33
    Race: Human
    Class: Bandit
    Tavern Brawler: Proficient in improvised weapons.
    Unarmed Fighting: Proficient in unarmed attacks.
    Menacing: Proficient in intimidation.
    Iron Liver: High resistance to alcohol and ingested poisons.
    Inspiring Leader: Proficient in rallying a group of people.
    A bag of holding filled with a lot of beer
    Little bit of cash
    As Benjamin doesn't like to talk about his past very much, the only way to get him to open up is drinking, and boy does he love drinking. Even though he still doesn't talk about his life before becoming a bandit, he has shared a few things to others. When he first started off as a bandit, he was unlucky enough to come across a true knight, who eliminated the rest of the bandits he was with, however Benjamin was fast on his feet, and knew as soon as he saw the knight that there was no chance of winning. He escaped by himself, leaving the rest to die, and its one of the biggest shames in his life. When he finally got around to starting his own group of bandits instead of just joining a group as he did so many times, he was betrayed by his second-in-command, but managed to keep his life. Trusting that man was another of the big shames in his life. After those events and many others, he chose to give up the life of a bandit, somewhat, and become an adventurer, the type to be a bandit to bandits!
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2022
  20. Quaesitor

    Quaesitor [Scholar]

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Reading List:
    Name: Kleia
    Gender: Female-ish
    Age: 263
    Race: Poisonous Dryad
    Class: Poisoner/Martial Artist
    Billowing Robes - Wide, billowing robes that loosely drape over her body.
    Smoking Pipe - A pipe she commonly uses to smoke various poisonous and hallucinory herbs.
    Metal Bracelets - Multiple metal bracelets outfitted with various smaller metal rings that rattle together when she moves.
    Whip Sword - A standard metallic whip sword. While it on its own isn't very effective, her internal energy makes up for its lack of offensive power.
    Internal Energy - She has cultivated internal energy which she can utilise to strengthen herself and her attacks.
    Poisonous Energy - During and after usage, the Internal Energy dissipates into a purplish, poisonous smoke.
    Deceptive Martial Arts - Her fighting style combines the rattling of metal with billowing cloth and smoke to confuse and misdirect the opponent's senses while she feints and stalls the enemy, either wearing them down with poison or a single unexpected attack.
    Kleia used to be the Dryad of a Cherry tree in the middle of a flower field - until the entire forest got burned down and turned into farmland, including the flower field.

    Through what can only be described as a miracle, Kleia survived this, though her hands and feet took on a charred, black color and texture whilst becoming malformed into vicious claws.

    Since then, she has attempted to exact revenge on those that burned down her field but failed, and is now in a mixture of retirement and training.
    Jeanette and AliceShiki like this.