(BL) All danmei novels and their Chinese names

Discussion in 'Novel General' started by gnessa14, Jul 26, 2019.

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  1. gnessa14

    gnessa14 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    If you find any mistake or missing NU novels not on list this, please kindly point it out. Thanks.

    Last update: 02/02/2021

    # Raw/Untranslated novels from the forum

    - 1001 nights - 一千零一夜
    - 3 Wives 4 concubine - 三妻四妾
    - 99 Methods of Raising a Mermaid - 饲养人鱼影帝的99法
    - [Biochemical Apocalypse] Blood Slave - 生化末世之血奴
    - Abuse the Scum Guide (Quick Wear) - 虐渣指南[快穿]
    - Adoptive Father and Those Adopted Sons - 爹和那些乾兒子
    - After becoming a millionaire, a billionaire proposed to me - 成为百亿富豪后我被千亿少爷求婚了
    - After Becoming a spare tyre the Villian and Male Lead became interested in me - 成为备胎之后我被反派和男主同时盯上了
    - After I Got Married, Those Who Slagged Me Was Reborn - 结婚后,渣过我的人都重生了
    - After Marrying a Big Man, I Became the Most Popular Star of the Interstellar Network - 跟大人物結婚後我成了星際第一網紅
    - After rebirth, conceived the male lead's child - 重生后怀了男主的崽
    - All the looks you like, I have - 你喜欢的样子我都有
    - April Fools'Day Oneshot - 愚人节
    - Ashen Gray moon and Heartless - 蒼月無心
    - Attack and Occupy the Beauty - 攻占美人
    - Becoming a Bottom at 30 - 三十而受[豪門]
    - Blood Source - 源血
    - Caesar Revolution - 凱撒革命
    - Cang Region's Seven Palaces - 苍寰七宫
    - Counter Attack of the Reborn First Prince - 重生之嫡子反击
    - Counterattack of the Master of the Immortal Palace - 仙宫之主逆袭[重生]
    - Crossing Immortals - 穿越之修仙
    - Dark Male Lead Dominates Me - 黑化男主霸上我[快穿]
    - Dear Pinocchio - 亲爱的匹诺曹
    - Deep Induction - 深度诱入(父子3P高H年下)
    - Defending Against Attack After Rebirth - 重生之守墓人逆袭
    - Defying the Gods - 逆神[快穿]
    - Demon Jun’s Favored Husband - 魔君宠夫日常
    - Designer - 设计师
    - Plagued With Misfortune - 厄运缠身
    - Eldest Young Master Return - 大少归来
    - End of the World's Trade God - 末世贸易男神
    - Eternal Life As A Companion [Interstellar] - 星际之永生为伴
    - Era of the Society of Systems - 全民系统时代
    - Everyone is Secretly in Love with Me - 所有人都暗恋我
    - Fake drama really eats you - 假戲真做吃掉你
    - Fake ex-husband loses his memory and wants to remarry - 假前夫失憶求復婚
    - Father - 父
    - Fengshui Master's Cultivation Guide - 风水大师修仙指南
    - Flash Marriage - 闪婚
    - For the Peace of the Immortal Realm - 为了仙界的和平
    - Forensic Traversing Notes - 法医穿越记事
    - Forever Winner - 永远的赢家
    - Fu ding ronggui [rebirth] - 福鼎荣归[重生]
    - Give Me A Kiss - 给我一个吻[快穿]
    - Going Against The Wind - 我要和老攻离婚
    - Good Pregnancy - 好孕成双
    - Greatly Touched - 大触
    - Grim Reapers Have No Days Off - 死神没有休息日
    - Half of Sect Master - 二分之一教主
    - Hello Uncle - 大叔, 你好
    - Hero of the World (Interstellar) - 丐世英雄
    - His Interstellar Unmarried First Pregnancy - 星际之未婚先孕
    - His Little Rose - 他的小玫瑰[甜文]
    - History's Number One Sword Cultivator - 史上第一剑修
    - House Tang's Seven Omegas - 汤家七个O
    - I Accidentally Broke the Sky - 不小心捅破天
    - I am just that Su - 我就是這麽蘇
    - I Am Not A Demon - 我真不是妖
    - I am regarding you as good bros - 我把你们当哥们
    - I am With Snake's Eggs - 我怀了那条蛇的蛋
    - I Became a Pretty and Flirtatious Sl*t Upon Waking Up - 觉醒来我变成了妖艳贱货
    - I come from 2017 [Interstellar] - 我来自2017[星际]
    - I Come From A Parallel World - 我来自平行世界
    - I Don’t Love You - 我不爱你了
    - I have Special High Cold Technique - 我有特殊的高冷技巧
    - I Heard They All Love Me - 听说他们都爱我
    - I give away warm disabled brother - 我送温暖致残大哥
    - I only see you as a beautiful face - 我只是看你颜好
    - I want to be a good person in this life - 今生我要做好人
    - I was pregnant in the end Gesha? [Interstellar] - 我到底怀了个啥?[星际]
    - I Woke Up and Heard I Was Married - 一觉醒来听说我结婚了
    - I'm Pregnant After Sending a Soul Cry - 发出灵魂呐喊后我怀孕了
    - I'm the best at face-slapping - 快穿之我最擅长打脸了
    - In a Word, He's Acting Cute (Interstellar) - 一言不合就卖萌[星际]
    - Infinite Game - 无限游戏
    - Interstellar Stay-at-home Dad - 星际奶爸
    - It's Not Illegal To Turn Into a Spirit - 才不是非法成精
    - Just Love to fxxx Daddy Till He is Broken - 就爱X坏爸爸(高H)
    - Killing Frenzy in the Apocalypse - 癱末世之殺戮狂潮
    - Later, He Became a Royal Nurse - 後來,他成了御用奶媽
    - Legendary Wife - 传奇夫人
    - Leopard and Leopard temper cute (Interstellar) - 豹脾气与豹可爱[星际]
    - Learning God is in hand, I have the world - 学神在手,天下我有
    - Little Golden Egg's Care Guide - 小金蛋护养指南
    - Little terrified bun - 小怂包[重生]
    - Love Poison spreading into the Heart - 情毒入心
    - Madame! The Major General Invites you to return Home - 夫人!少将请您回家
    - Male reader who accidentally wore Shengziwen can't take it anymore - 误穿生子文的男读者伤不起
    - Male Witch - 男巫
    - Marriage is Difficult - 婚难从[穿书]
    - Married into a Wealthy man - 嫁入豪門的男人
    - Mary Sue Reverse System (fast wear) - 玛丽苏扭转系统[快穿]
    - Master Always Wants to Try Another Remedy - 师尊总想再补救下
    - Master of Interstellar Greening - 星际绿化大师
    - Meowzilla - 喵斯拉
    - Mermaids Vows - 人鱼盟誓
    - Mister Forensic - 仵作先生
    - Modern Taoist - 现代天师实录
    - Mr. Shen - 沈总 or 总在逼氪
    - My Dragon - 我的龙
    - My ex-boyfriends form a union to attack me, what should I do - 前男友组团来袭怎么破!
    - My Powerful Ex-Husband (Interstellar) - 厉害了我的前夫[星际]
    - Nirvana Rebirth / Astrolabe Reboot - 星盘重启
    - Oh Dear I Overslept again - 糟糕,睡过头了!
    - Old Injury - 陈伤
    - One Meter Eight Princess - 公主一米八
    - Painting Spring Church - 畫堂春
    - Peach - 含桃
    - People Who Looked Down On Me Are Falling in Love with Me (Fast Wear) - 瞧不起我的人都爱上我了
    - Pet Father - 宠爹 by 烙胤
    - Picking Up the Lovable Invalid Prince - 捡来的病娇皇子
    - Pink Robed Mage - 粉袍法师
    - Plan to Happiness After Transmigration - 快穿之幸福行动
    - PoYun 2 TunHai (Breaking through the clouds 2 - Swallowing Sea) - 破云2吞海
    - Professional Lover (Always top) - 职业情人(总攻)
    - Protagonist is left speechless - 主角无言以对[重生]
    - Pulling a Tyrannical, Mad, Handsome, Cool President - 总裁酷帅狂霸拽
    - Qi Le - 齐乐
    - Qin Shi Huang said he likes me His Interstellar Unmarried First Pregnancy - 秦始皇说他喜欢我
    - Quick Transmigration Into Non-Humans - 快穿之不是人
    - Raising of Husband, Rich and Powerful Family - 豪门之养夫
    - Re-emergence - 东山再起[娱乐圈]
    - Rebirth Apocalypse - 重生末世
    - Rebirth of an online player who gained the upper hand - 重生网缘之先声夺人
    - Rebirth of the Concubine's Son that becomes respected - 重生之庶子为尊
    - Rebirth of the Husband that thinks I am a slag - 重生之夫郎以为我是渣
    - Rebirth of The Moonlight Youth - 重生之月光少年
    - Rebirth to primitive society to raise small buns - 重生原始社會養包子
    - Rebirth married a fake husband - 重生之嫁了个假老公(星际)
    - Refining Master - 炼器大师[重生]
    - Repay Debt - 报恩
    - Return of God - 快穿之主神归来
    - Return to the Peak (Rebirth) - 重临巅峰
    - Returning After Transmigrating and Becoming Martial Emperor - 成了武帝的我又穿了回来
    - Riding A Dragon - 骑龙
    - Roll! Laozi is not interested in you! - (重生)滚!老子对你没性趣!
    - Ruler of the poison power sect Rebirth - 权门毒后
    - Save The Autistic Children System - 拯救自闭儿童系统[快穿]
    - Saving Cannon Fodders with the Villain - 和反派一起拯救炮灰[快穿]
    - School idol is sweet - 校草撩且甜[穿书]
    - Scum Seme Transmigration Manual - 渣攻重生手册
    - Self strategy - 自我攻略
    - Seme'd system - 被攻略系统[快穿]
    - ShenJian / MonkxCultivator - 神鉴
    - Slowly turning the hero to the dark side - 男主分分钟黑化[穿书]
    - Soon to die [Entertainment] - 命不久矣[娱乐圈]
    - Spring In The Emperor's Palace - 帝台春
    - Starcraft Cubs Picking Up Trash - 星际之养崽捡垃圾
    - Stop Bothering Me Emperor - 皇上別鬧
    - Straight Guy's Goddess System - 直男的女神系统
    - Strategy to Capture the Male Protagonist - 攻略那个起点男主!
    - Strong Offence and Defence - 强势攻防
    - Succession of Kings - [星际]王权继承
    - Superstar System - 巨星是个系统!
    - Superstar, What's That? - 巨星,算什么?!by 月下蝶影
    - Sweet alpha - 甜味儿Alpha
    - Technology House Attack - 技术宅攻略
    - The binding of the Autumn wind - 秋风缠
    - The Birth of 1, 2, 3, etc. 7 - 生了一二三四五六七 完结
    - The Daily Life After Marriage - 婚后日常
    - The Devil Within - 心魔
    - The Dragon's Sweet Love - 穿越之龙情蜜意
    - The Fierce Wife - 悍妻[医道]
    - The Generals Are Always Hit On The Face / Face Slapping The General - 将军总是被打脸
    - The Governor is Sick - 督主有病
    - The King's Wife - 阎王老婆
    - The Little Wolf Cub's Rebirth - 重生之小狼崽子
    - The Male Lead's How-To Guide - 男配攻略
    - The Marshal's Wife is a Zombie - 重生元帅夫人是丧尸 番外完结
    - The Master & Shadow Guard - 主子和影卫
    - The Mermen of Forever Sea - 芙爱维尔海的人鱼
    - The soul of the dragon will hold - 龙魂之睚眦必抱
    - The Strongest God [Online Gaming] - 最强男神(网游
    - The Tyrant Beloved Wife - 暴君的宠后
    - The villain's off the horse everyday [Quick wear] - 反派的掉马日常[快穿]
    - The Wulin Alliance's Personal Records/Events - 武林盟私密记事
    - The Zombie Planet’s Domestic Cat - 丧尸星的家养猫
    - There Is Always a Man in Love with Me - 总有男主爱上我[快穿]
    - There is always someone who wants to imprison me (fast wear) - 总有人想囚禁我〔快穿〕
    - This cannon fodder is not scientific [fast wear] - 这个炮灰不科学[快穿]
    - This is a Mermaid? - 這貨是人魚?
    - This World is Crazy - 这世界疯了
    - To Have Nothing - 一无所有
    - Today we didn't Divorce successfully - 今天也没能成功离婚
    - Transmigrated As the Villain's Ex-Boyfriend [wearing books] - 穿成反派的前男友[穿书]
    - Transmigrated into the School Idol's Ex- Boyfriend - 穿成校草前男友[穿书]
    - Transmigrated Rebirth of the male wife Qing Xi - 穿越重生之男妻清溪
    - Transmigrated to a big boss arranged marriage little wife - 穿成大佬的炮灰联姻小娇妻
    - Transmigrated to ABO - 穿越ABO
    - Transmigrated to be come a noble person - 穿越之逼恶成圣
    - Transmigration: Countryside Scenery - 穿越田园风光
    - Transmigration: From apocalypse to peaceful world (Entertainment World) - 末日穿书心愿世界和平[娱乐圈]
    - Transmigration: I'm pregnant again - 快穿之我又有了
    - Transmigration: In every world my husband is waiting for me - [穿]每个世界老攻都在等我
    - Transmigration: Unlucky radish is occupying the seat again - 倒霉萝卜又上位了[快穿]
    - Treacherous Minister / Palace of Eternal Life - 奸臣. Or 长生殿
    - UAAG Air Crash Investigation Team - UAAG空难调查组
    - Untouchable - 触不可及
    - Villain wants to hug - 反派要抱抱
    - Villain's Face-slapping Counterattack - 反派打脸逆袭[快穿]
    - Villain super scary - 反派超可怕的
    - Wake Up to My Zombie Child - 一覺醒來我懷了僵屍的孩子
    - Wearing a vicious and widowed husband [transmigration] - 穿成豪门恶毒寡夫[穿书]
    - We're all especially sympathizing with that man - 我们都特别同情那个男配[穿书]
    - We Are Not Allowed To Be Single Here (Interstellar) - 我们这里禁止单身[星际]
    - What About Starting from Scratch Rebirth BL - 说好的白手起家呢[重生]
    - Where did the scum gongs go - 渣攻都去哪了[快穿]
    - Who Is The Superstar? - 谁是巨星?
    - Xianman Palace - 鲜满宫堂完本
    - You must believe me, I'm really White Lotus - 你要相信我真的是白莲花
    - Youth Agitation Syndrome - 青春躁动综合症候群
    - [The Emperor] Zhen is Not Crazy - 朕没有疯[快穿]

    # Translated novels on NovelUpdates

    - 100% Compatible - 契合百分百(abo)
    - 100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death - 十万伏特电死你
    - 15P 7H 6SM - 15P,7H,6SM的故事大集
    - 2013 - 二零一三(末日曙光)
    - 4:48 - 凌晨四點四十八
    - 6 Cats Rush to Raise Me - 六只猫争着要养我
    - 7 Days - 七天
    - A Beta Has Dreams Too - 可是BETA也有梦想
    - A Cat with a Red Envelope Group - 一只拥有红包群的猫
    - A Certain Someone - 某某
    - A Collection of BL Shorts - BL 小短文合集
    - A Collection of Sweet Danmei Shorts - 耽美小甜短篇合集
    - A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me - 万千厉鬼排队表白我
    - A Cruel Romance - 残酷罗曼史
    - A Cure for the Dark Heart - 穿越之冲喜王妃
    - A Day in the Life of the Former Prisoner of War and His Interrogator - 昔日战俘与审讯官的一天一夜
    - A Doted Toy Boy in Another World - 重生之我被强宠了
    - A Dream Comes True - 梦想成真
    - A Flower on the Back of His Head - 你的后脑勺有朵花
    - A Fox Spirit’s Guide to Sleeping with Men - 不想睡男人的狐狸精都不是正经狐狸精
    - A Glimpse of the Muscular Man -
    - A Good-for-Nothing - 小废物
    - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy - 天敌饲养指南
    - A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob - 干掉万人迷的一百种方法
    - A Jinx and His Lethal Python Lover - 蟒蛇挚爱之亲爱的别哭
    - A Lucky Coin - 一个钢镚儿
    - A President’s Out-of-Body Experience - 总裁离魂小记
    - A Race to (Be) The Top - 群雄逐鹿
    - A Round Trip To Love - 双程之归途
    - A Seductive Gentleman / Yao Tiao Jun Zi - 窈窕君子
    - A Sloth and a Tree Spirit - 树精和树懒精
    - A Smile from the Villain - 反派邪魅一笑
    - A Straight Guy’s Nightmare - 直男噩梦
    - A Straight Guy’s Transmigration Journeys - 快穿之直男强撩
    - A Sword of Frost - 一剑霜寒
    - A Tale of Strategies For the Throne - 王座攻略笔记
    - A Train Named Evil - 罪恶号列车
    - A Walk-on Actor Who Wants to Be A Baker - 不想当蛋糕师傅的演员不是好龙套
    - A Warm Short Story - 一个暖暖的短篇
    - A Wave of Exes Came Looking for Me. What to Do?! - 前男友組團來襲怎麼破!
    - A Weasel Pays a New Year’s Visit to a Chicken - 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年
    - A Western Doctor’s Happy Farming Life - 小西医的幸福种田生活
    - A White Lotus Host Who Does Not Want To Be a White Moonlight is Not a Good Host - 不想当白月光的白莲花不是好宿主
    - ABO Cadets - 軍校生 or 在校生
    - AWM: PUBG - AWM [绝地求生]
    - Accidental Mark - 意外标记
    - Acting School - 演技派
    - Actually, I’m an NPC - 其实我是npc[网游]
    - Additional Inheritance - 附加遗产
    - Advance Bravely - 势不可挡
    - After Becoming The Tyrant - 成为暴君之后
    - After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad - 被儿子亲爹找上门后
    - After Being Confessed to by My Handsome Agent - 被帅气经纪人表白之后
    - After Being Extorted - 强取豪夺以后
    - After Being Marked by a Powerful Love Rival - 被豪门情敌标记之后
    - After Being Picked up by the Top Alpha - 被顶级alpha捡回家之后
    - After Being Transported into a Book, I Adopted the Villain - 穿书后我收养了幼年期的反派
    - After Being Turned Into a Dog, I Conned My Way Into Freeloading at My Rival’s Place - 变成狗后我去死对头家骗吃骗住
    - After Brushing Face At The Apocalypse’s Boss For 363 Days / After Showing My Face to the Apocalypse for 365 Days - 在末世BOSS面前刷脸卡363天之后
    - After Cultivating With the Enemy - 和死对头灵修后 or 和死对头灵修后我怀崽了
    - After Getting A Job in the Nether World, I Became Famous - 兼职无常后我红了
    - After I Got Married, Those Who Betrayed Me Were Reborn - 结婚后,渣过我的人都重生了
    - After I Possessed the Tmall Genie of the School Adonis - 穿进校草的天猫精灵后
    - After My Ex-Boyfriend’s White Moonlight Proposed to Me - 被前男友的白月光求婚后
    - After Our Divorce, I Still Wore Your Jacket - 离婚之后我还穿着你的外套
    - After Rebirth, I Was Entangled with the Tyrant - 重生后,我被学霸大佬缠上了
    - After Rebirth: What Should I Do if My Boyfriend Has a Boyfriend? - 重生回来男朋友有对象了怎么办?
    - After Reverse Transmigration, I Became the Four Arch-Enemies’ White Moonlight - 反穿后我成了四个死对头的白月光
    - After Swapping Bodies With My Arch-Nemesis - 和死对头互换身体以后
    - After Transmigrated into a Book, I’ve Gained an Entire Family of Cannon Fodder - 穿书后我有了一家子炮灰[娱乐圈]
    - After Transmigrating I Made The Antagonist Cry - 穿书后我把反派弄哭了[娱乐圈] or 穿書後我把反派弄哭了[娛樂圈]
    - After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy - 穿成Omega后被宿敌标记了
    - After Transmigrating, the Wealthy Actor and I have a HE Ending - 穿书后我和豪门影帝HE了
    - After the Bankruptcy of the Supporting Male Lead - 男配破产后[穿书]
    - After the Cannon Fodder’s Rebirth - 炮灰重生后 [快穿]
    - After the Rebirth, the Male God Have Seen Me - 重生后男神们都看上了我
    - Ageless Seducer - 老妖精
    - Aggrieved Fish Sprite - 鱼不服
    - Agreement of Being Gay for 30 Days - 协议搅基30天
    - All For the Sake of Great Harmony - 之一切为了大和谐
    - Always with the Old Attack - 快穿之老攻在手[快穿]
    - Amnesia Guide Of A Mermaid - 失忆人鱼攻略指南
    - An Accidental Rebirth: The Surrogate Bride - 绑上花轿嫁了狼
    - An Empire as a Betrothal Gift - 嫁给暴君后我每天都想守寡 or 愿以山河聘
    - An Inconspicuous Shooting Star - 昼行流星
    - An Instruction Manual for Male Pregnancy - 未来孕夫生子手册
    - An Ning / Serenity - 安宁
    - Antidote - 解药
    - Apocalyptic Rebirth: Earth’s Vast Changes - 末世重生之星球巨变
    - Applaud for Happiness - 为幸福而鼓掌[快穿]
    - Are You Addicted? - 你丫上瘾了?
    - Are You OK - 有药
    - As an Elder Brother - 为兄
    - As the Demon King, I Am Very Distressed Because the Hero Is Too Weak 1.0 - 身为魔王的我因为勇者太弱了而十分苦恼1.0
    - As the Minor Gay Rival in Het Novels - BG文里的基佬男配[快穿]
    - Aspiring Cyclist and the Domineering CEO - 热血男主与霸道总裁
    - Assassinate - 刺杀
    - Assistant Architect - 助理建筑师
    - Asteroid - 小行星
    - Asylum Live Broadcast Room - 疗养院直播间
    - Avenue Of Rebirth - 重生之腥光大道
    - BE Crazy Demon Survival System - BE狂魔求生系统【快穿】
    - BOSS Dresses as a Cutie - BOSS穿成小可爱[快穿]
    - Back To The Age Of The 80s - 80之大时代
    - Back To The Beginning Of Ming To Do Charity - 回到明初搞慈善
    - Back to Zero - 重生之归零
    - Back to the Age of Dinosaurs - 回到恐龙时代
    - Back to the Apocalypse - 末世重生之少爺
    - Ban All Singles - 我们这里禁止单身
    - Ban Lu Qin Jun / To Get the Ideal Man - 半路擒君
    - Banished to Another World - 异世流放
    - Bark!? - 汪汪汪!?
    - Bastard Male Wife - 庶子男妻
    - Beastman Forcefully Raising a Wife - 兽人之强养雌性
    - Before the Divorce - 睡前故事集·离婚之前
    - Befriending The Most Powerful Person - 和武力值最高的人做朋友
    - Begging You to Break Off This Engagement! - 求求你退婚吧
    - Being a Hamster in the Apocalypse is a Breeze - 末世仓鼠富流油
    - Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation - 作者属于高危职业
    - Beloved Enemy - 决对争锋
    - Beloved Husband - 宠夫(快穿)
    - Beloved Marriage in High Society - 宠婚豪门
    - Bend That Male God - 掰弯那个男神
    - Bent This Way - 快穿:攻略直男大佬
    - Bestial Blade - 兽丛之刀
    - Beyond The Outline - 这题超纲了
    - Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day - 修仙大佬万人迷日常[快穿]
    - Bird Dude Nie Bufan - 禽货聂不凡
    - Bite Your Fingertips - 咬上你指尖
    - Bix Magic Cube Game World - 比克斯魔方
    - Black Sky - 黑天
    - Blood Contract - 血色契約
    - Blooming Flowers, Silent Sorrow - 花开有时,颓靡无声
    - Blooming Romance - 桃花汛
    - Boss, Please don’t be a Manic - BOSS,请不要狂躁
    - Boss’s Death Guide / The BOSS' Guide to Seeking Death - BOSS作死指南
    - Bounded - 束缚
    - Bounty Hunter Goes Deep into the Mountain Forest - 赏金猎手前往山林深处
    - Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss - 男友总会变成恐怖片BOSS[快穿]
    - Break Up, Next - 分手,下一个
    - Breaking Through the Clouds - 破云
    - Breaking up, No Joke - 分手了,别闹
    - Bringing Along a Ball and Hiding from Foreign Devils - 带球躲洋鬼子
    - Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant - 带着儿子嫁豪门
    - Broken Bonds - 断情结
    - Brothel Open For Business (H) - 窑子开张了(H)
    - Brother - 弟弟
    - Brother-in-Law, I’m Pregnant! - 姐夫,我有了
    - C Language Cultivation - C语言修仙
    - Can You Connect to Your Wifi? - 能连你家WIFI吗?
    - Canary - 金丝雀[主攻]
    - Cannon Fodder Cheat System - 炮灰作弊系统[快穿]
    - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System - 炮灰逆袭探案系统
    - Cannon Fodder Counterattack System - 炮灰逆袭系统
    - Cannon Fodder is Always Lucky E - 炮灰总是幸运E
    - Can’t Afford to Offend My Scheming Disciple - 穿书之黑化徒弟惹不起
    - Card Room - 卡牌密室(重生)
    - Carven Jade - 琢玉
    - Cat King System - 猫大王系统
    - Certificate of Conformity - 合格证[快穿]
    - Chang’an Intoxicated, A Chaos-Bringing Concubine - 长安醉,乱世皇妃
    - Chasing Tides - 逐浪
    - Cherry Blossoms Upon a Wintry Sword - 寒剑栖桃花
    - Childish Flower - 未熟之花[ABO]
    - Chinese Almanac Master - 黄历师 or 不科学唯物主义秘密档案
    - City of Endless Rain - 終雨之城
    - Class Teacher System - 班主任系统
    - Cold Sands - 漠上寒沙
    - Cold Sub-species - 寒系亚种
    - Comeback of the Abandoned Wife - 废妻重生
    - Coming Twogether As One - 合二为一
    - Commercial Marriage [Rebirth] - 商业婚姻(重生)
    - Confession - 告解
    - Congratulations on Your Successful Escape - 恭喜您成功逃生
    - Conqueror of Hell - (英雄无敌6)征服地狱的人
    - Consort Qing / Imperial Concubine Qing - 晴妃娘娘
    - Contract Marriage - 契婚
    - Contractual Marriage: We’re Meant to Be Together - 合约情侣虐狗日常
    - Copper Coins - 铜钱龛世
    - Corpse Wins After The End Of The World - 尸生赢家 末世反重生
    - Could You Not Tease Me? - 你能不能不撩我
    - Counter Attack - 逆袭
    - Counterattack of a White Lotus that was Reborn into an Apocalypse - 末世重生之白莲花的逆袭
    - Counterfeit Bride - 冒牌新娘
    - Crawl Between Another’s Legs - 胯下之臣
    - Creator’s Internship Guide - 造物主实习指北
    - Creatures of Habit - 江山易改
    - Criminal Investigation Notes - 刑侦档案
    - Criminal Psychology - 犯罪心理
    - Crossing to the Primitive - 带着游戏面板穿越原始
    - Crossing to the Wild - 穿到蛮荒搞基建
    - Cub Raising Association - 幼崽护养协会
    - Cuck Slave in Training - 我和老婆被直男操 or 被调教的绿帽奴
    - Cute Beast Store No. 138 - 138号异兽萌宠店
    - Cāi Cāi - 猜猜
    - Dage - 大哥
    - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof - 豪门汪日常
    - Daily Life of the Wealthy - 豪门日常 [重生]
    - Daji and I Are Fighting Over A Man - 我和妲己抢男人
    - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse - 末世之绝地求生
    - Daozi - 道子
    - Dark Blue and Moonlight - 深藍與月光
    - Dark Tales - 黑暗怪谭
    - Dating the Strongest Boss - 与最强boss谈恋爱(快穿)
    - Death Progress Bar - 死亡进度条 or 生存进度条[穿书]
    - Deceive - 欺骗
    - Deep in Peach Blossoms - 桃花深处
    - Deep in the Act - 入戏
    - Defect - 缺陷
    - Delicious Food Got Me Famous Across the Galaxy - 我靠美食火遍银河系f
    - Demon Boss in the Human World - 魔界BOSS在人间[娱乐圈]
    - Demon King’s Political Marriage - 魔尊的政治婚姻
    - Demon Monk - 妖僧
    - Demon’s S*ave: Open the Basement Doors - 恶魔的仆从:打开地下室的门
    - Dense Fog - 大雾
    - Depth Charge - 深水炸弹 or 深水炸彈
    - Desharow Merman - 德萨罗人鱼
    - Devil - 魔王
    - Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know - 魔尊也想知道
    - Devouring the Seas - 破云2吞海
    - Di Wang Gong Lue / The Emperor's Strategy - 帝王攻略
    - Diary of Raising a Mermaid - 人鱼饲养日记
    - Did The Affectionate Love Interest Collapse Today? - 深情男配今天崩了吗
    - Didn’t Love You Enough - 重生之宠你不够
    - Dinghai Fusheng Records - 定海浮生录
    - Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food - 论食用狗粮的正确姿势[快穿]
    - Disguised as a Boss in an Escape Game - 在逃生游戏里伪装大佬
    - Do You Remember My Name? - 想起我叫什么了吗
    - Doctor, My Bottom Half is Wet Again - 医生,我下面湿了
    - Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports? - 电子竞技存在一见钟情吗?
    - Dog Slave - 犬奴
    - Doing All Kinds of Tricks Everyday - 每天都在花样作死[快穿]
    - Doll House
    - Don’t Be a Kept Man - 不做软饭男
    - Don’t Discriminate Against Species - 不要物种歧视
    - Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin - 不要在垃圾桶里捡男朋友[快穿]
    - Don’t Talk To Me! - 不准跟我说话!
    - Don’t You Like Me - 你是不是喜欢我
    - Dousha Bao - 代孕夫 / 豆沙包
    - Dragon Slaying Records - 屠龙记
    - Dwarf In The Future - 矮人在未来
    - ESports Has No Live Stream - 电子竞技没有直播
    - Elevator - 电梯
    - Embers - 余烬
    - Embers of Love - 相思成灰
    - Encountering a Snake - 遇蛇
    - End of Century - 末世纪
    - End of World’s Businessman - [係統]末世巨賈 or [系统]末世巨贾
    - End of the World [ABO] - ABO之末世強占
    - Engraved in Bone - 刻骨
    - Entering a Split Personality - 走进人格分裂
    - Entertainment Industry’s Gourmet Food Service - 娱乐圈美食担当
    - Epiphanies of Rebirth / Reborn to Epiphanies / Rebirth's Enlightenment - 重生之豁然
    - Escape Game - 逃杀闯关游戏
    - Escape the Infinite Chamber - 逃离无限密室
    - Estranged - 参商
    - Even until Death, the Scum Gong Thought I was a White Lotus - 渣攻到死都以为我是白莲花
    - Ever Since I Take Home An Adonis Who Has Lost His Business - 自從我把生意失敗的男神撿回家後
    - Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Capture Me - 主角每天都想攻略我
    - Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration) - 每个世界都不太对[快穿]
    - Everyday Fighting With The Black-Bellied Male Lead - (快穿)和黑化男主斗争的日日夜夜
    - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show - 每天起床都看到反派在抢戏
    - Everyday Life of a Dom Boyfriend - S男友的日常
    - Everyday, Boss Is Pretending To Be Weak - BOSS每天都在装柔弱
    - Everyone Knows I’m a Good Person - 全世界都知道我是好人[快穿]
    - Everyone Loves Pei JiYu - 人人都爱裴即玉
    - Everyone Thinks that I Like Him - 所有人都以为我喜欢他
    - Everyone is Secretly in Love with Me - 所有人都暗恋我
    - Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful - 江湖遍地是奇葩
    - Evil Cult Undercover Gets Exposed Everyday - 魔教卧底每天都在露馅
    - Ex-Husband’s Call - 前夫来电
    - Exclusive Rights to an Online Voice Actor - 网配之独家授权
    - Exile - 流放[种田]
    - F*ck Off Unless You’re The One - 非诚互扰
    - FOG - FOG[电竞]
    - Face Slapping The Slag Gong System - 打脸渣攻系统[快穿]
    - Fake Dating the Amnesiac School Prince - 和失忆校草谈假恋爱的日子
    - Fake Demon Lord - 伪魔头
    - Fake Ex-Husband Proposes to Marry After Amnesia - 假前夫失忆后求复婚
    - Fake Slackers - 伪装学渣
    - Faking Straight - 伪装直男
    - Faking an Honest Act to Eat You Up - 假戏真做吃掉你
    - Falling Down the Pond - 落池
    - Falling in Love Inside an Urban Legend - 在都市怪谈里谈恋爱[快穿]
    - Falling in Love With the Male God - 和男神谈恋爱
    - Falling in Love in the Supernatural World - 在灵异世界里谈恋爱
    - Falling in Love with You - 爱上你
    - Falling into the Abyss - 黑洞坠落
    - Family Sex Slave - 家庭性奴
    - Family’s Common Husband - 家族共夫(H)
    - Fanservice Paradox - 营业悖论
    - Fantasy Farm - 幻想农场
    - Far From You - 遙遠的你
    - Faraway Wanderers - 天涯客
    - Father and Son - 儿父
    - Fei Pin Ying Qiang / The Promotional Record of a Male Consort - 妃嫔媵嬙
    - Feng Mang - 锋芒
    - Feng Yu Jiu Tian - 凤于九天 or 風于九天
    - Fierce Silk Flower - 菟丝花凶残[末世]
    - Fight for Peace and Love - 为了和谐而奋斗
    - Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love - 斗地主之恋
    - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times - 影帝家的古代萌妻
    - Film Emperor’s Secret Marriage - 影帝的秘密
    - Filthy Black - 污黑 or 魔皇之束
    - Find My Bearings - 找得着北
    - First Date - 第一次约会
    - Florist Little Boss - 花店小老板
    - Flower Vase - 花瓶
    - Flowers Reflecting The Sky - 繁花映晴空
    - Flowers of Plants Cannot be Picked Casually - 植物的花朵儿不能随便采
    - Flying Gulls Never Land - 飞鸥不下
    - Forced Estrus - 强制发情
    - Forced To Be Favored By The Whole Stars - 被迫受到全星际的宠爱
    - Forced to Marry the Enemy Prince - 被迫和敌国太子联姻的日子
    - Forcefully Doting On You - 偏要宠爱我
    - Forensic Traversing Notes - 法医穿越记事
    - Four Short Sweet Stories - 蒙布朗的四个小故事
    - Fox - [重生]话狐
    - Fox Demon Cultivation Manual - 狐妖修炼指南
    - Fox Demon Usurping The Throne Daily - 狐妖篡位日常
    - Free Ren Yigu - 烂漫的任一顾
    - Friends with Benefits - 基友难当
    - Game Loading - 游戏加载中
    - Game, Live Stream - 游戏,在线直播
    - Gaze at the Scenes of Debauchery - 你看那灯红酒绿
    - General, You Have It - 上将,您有了
    - Get Lost! I Don’t Have a Traitorous Disciple Like You - 滚!我没有你这个逆徒
    - Ghost Marriage - 阴亲
    - Ghost Mending the Way -
    - Ghost Wife - 鬼妻
    - Ghosts Know What I Experienced - 鬼知道我经历了什么
    - Give Me a Kiss - 你亲我一下
    - Giving Birth in a Supernatural Game - 在灵异游戏里生崽崽
    - Global University Entrance Examination - 全球高考
    - Glory - 荣光[电竞]
    - Go to Hell, White Lotus - 去死,白莲花
    - God Level Summoner - 神級召喚師
    - Going Against the Wind - 逆风而行
    - Gold Class Fighter - 金牌打手
    - Gold Lord is Very Busy - 谭少很忙[娱乐圈] or 金主很忙[娱乐圈]
    - Golden Assistant - 金牌助理
    - Golden Stage - 黄金台
    - Gone with the Bustling World - 倾尽天下,乱世繁华
    - Good God, Stop! - 乖,大神别闹!
    - Gossip! The Prince and the Dragon, That Shameless Couple - 扒一扒王子和恶龙那对狗男男
    - Gourmet Live Room - 美食直播间[星际]
    - Governor’s Illness - 督主有病
    - Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn - 超会演戏的我现在重生了
    - Green Dragon Totem - 青龙图腾
    - Green Plum Island - 青梅屿
    - Grim Reaper Makes His C-Debut - 死神大人他C位出道啦
    - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi) - 监护人[重生]
    - Guardian - 鎮魂
    - Gui Tu / Long Way Home - 归途 or 歸途
    - Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating - 网恋翻车指南
    - Han Shan’s Sword Unsheathed - 剑出寒山
    - Handsome Friend - 漂亮朋友
    - Handsome to the Point of Death - 帅以致死
    - Have You Ever Met Such a Cold Author - 你可曾见过如此高冷的作者
    - He Became the Aunt of His Best Friend after Waking Up / To Be or Not To Be - 一觉醒来成了好兄弟的舅妈
    - He Doesn’t Know I’m Dead - 我死了他不知道
    - He Has A Dual Personality - 崽崽他有双重人格
    - He Tastes Sweet - 他尝起来甜甜的
    - He Woke Up And Became The Actor’s Cat - 睡醒成了影帝的猫
    - He is His Excellency Zhi Li - 他是支理大人
    - Heard I’m a Hero - 听说我是个勇者
    - Heart has Ling Xi - 心有凌熙
    - Heart of Glass - 玻璃心
    - Heartthrob - 校草
    - Heaven Official’s Blessing / Heaven's Blessing - 天官赐福
    - Heaven and Earth are Worthless - 天地无用
    - Heavenly Wife - 仙妻男当
    - Heroic Death System - 英勇赴死系统
    - He’s Not A Non-Entertainment Circle - 娱乐圈之非他不可
    - He’s Not My Shadow Guard, He’s My Lover - 不是暗卫,是爱人
    - High Energy QR Code - 高能二维码
    - His Awesome Young Hostess - 极品少奶奶
    - His Majesty’s Hostage - 质子殿下
    - His Royal Highness, Wants a Divorce! - 太子殿下,求和离!
    - His Son Has a Richest Billionaires Dad - 他儿子有个亿万首富爹
    - Holding Onto My Man - 抱住我的男人
    - Holy Institution - 圣院
    - Home of the Zerg - 蟲族之歸家
    - Hope You’ve Been Well - 别来无恙
    - Horror Game Escape Guide - 恐怖游戏逃生指南
    - How A Queen Was Made - [系统]女王是怎样炼成的
    - How Can The White Cabbage Dig Up The Pig - 论,白菜怎样去拱猪
    - How Could This Cat Tease Me? - 这喵怎么撩我
    - How Dare You Attack My Support! - 再打我辅助试试?
    - How Do I Dominate the World? - 我是如何制霸四海的
    - How Many Steps Does It Take To Turn an SM R*pe Novella into a Comedy Skit - 把sm強制文變爲沙雕文攏共分幾步 or 把sm强制文变为沙雕文拢共分几
    - How Many Tomorrows There Are - 明日何其多(穿書)
    - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai - 如何死得重于泰山
    - How To Say I Love You - 爱你怎么说
    - How To Thank You For Saving Me - 救命之恩无以为报
    - How to Deal with a Tsundere Gong - 祖传傲娇攻的整治办法
    - How to Fall in Love with the Villain / How to Court a Villain - 如何与反派谈恋爱
    - How to Survive As a Villain - 穿越成反派要如何活命
    - Hua Hua You Long - 花花遊龍
    - Hypocritical Adonis - 假正经男神
    - I Always Wanted to Pounce on that… - 我总想扑倒那个
    - I Became A Big Star After I Quit The Entertainment Industry - 退出娱乐圈后我成了大明星
    - I Became A Virtuous Wife and Loving Mother in another Cultivation World - 贤妻良母
    - I Became Rich After My Pet Became a Refined Human - 宠物成精后我成了富一代
    - I Became a Fanboy of the Villain - 我成了反派脑残粉[快穿]
    - I Became a God in a Horror Game - 我在惊悚游戏里封神
    - I Can Do It - 我行让我上
    - I Can’t Write Any ‘Below the Neck’ Love Scenes - 脖子以下的亲热不能写
    - I Dare You To Run Away Again - 有种你再跑
    - I Don’t Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore - 我再也不敢和主角作對了
    - I Don’t Want You To Be Responsible! - 老子不要你负责!
    - I Dumped My Prince Charming Once Again - 快穿:男神又被我始乱终弃了
    - I Excavated an Emperor to Become a Wife - 挖个皇帝做老婆
    - I Found My Dad Is a Crossdresser - 我发现,我爸是女装大佬
    - I Got Marked By My Shadow Guard After Pretending To Be An Alpha - 装A后被影卫标记了
    - I Have A Pair of Yin-Yuan Eyes - 我有一双姻缘眼
    - I Have A Secret - 我有一个秘密
    - I Have Amnesia, Don’t Be Noisy! - 失忆了别闹
    - I Have Everything You Like - 你喜歡的樣子我都有
    - I Have Medicine - 我有药啊[系统]
    - I Have Paid Too Much For This Home - 为这个家我付出太多了
    - I Have a Sickness - 我有病
    - I Have a “System” Halo - 我有一枚“系统”光环[快穿]
    - I Heard That I Am Poor - 听说我很穷[娱乐圈]
    - I Heard You Are Going to Marry Me - 听说,你要娶老子
    - I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce - 听说我未婚夫超凶
    - I Just Want to Be in a Relationship - 我就想谈个恋爱
    - I Just Want to Divorce - 我就想离个婚[重生]
    - I Kiss The Movie Emperor To Continue My Life - 我和影帝接吻續命
    - I Like Your Pheromones - 我喜欢你的信息素
    - I Love Farming - 我爱种田
    - I Must Be a Fake Alpha! - 我一定是個假alpha
    - I Need to Skip Out on this Marriage - 我得逃个婚
    - I Never Want to be a Younger Brother Again - 我再也不要当小弟了
    - I Only Like Your Character Settings - 我只喜欢你的人设[娱乐圈]
    - I Only Lived For Three Chapters In A Campus Romance Novel! - 我在校草文裡只能活三章
    - I Ran Away after I was Forced into a Love Polygon - 被迫修罗场后我跑路了or 被迫修羅場後我跑路了
    - I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My Child - 豪门老男人怀了我的孩子后我跑了
    - I Really Am a Slag Shou! - 我真的是渣受
    - I Really Can’t Act - 我真的不会演戏
    - I Regard You as Enemies, Yet You’re All After My Heart! - 我把你们当敌人你们却想攻略我
    - I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival Games - 我靠贫穷横扫逃生游戏
    - I Rely On Selling Meng To Upgrade - 我靠卖萌来升级 [星际]
    - I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country - 我靠美颜稳住天下
    - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games - 我靠么么哒通关逃生游戏
    - I Ship My Adversary X Me - 我嗑了对家x我的cp
    - I Shocked the World After Being Forced to Farm - 被迫种田后我震惊世界
    - I Think My Boyfriend is Sick - 我男朋友好像有病
    - I Trick Even the Lames to Stand Up for Me - 瘸子都被我忽悠的站起来了
    - I Turned Into a Little White Face After I Returned From the Apocalypse - 从末世回来后我变成了小白脸
    - I Want to Be Your Man - 我想成为你的男人
    - I Want to Blow - 我要吹吹
    - I Want to Divorce My Hubby - 我要和老攻离婚
    - I Want to Sleep With You - 我想跟你困觉
    - I Was Once a Legend - 我曾是个传说[无限流]
    - I Was Sent to a Wolf Den - 被送进狼窝了怎么办
    - I Wasn’t Born Lucky - 我不是天生欧皇
    - I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child - 一觉醒来我怀了僵尸的孩子
    - I [Imperial] Am Not This Kind of Man - 不当皇帝就得死! or 朕不是这样的汉子 or 朕今天不想穿女装
    - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man - 朕就是这样的汉子[快穿]
    - I am a Chef in the Modern Era - 我在现代做厨子[美食]
    - I am an Alpha - 我是一个Alpha
    - I am the Lucky Cat of an MMORPG - 网游之我是招财猫
    - I woke up and was pregnant - 一觉醒来我怀孕了
    - Iceberg Man’s Prey - 冰山男的猎物
    - Idiot, I Love You - 蠢货,我爱你
    - If Only Time Stopped at the Moment We First Met - 人生若只如初见
    - If You Are Not Red, You Must Inherit the Family - 不红就要继承家业[重生]
    - If You Don’t Fall In Love, You’ll Die - 不谈恋爱就去死
    - Illusion (Lan Lin) - 错觉
    - Immersed in the Act - 入戏[娱乐圈]
    - Immoral Holidays - 惩罚军服系列:背德假期
    - Imperfections - 残次品
    - Imperial Uncle - 皇叔
    - Imprisoned - 囚禁
    - In Love with an Idiot - 你却爱着一个傻逼
    - In The Name Of Fang - 以牙之名
    - In the Future, My Whole Body is a Treasure - 未来之全身是宝
    - Insider - 局中人
    - Intense Radical Behaviors - 过激行为
    - Intersex Student and Biology Teacher - 双性学生与生物老师
    - Interstellar Demon Legend - 星际修妖者传说
    - Interstellar Favorite Superstar - 星际宠婚巨星
    - Interstellar Power Couple - 星际强力联姻
    - Interstellar’s Unmarried First Pregnancy - 星际之异形侵入 or 星际之未婚先孕
    - Intoxication - 一醉經年
    - Introduction to Sex Education - 青春性教育启蒙课
    - Investment Life - [重生]投资人生
    - It Always Feels Like Someone is Trying to Steal the Consignment - 总感觉有人要劫镖
    - It Might Be a Hottie - 虽然那是一个帅哥
    - It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead - 想做男配其实也不容易
    - It’s Hard Being the Bad Guy - 恶霸难当
    - It’s My Turn to Take the Stage to Fly - 该我上场带飞了[全息]
    - It’s Not Easy Being Your Love Rival’s Big Brother - 情敌他哥不好当
    - It’s Not Easy Being a Master - 师尊难为
    - It’s Not Too Late to Meet Again After Rebirth - 重生之相逢未晚
    - It’s Okay, I’ll Take Care of You - 没关系,我养你
    - It’s Over! The Major General is Bent! / Oh No, Major General is Bent [Interstellar] - 完了,少将弯了[星际]
    - It’s Valentine’s, Will You Rent Me? - 七夕,你租了吗
    - I’ll Still Love You Even If You’re a Man - 你是男的我也爱
    - I’ll Still Love You Even if You’re a Man 2 - 你是男的,我也爱 2
    - I’m Afraid I’m Now a Salted Fish - 我恐怕是一条咸鱼了〔娱乐圈〕
    - I’m Bearing My Love Rival’s Child - 我怀了情敌的孩子
    - I’m Just This ‘Sue’ - 我就是这么苏
    - I’m Not Human / No Longer Human - 我不做人了
    - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame - 这锅我不背
    - I’m Pregnant With a Wealthy Old Man’s Child - 怀上豪门老男人的孩子[穿书]
    - I’m Raking in Billions in the Aristocracy - 我在豪门敛财百亿
    - I’m Really A Dragon - 我真的是龙呀
    - I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist - 我为主角播撒智商[快穿]
    - I’m Supposed to Be An Undercover Cop, Not The Sister-in-Law! - 是做卧底不是做大嫂
    - I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs - 我在星际直播养崽
    - I’m a Little Cutie Not a Bossy CEO - 是小可爱不是霸道总裁
    - I’m an NPC - 我是NPC
    - I’ve Been Pregnant for 10 Years Without Giving Birth - 我怀胎十年就是不生
    - I’ve Led the Villain Astray, How Do I Fix It? - 把反派养歪了肿么破
    - I’ve Liked Your Boyfriend for a Long Time - 我喜欢你男朋友很久了
    - Jellyfish - 水母
    - Jiang Chao Ge and the Spirit Weapon - 魂兵之戈
    - Jiang Jiu - 将就
    - Jin Se - 錦瑟 or 锦瑟
    - Jin Xiao Yi Tan / A Different Story Tonight - 今宵異譚
    - Jin Yu Wang Chao - 金玉王朝
    - Joyful Reunion - 相見歡
    - Jubo / The Dominant Boss - 巨擘
    - Jun You Ji Fou / How is the Gentleman Feeling? - 君有疾否
    - Junior Brother Always Wants to Bend Me - 师弟总想撩弯我[重生]
    - Jus Primae Noctis - 初夜權
    - Just Want to Be His Lover - 就想和他谈个恋爱
    - Kaleidoscope of Death - 死亡万花筒
    - Keeping A Loyal Dog Is Not As Good As A Loyal Dragon - 养忠犬不如养忠龙[娱乐圈]
    - Killing Show - 杀戮秀
    - Killing the Same Person Every Time - 每次都在杀同一个人
    - King of Classical Music - 古典音乐之王
    - Kisses Make Me Grow Taller - 親親就能長高高
    - Knight, the Dragon Snatched a Princess Again! - 骑士,恶龙又抓公主了
    - Lantern: Reflection of the Peach Blossoms - 提灯映桃花
    - Later On, I Was Known As A Fake Actor! - 我以前是个假歌手
    - Later, He Became a Royal Healer - 后来,他成了御用奶妈
    - Later, He Became a Top-Notch Drag Queen - 后来,他成了女装巨巨
    - Lawless Gangster - 不法之徒
    - Laws of the Other World / The Law Of All Things - 异世之万物法则
    - Le Ke - 乐可
    - Lend Me A Lifetime - 借我一生
    - Lessons on Raising a Partner - 教你种植一个对象
    - Let Me Shoulder This Blame! - 这个锅我背了![快穿]
    - Let Me Tease You - 先撩为敬
    - Let’s Talk about that Guy Who Transmigrated to Pursue me - 谈谈那个穿进书里来追我的家伙
    - Lian Qun Fang - 敛群芳
    - Lie Huo Jiao Chou / Drowning Sorrows with Raging Fire - 烈火浇愁
    - Life After Marrying My Love Rival - 和情敌结婚的日子
    - Life Among the Drop-Dead Gorgeous - 大叔遇上郎
    - Life Going Wild With Plug-ins - 带挂装逼, 最为致命
    - Life-Chaser - 追命
    - Life-Saving Days by the Husky’s Side - 在二哈身边保命的日子
    - Lifetime Gifts - 终身赠礼
    - Like Love But Not - 似爱而非第一版
    - Ling Shan Jun - 灵山君
    - Lion King’s Adopted Son - 狮王的养子
    - Little Expert Bending Plot Lines Back - 掰正剧情小能手(快穿)
    - Little Fool - 小呆子(H)
    - Little Gods - 小神仙
    - Little Love Song - 小情歌
    - Little Monk - 小和尚
    - Little Mushroom - 小蘑菇
    - Little Terrified Bun - 小怂包
    - Liu Li Loves Jun - 琉璃戀君
    - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect - 六爻
    - Live Action Murder Mystery - 真人剧本杀
    - Live Broadcasting Raising Dragons in the Interstellar - 在星际直播养龙
    - Living Next To The Male God - 住在男神隔壁[穿书]
    - Living to Suffer - 活受罪
    - Logical Aesthetics - 逻辑美学
    - Loneliness - 茕茕
    - Long You Jianghu - 龙游江湖
    - Looking Over at the Guy Across the Way - 对面的小伙看过来
    - Lord Seventh - 七爷
    - Lord and Dragon - 领主与龙
    - Lord of End of World - 末世重生之少主横行
    - Lost Lovers - 丧世情人
    - Lost Temple - 失落神庙
    - Lovable Package - 娇气包[快穿]
    - Love Among the Stars - 魔天星之艳后
    - Love Fraudster - 愛情詐騙師
    - Love Genius Qian Xiaoke - 恋爱天才钱小可
    - Love Late - 迟爱 or 遲愛
    - Love Rival Romance System - 情敌恋爱系统
    - Love Stops Rumours - 谣言止于恋爱
    - Love Story at Starry Night - 明日星程
    - Love You 59 Seconds - 网游之爱你59秒
    - Love You Till Death - 守你百岁无忧
    - Love is More Than a Word - 识汝不识丁
    - Love is too Frustrating - 愛太慌張
    - Love, Expired - 过期关系
    - Lovely Allergen - 可爱过敏原
    - Lovers Always on the Counterattack - 恋人总是在逆袭(快穿)
    - Loving the Most Handsome Man in the Capital - 穿越之帝都第一帅
    - Lust Guidance City - 调教欲望都市(总攻NP)
    - Made by God - 神造
    - Male God is Chasing My Brother - 男神都在追我哥
    - Male Lead 2 and Male Lead 3 Happy Ending! - 男二和男三HE了!
    - Male Lead 2 and Male Lead 3 Happy Ending! - 男二和男三HE了!
    - Man, You’re My Man - 男上加男
    - Marked by a Tyrant After Transmigrating - 穿书后被暴君标记了
    - Marriage Agreement - 婚约
    - Marrying the Big Shot - 嫁入豪门[重生]
    - Marshal, Please Calm Down - [星际]元帅请淡定
    - Marshal’s Cannon Fodder Spouse [Transmigration] - 元帅的炮灰配偶[穿书]
    - Mary Sue: A Faithful Adaptation - 写实派玛丽苏
    - Masquerade in Bridal Attire and Marry the Prince - 扮成女装去替嫁
    - Master Swindler - 诈欺大师
    - Master of Trading Star Card Game - 星卡大师(重生)
    - Me and My Knight - 我和我的骑士
    - Me and my Husband Sleep in a Coffin - 我和老攻睡棺材
    - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries - 遇见魔修,神都哭了[无限]
    - Melted City - 熔城
    - Meow! A Kitten Stumbles into a CEO!Novel! - 喵!奶猫闯入总裁文
    - Mermaid Effect - 人鱼效应
    - Messiah - 弥赛亚
    - Misplacement Game - 错位游戏[快穿]
    - Mist - 薄雾[无限]
    - Mo Flower - 陌上花开 or 陌上花開
    - Monster Inn Rectification Report - 妖怪客栈整改报告
    - More Than A Few Blessings - 福泽有余[重生]
    - Mr. Dior - 迪奥先生
    - Mr. Fashionable - 时尚先生
    - Mr. Gu and the Evil Dog Lu - 顾先生与陆恶犬[娱乐圈]
    - Mr. Melancholy Wants to Live a Peaceful Life - 忧郁先生想过平静生活
    - Mr. Rong’s Lovelorn Diary - 戎先生的失恋日记
    - Mr. Yuan is Always Unhappy - 袁先生总是不开心
    - Mr. Zhou Doesn’t Want to Work Hard Anymore! - 周先生不想努力了
    - Murder - 谋杀
    - Muted / Muran - 穆然
    - My Artist Is Reborn - 我家艺人满级重生[娱乐圈]
    - My Black-Bellied Boyfriend - 我的腹黑男友
    - My Boss Had Wet Dreams About Me Everyday - 我的上司每天做梦都在和我啪啪啪
    - My Boyfriend is A Dragon
    - My Boyfriend is the Zombie King - [屍者]我的男票丧尸的王
    - My CEO Goes OoC - 我家总裁画风不对 / 我家總裁畫風不對
    - My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse - 末世之我的樱桃会爆炸
    - My Childhood Buddy Keeps Trying To Turn Me Gay - 发小总想掰弯我
    - My Clingy Boyfriend Asks for Kissing Every Day - 男友每天求亲亲
    - My Enemy is Actually Secretly in Love with Me - 死敌居然暗恋我
    - My Family’s Idol’s Vest Fell Again - 我家爱豆的马甲又掉了
    - My Family’s Omega Has Just Grown Up - 家有Omega初长成
    - My Favorite Manly Husband - 恶霸的娇夫郎 or 秀才家的壮夫郎
    - My Five Elements Lack You - 我五行缺你
    - My Former Significant Others Were All Alphas - 前任都是alpha[ABO]
    - My Ghost Lover Is Too Annoying - 家有鬼君:赔了阳寿又亏钱
    - My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm - 我家又不是神奇生物养殖场!
    - My Hubby Frequently Loses His Memory - 老攻他总是失忆
    - My Hundred Husbands and I - 我与我的100个攻
    - My Husband is Suffering from a Terminal Illness - 老攻身患绝症[穿书]
    - My Junior Still Hasn’t Killed Me - 师弟还不杀我灭口
    - My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World - 修真界依然有我的传说
    - My Little Poplar - 小白杨
    - My Love Comes to See the Grass on my Grave - 心上人来看我的坟头草
    - My Love Rival Has Been Acting Strange Lately - 【阳光攻】·我的情敌最近很不对
    - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt - 我死对头终于破产了
    - My Old Gong Has Amnesia - 我家老宫失忆了
    - My Roommate Probably Is Not an Omega - 我的室友可能不是omega
    - My Sassy ‘Crown Princess’ - 重生之极品皇子妃
    - My Senior Is Always Salivating After Me! - 师兄他总对我垂涎三尺
    - My Teammates Are All Crazy - 队友都是深井冰[电竞]
    - My Top Boy Is like a Dog - 我家学霸像狗一样
    - My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting - 学渣同桌不需要安慰
    - My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away - 植物人伴侣在我逃跑后气得睁眼了
    - My Wangfei is a Man - 我的王妃是男人
    - My Wife Always Thought I Did Not Love Him - 媳妇总以为我不爱他 (重生)
    - My Wife is Straight - 我的老婆是直男
    - My Zombie Husband - 家有僵尸老公
    - Mythical Creatures Series 1: Ah-Jiang - 神魔鬼怪系列之阿江
    - Nan Chan - 南禅
    - Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do! - 必须向七个男人求婚怎么破!
    - Never Marry a Man With Two Tintins - 绝不嫁有两个丁丁的男人
    - Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero! - 没想到你是这样的勇者!
    - New Life of Broken Cedar - 松雪折椿生
    - New Times, New Hell - 新时代,新地府
    - Nirvana Rebirth - 星盘重启 or 星盤重啟
    - No Money to Divorce - 没钱离婚
    - No Worries about Food and Medicine - 医食无忧
    - No Zuo No Die - (网游)不作死就不会死
    - Non-Human Seeking Re-employment - 非人类下岗再就业
    - Non-Human Sub-district Office - 非人类街道办
    - Non-critical Elevator - 非關電梯
    - Notes from the Grey Tower - 灰塔笔记
    - Nothing to Lose - 破罐子破摔
    - Nowhere to be Found - 无处可寻
    - Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World - 兽世第一懒商 or 獸世第一懶商
    - Number One Ugly Husband - 第一丑夫
    - Number One Zombie Wife - 第一尸妻
    - O Pretends to be B For The Violent Admiral - O装B给暴戾上将当男秘
    - Obscene Immortal - 亵仙[双性]
    - Offered Into Marriage - 奉崽成婚[星际]
    - Oh, My Dear! - 哎呀,亲爱的
    - Old Fogey Goes Down The Mountain - 古董下山
    - One Hundred Ways to Become a God - 成神的一百种方式
    - One Useless Rebirth - 一次没卵用的重生
    - Only Wing - 只翼ABO
    - Open Sea - 透明海
    - Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World - 在噩梦世界开店
    - Outside the Law - 法外之徒
    - PUBG Online Romance of the Century - PUBG世纪网恋
    - Paintings of Terror - 画怖
    - Palace Full of Delicacies - 鲜满宫堂
    - Pancake Cart - 煎饼车
    - Panguan - 判官
    - Paper Lover - 纸片恋人
    - Paper Plane - 纸飞机
    - Part-Time Taoist Priest - 非职业半仙
    - Pastel Colours - 淡彩
    - Paw in Paw, Let’s Satisfy Our Desire for Dogs - 一起来吸狗 or 狗男男
    - Pay Attention to Me - 理我一下
    - Peach Blossom Debt - 桃花债
    - Peeping Woman - 窥娘
    - Peerless - 无双 or 無雙
    - Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic Disciples - 仙君座下尽邪修
    - Perfect Match - 最佳契合
    - Perfect Two - 重生之娱乐搭档
    - Pet Dog - 爱犬
    - Phantom Skeleton Painting - 骷髅幻戏图
    - Pharmacist of the Future - 未来之制药师
    - Pheromone Addiction - 信息素成癮症
    - Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel / Picked Up by the Protagonist of a Suffering!MC - 被虐主文主角捡回家
    - Pink Robed Mage - 粉袍法师
    - Pixiu Rearing Guide - 兽身如玉 or 貔貅饲育指南
    - Plan to Trap the Golden Thigh - 诱捕金主计划
    - Please Close Your Eyes At Night - 天黑请闭眼
    - Please Don’t Eat Me - 請不要吃掉我
    - Please Respect the Occupation ‘Evil Spirit’ - 请尊重恶灵这个职业
    - Please Start Your Show - 请开始你的表演
    - Pleasing Start-Over - 快意重來[快穿]
    - Poison of the Human Panacea - 药人毒
    - Poisonous Peasant ‘Concubine’ - 农家毒‘妃’
    - Porcelain Rose - 玫瑰瓷
    - Positive Energy System - 正能量系统
    - Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist - 国家一级注册驱魔师上岗培训通知 or 明王幻世录
    - Postnatal Care of a Sow - 母猪的产后护理ABO
    - Powerful Eunuchs - 大珰
    - Powerful Skull in The Last Days / A Skeleton with Power in the Apocalypse - 末世之骷髅当道
    - Praying for Fate - 求緣
    - President Gu’s Robot Boyfriend - 小伙太帅,别扯我西装
    - President Shen always Top Up Money - 沈总 总在逼氪
    - President Wife is A Man - 总裁夫人是男的
    - President isn’t ‘Mary Sue’ - 总裁不苏
    - President, Our Egg Is Lost - 总裁,咱们的蛋丢了
    - President’s Exclusive Alchemist - 总裁的专属炼丹师
    - Prince Charming Is a Top - 男神是个攻
    - Prison Officer of the System - 世袭制狱警
    - Professional Body Double - 职业替身 or 職業替身
    - Psychic - 灵媒
    - Psycho - [病娇]疯子 or 疯子
    - Psychological Control - 心理控制
    - Puffed-up after Giving Birth to a Wealthy Man’s Heir - 生了豪门继承人我膨胀了
    - Pulling Together a Villain Reformation Strategy / Organizing a Villain Reformation Strategy - 扒一扒反派洗白攻略
    - Pure Love - 纯情
    - Python Starter Guide - Python入门指南
    - Qiang Jin Jiu - 将进酒
    - Qing Guo Yingxiong / Fallen Hero - 傾國英雄
    - Qing Kuang - 轻狂
    - Qingge - 青歌[重生]
    - Qinglian Chronicles - 青莲记事
    - Qizi - 契子
    - Quick Transmigration: He Likes Being a Father - 他喜当爹了
    - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead - 快穿之我快死了
    - Quick Transmigration: The Villain Gets Proposed to Every Day - 反派日常被求婚
    - Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil - 快穿之打脸狂魔
    - RPG - 角色扮演
    - Raider System - 被攻略系统(快穿)
    - Raider, Please Stay! - 攻略者,请留下[快穿]
    - Raising Dragons in Hollywood - 在好莱坞养龙
    - Raising You This Small Stuff - 养你这件小事
    - Raising a Bun with a Daily Life System - 带着生活系统养包子
    - Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler - 重生成昏君
    - Rebirth and Redemption - 重生自赎[主攻]
    - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage - 重生之星际宠婚
    - Rebirth of Brotherly Love - 重生之兄弟情深
    - Rebirth of Chen An - 重生之陈安
    - Rebirth of MC - 重生之或跃在渊
    - Rebirth of Poisoned Empress - 权门毒后
    - Rebirth of The Golden Marriage - 重生 之 金色 婚姻
    - Rebirth of a CV Star - 重生配音巨星
    - Rebirth of a Cannon Fodder from a Novel - 豪门宠文炮灰重生后
    - Rebirth of a Movie Star - 重生之朗朗星空
    - Rebirth of a Supermodel - 重生超模
    - Rebirth of a Useless Waste: Number One Evil Immortal - 废柴重生之第一妖仙
    - Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being - 重生之至尊仙侣
    - Rebirth of the Wolfish Silkpants Bottom - 重生之纨袴小狼受
    - Rebirth to Become the President’s Omega Wife - 重生豪门总裁的O妻
    - Rebirth-First Class Magician - 重生之顶级魔术师
    - Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant - 重生之孽奴虐暴君
    - Reborn As The Villain President’s Lover - 穿成反派总裁小情人[娱乐圈]
    - Reborn As a System - 重生成系统
    - Reborn Only to Love You Again - 重生只为再爱你一次
    - Reborn Out of Love and Murder - 重生之恃爱行凶
    - Reborn as a Good Child - 重生之做个乖孩子
    - Reborn as an Omega - 重生成為Omega
    - Reborn as the Villain President’s Cat & Dog - 重生成反派总裁的猫狗[娱乐圈]
    - Reborn into A Slash Game - 重生到搅基游戏
    - Reborn into a Hamster for 233 Days - 重生成仓鼠的233天
    - Reborn with an Old Enemy on the Day of our Marriage - 和宿敌结婚当天一起重生了
    - Rebuilding Base is Under Construction - [综英美]改造基地建设中
    - Recapture the Entertainment Industry - 重征娱乐圈[重生]
    - Record of the Missing Sect Master - 教主走失记
    - Records of the Dragon Follower - 从龙记
    - Red Balloon - 紅色氣球
    - Red Bean Ice - 红豆牛奶冰
    - Refined Sunflower and the Little Priest - 向日葵精与小道士
    - Refraction - 折光
    - Reincarnation of Master Su - 重生之苏爷
    - Reincarnation of a Superstar - 重生之名流巨星
    - Repudiating a Good Wife is out of the Question - 贤妻不能休
    - Retirement Life - 养老生活[末穿古]
    - Returning to the End of the World - 重回末世之天罗惊羽
    - Reverse - 逆转
    - Riling Up The Jianghu - 霍乱江湖
    - Rivals in Love - [娱乐圈]情敌
    - Rooster X Rooster - 鸡夫夫(ABO)
    - Runaway Guide - 逃婚指南
    - Running with a Bag and Bun - 揣着包子带球跑
    - S.C.I Mystery Series - SCI 谜案集
    - SAYE / Act Wildly - 撒野
    - Salad Days - 经久
    - Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most Lethal - 沙雕发小最为致命
    - Saving Unpermitted - 禁止存档
    - Scholar…I Don’t Want Any…Meow - 书生…我不要了…喵呜
    - Screen Partner - 萤幕拍档
    - Sea Monster Alliance - 海怪联盟
    - Sea of Clouds Prison Heart - 云海囚心
    - Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement - 符修当自强[重生]
    - Second Marriage of a Wealthy Old Man - 豪门老男人的二婚男妻
    - Sect Master and Psycho - 教主與瘋子
    - Seduction Game - 试图勾引
    - Seizing Dreams - 夺梦
    - Seven Days Escape Game Chapter - 七日逃生游戏[无限流]
    - Seven Days, Seven Nights - 七天七夜
    - Seven Shows - 七秀
    - Sha Po Lang - 杀破狼 or 殺破狼
    - Sha Qing - 杀青
    - Shameless Gangster - 无耻之徒
    - Shan He Biao Li - 山河表里
    - Sharing Rain and Dew - 雨露均沾
    - Sharing System - 系统共享中
    - Shh, There’s a Beast in the Imperial Palace - 嘘,帝宫有兽
    - Short Stories Collection (BL) - 小故事合集BL
    - Show Love System - 秀恩爱系统[末世]
    - Shuisheng Didi - 水声滴滴 or 水滴聲聲
    - Sickly Tyrannical - 病虐
    - Side Character Survival Guidelines - 配角生存指南
    - Silent Lover / Mute Slave - 哑奴
    - Silent Reading - 默读
    - Silly Spring Attack - 憨攻的春天
    - Sissy - 娘娘腔
    - Slag Shou Cultivating Manual - 渣受修炼手册
    - Slow-Witted - 天资愚钝
    - Small Clingy Embrace - 小黏包[重生]
    - Small, Grey Fish - 小灰鱼
    - So What If You’ve Been Reborn? - 重生算什么
    - Social Outcast - 社交温度
    - Spare Tire is Gone - 备胎不干了
    - Special Case Files of Rebirth - 重生之特别案卷
    - Spice of Life - 柴米油盐
    - Spirit Boss - 幽灵Boss
    - Spirit Hotel - 幽灵酒店
    - Split - 分裂
    - Splitting the Immortal - 脔仙
    - Spoiled - 宠坏
    - Spring Once More - 又一春
    - Spring Trees and Sunset Clouds - 春树暮云
    - Still Saving The World Today (Switching Worlds) / World saving System - 今天也在拯救世界[快穿]
    - Stimulating To Be Raised By A Virtual Lover - 被虚拟恋人养真刺激
    - Stone Age Husband Raising Journal - 史前养夫记
    - Stop Bothering Me, Emperor - 皇上别闹
    - Strategy to Attack the System - 攻略那个人造人
    - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong - 攻略那个渣攻[快穿] or 攻略那個渣攻[快穿]
    - Striving for Science - 为科学奋斗
    - Strong Offense and Defense - 強勢攻防
    - Strongly Pampered Male Wife / Strongly Favored Wife - 强宠男妻
    - Sugar Baby - 糖二代
    - Sui Yu Tou Zhu - 碎玉投珠
    - Summer Drowning - 夏溺
    - Sunset Boulevard - 日落大道
    - Supernatural Movie Actor App - 灵异片演员app[无限]
    - Superstar Aspirations - 巨星问鼎[重生]
    - Superstar and Ordinary People - 综艺小白和三栖巨腕
    - Superstar, No Big Deal?! - 巨星,算什么?!
    - Supporting Role’s Aura - 配角光环(穿书)
    - Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?! - 惊!说好的选秀综艺竟然
    - Surrender - 臣服
    - Survival Qualification Test - 生存资格测试
    - Suspended Life Game - 悬命游戏
    - Swallowing the Seas - 破云2吞海
    - Swapped Bodies with the Hated Alpha - 和討厭的Alpha交換了身體
    - Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters - 豪门夫夫种田日常
    - Sweet, Although Short - 甜,就是短
    - Sword Edge - (重生)竞剑之锋
    - Taizi - 太子
    - Tales of Aegiceras: Cave in - 桐花中路私立协济医院怪谈
    - Tales of the Blood Night - 血夜异闻录
    - Tattoo - 刺青
    - Temporary Bodyguard - 临时保镖
    - The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path - 仙道第一小白脸
    - The A in the Opposite Dorm Always Thinks I’m Pretending to be a B - 对面楼的A总觉得我在装B
    - The Actor Extraordinaire - 影帝
    - The Adventure of Holy Beast Bai Xiaoli - 一言不合就开挂
    - The Antelope and Night Wolf / Online Game: I'm Not Worthy - 小羚羊与夜太狼 or 網遊之我不配
    - The Aphrodisiac-carrying Man - 另类植物鉴赏一 or 自帶春藥的男人
    - The Bandit’s Strategy - 土匪攻略
    - The Basketball Captain is Determined to Date Me - 篮球队长非要跟我谈恋爱
    - The Big Bosses Are Not What I Expected After I Transmigrated Into A Book - 穿书后大佬们倒戈了
    - The Big Landlord - 大地主
    - The Bird and the Golden Cage - 雀鸟与金笼
    - The Blissful S*x Life of a Hypnotist - 催眠师的性福生活
    - The Book of Hibernation - 冬眠之书
    - The Boss I Picked Up All Fell In Love With Me - 我捡的Boss都爱上我[快穿]
    - The Boss Is in a Bad Mood Again - 大佬又在闹情绪
    - The Cannon Fodder Strikes Back - 重生之炮灰请躺枪
    - The Childhood Friends That I Love Secretly For Ten Years Suddenly Ask Me To Come Out - 暗恋十年的发小突然找我出柜
    - The Complete Guide to the Use and Care of a Personal Assistant - 助理食用指南
    - The Correct Way of Face-Slapping in Transmigration - 快穿之打脸的正确方式
    - The Counterattack Plan of A Villain With Ten Thousand Fans - 万人迷反派逆袭计划
    - The Court - 庭上
    - The Cruel Tyrant - 暴君
    - The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday - 崽他爹每天都在装穷
    - The Cultivator’s Peerless Sexcapades - 修真不如啪啪啪
    - The Cutest Height Difference - 最萌身高差
    - The Daily Life of Being the Campus Idol’s Fake Boyfriend - 给校草当假男友的日子
    - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side - 把徒弟养大后,发现他想吃我
    - The Day We Conquered the Dragon Castle - 占领恶龙城堡那一天
    - The Days of Being an Assistant for the CEO of a Mary Sue Novel - 给玛丽苏文总裁当助理的日子
    - The Decade of Deep Love / The 10 Years I Loved You the Most / The Ten Years When I Loved You So - 最爱你的那十年
    - The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him - 魔君总以为我暗恋他[穿书]
    - The Demonic Ancestor who Desired Supremacy / Demonic Ancestor Wholeheartedly Wants to Climb Up - 魔尊一心想上位
    - The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration] - 残疾暴君的掌心鱼宠[穿书]
    - The Domineering King of the Netherworld and His Sweetheart - 霸气侧漏
    - The Door Keeps Getting Smaller And Smaller - 门越来越小[快穿]
    - The E-Sports Circle’s Toxic Assembly Camp - 电竞毒瘤集结营
    - The Earth is Online - 地球上線, 地球上线
    - The Easter Egg Game - 彩蛋游戏
    - The Elegant Dancing Years - 韶华舞流年
    - The Emperor and the Wild Dog - 皇帝与野狗
    - The Emperor is Always Unhappy - 皇帝他总是不开心
    - The Emperor is Expecting! - 皇上有喜了
    - The Emperor’s Runaway Lover - 皇帝的叛逃情人[星际]
    - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks - 末世重生之炮灰逆袭
    - The End of the World - 末世重生之凿冰
    - The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin - 死对头总想拉我进棺材
    - The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child - 逃生游戏BOSS怀了我的孩子
    - The Film Emperor Asks for Divorce Every Day - 影帝每天都想离婚[穿书]
    - The Film Emperor’s Daily Live Cooking Broadcast - 影帝天天直播做饭[星际]
    - The Final Protectors - 最后的守卫
    - The First Dragon Convention - 龙族第一公约
    - The First Emperor Said He Likes Me - 秦始皇说他喜欢我
    - The Flustering Sound of the Pipa from the Hallway - 穿堂惊掠琵琶声
    - The Founder of Diabolism - 魔道祖师 Or 魔道祖師
    - The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua - 成化十四年
    - The Fox’s Heat - 狐狸的發情期
    - The General Is As Urgent as Law - 将军急急如律令
    - The General Is Too Evil - 军爷心太污
    - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers - 将军爱集小红花
    - The General’s Cat Always Wants To Climb Into My Bed - 将军家的猫总想上我家床[星际]
    - The General’s Vampire Omega - 上将的omega吸血鬼
    - The Generous Poor with the Really Stingy - 穷大方和真小气
    - The Ghostbuster and the Almighty Man - 过气大明星捉鬼日常
    - The Glory After Rebirth - 重生之尊荣
    - The Godfather’s Secret - 教父的秘密[双性]
    - The Happy Life of Internet Celebrity Master Ye - 网红天师的幸福生活
    - The Haunted - 邪祟
    - The Heart of a Smith - 匠心
    - The Hegemon of Western Chu - 西楚霸王
    - The Horror Movie Male Lead’s Winter - 恐怖片男主的冬天
    - The Husband Who Is Played Broken - 被玩坏的丈夫
    - The Husbands from the Republic of China - 民国来的夫夫
    - The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - 二哈和他的白猫师尊
    - The Idol And The Disabled President Made An Official Announcement - 爱豆和残疾总裁官宣了
    - The Idol Group and the Crown - 天团与皇冠
    - The Interstellar Male God - 星际之国民男神
    - The Invasion Day - 末世入侵
    - The Jasmine Scented White Moonlight - 茉莉味的白月光
    - The Jasmine Scented White Moonlight - 茉莉味的白月光
    - The King’s Game - 國王遊戲[快穿]
    - The King’s Return - 王者重临 or 王者重临(电竞)
    - The Last Cat in the Universe - 全宇宙最后一只猫
    - The Last Dragon in the Cultivation World - 修真界最后一条龙
    - The Lawyer - 一级律师
    - The Legend of the Big JJ - 大JJ的传说
    - The Legendary Master’s Wife - 傳說之主的夫人
    - The Life After Marrying My Sworn Enemy - 跟死对头的婚后生活
    - The Little Crying Bag and his Mr. Grumpy - 小哭包和他的暴躁先生
    - The Little Flower God and the Emperor - 小花神和帝君
    - The Little Merman - 小人鱼
    - The Long Chase for the President’s Spouse - 总裁追夫路漫漫
    - The Love Story of A Passerby - 路人甲的愛情故事
    - The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm - 男神好感不好刷[快穿]
    - The Male Lead’s White Moonlight is Attracted to Me! - 我被男主的白月光看上了[穿书]
    - The Male Wife - 男妻
    - The Man Who Came From 1930 - 1930来的先生
    - The Marshals Want to Get Divorced - 元帅们同时闹离婚
    - The Midnight Owl - 子夜鸮
    - The Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System - 白月光男神自救系统
    - The Most Popular Comedian - 最红谐星[娱乐圈]
    - The National Sweetheart Livestreamer Is A Pro!
    - The Old Photo - 旧照片
    - The Only Favourite Ugly Husband - 独宠丑夫
    - The Overbearing Aura is Spilling Over / The Spectator's Aggressiveness Is Spilling Over - 旁观霸气侧漏
    - The Palaces of the Twelve Sacred Beasts - 十二圣兽宫
    - The Paranoid Emperor’s Black Moonlight Shizun - 偏执皇帝的黑月光师尊[重生]
    - The Paternity Guard - 侍卫生包子
    - The Path of the Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack - 炮灰逆袭之路
    - The People Who’re Supposed To Kill Me Fell For Me Instead - 说好要杀我的人都看上我了
    - The Perfect Destiny - [快穿]完美命运 or 快穿之完美命运
    - The Perfect Relationship - 完美关系
    - The Pervert and the Yandere -变态与病娇 (主攻)
    - The Poor Baby’s Manipulation Manual - 小可怜操作手册[快穿]
    - The Pregnant Woman Next Door, How Are You Doing? - 隔壁的孕妇你还好吗
    - The President’s One-Night Stand - 總裁的一夜情情人
    - The Prince Coming Out of the Closet - 王爷他断了袖
    - The Prince’s Loyal Lover - 王爷的忠犬攻
    - The Promise Sealed with Our Lips - 唇诺
    - The Protagonist Is in the Right Position to Get Along With the Villain - 主角与反派相处的正确方式
    - The Protagonist Makes You Retreat About Thirty Miles - 主角令人退避三舍
    - The Rabbit Boss’ Bakery - 兔老板的糕饼店
    - The Ragdoll and His Bossy Male Leads - 快穿:杠上腹黑大佬
    - The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love - 读者和主角绝逼是真爱
    - The Rebirth Waste Strikes Back - 重生之废材来袭
    - The Rebirth of the Last Days and Return to [Fang] Hao - 末世重生之重归于郝
    - The Reborn Otaku’s Code of Practice for the Apocalypse - 重生宅男的末世守則
    - The Rental Shop Owner - 租書店老闆
    - The Return of Cambrian Period - 寒武再临
    - The Rich And Honorable ChangAn / Rich and Powerful Chang An - 富贵长安
    - The Right Way to Offer a Sacrifice to the River God - 向河神献祭的正确方式
    - The Roommates Were Ecstatic to See Their Roommate in a Dress - 穿女装被室友撞见,室友欣喜若狂
    - The Script is Not Like This! - 剧本不是这样的
    - The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide - 渣受生存手册 or 渣受生存手册[快穿]
    - The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System - [重生之]人渣反派自救系統
    - The Seeing Eye Dog - 重生成导盲犬
    - The Shameless Prince - 不知羞恥的王子
    - The Short Story of ShaoWang / Shh! My Dear Alpha - 少汪几句
    - The Silly Wizard’s Courtship Method - 笨巫师求爱法
    - The Slag Gong wants to Kill me - 渣攻想要杀了我
    - The Sound of Piano Under Fascism - 法西斯下的钢琴曲
    - The Spiritual Plant Master Transmigration - 穿越之灵植师
    - The Spring of Prince Syndrome - 王子病的春天
    - The Star Knight - 星辰骑士
    - The Story of Two Male Mosquitoes - 两只公蚊子的故事 / 兩隻公蚊子的故事
    - The Story of a Youth Being XXOO in Various Ways to Obtain Magic Power XD - 双性少年为了获得魔力而被各种XXOO的故事XD
    - The Stranger’s Homeward Journey - 陌路归途
    - The Strategy of Washing Clean a Slag Shou - 渣受洗白攻略
    - The Strongest God - 最强男神
    - The Surrogate Bride of the Colonel He - 赫少的代嫁小新娘
    - The Sword of Galaxy - 银河帝国之刃
    - The Taming of the Ruffian Hero - 痞子英雄的驯服日记
    - The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him! - 目标总以为我喜欢他[快穿]
    - The Ten Promises with My Master - 和主人的十个约定
    - The Three Years When I Was Forced To Wear Women’s Clothing On Campus - 被迫在校园穿女装的那三年
    - The Transmigrated Li Jin’s Daily Farming Life - 穿越之黎锦的农家日常
    - The Transmigrated Senior Martial Brother - 穿越之大师兄
    - The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML - 总是被男主攻略的穿越日常
    - The Transmigrator’s Cultivation - 穿越之修仙
    - The Trial Game of Life - 人间试炼游戏
    - The Two Omega’s Heats - 兩個Omega的發情期
    - The Two-Tailed Little Fox Demon and His Taoist Priest Gong - 兩條尾巴的小狐妖和他家道長攻
    - The Ugly Empress - 丑娘娘[重生]
    - The Ugly Man’s Big Transformation - 醜男勵志大變身
    - The Ugly Prince - 丑皇
    - The Ultimate Blue Seal - 终极蓝印
    - The Ultimate Past - 终极往事
    - The Unicorn Legion - 独角兽军团
    - The Useless Mr. Zhuang - 没出息的庄先生
    - The Vicious Supporting Role Only Wants to Debut as Center - 恶毒男配只想C位出道
    - The Villain Becomes The White Moonlight - 反派变成白月光[快穿]
    - The Villain Has Been Coveting Me for a Long Time - 反派对我觊觎已久(快穿)
    - The Villain Has Something to Say - 反派有话说[重生]
    - The Villain Slaps The Protagonist’s Halo - 反叛打脸主角光环 “快穿”
    - The Villain Will Become Stupid If He Doesn’t Pamper Me - 反派不宠我就得傻[穿书]
    - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful - 反派他过分美丽[穿书]
    - The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth - 反派们重生后都爱上了我
    - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack - 反派打脸逆袭
    - The Villain’s White Lotus Halo - 反派白化光环
    - The Way of the Evil - 坏道 or 壞道
    - The White Cat’s Divine Scratching Post - 神木挠不尽
    - The White-eyed Wolves I Personally Raised Are All Coveting My Legacy - 我亲手养大的白眼狼都在觊觎我的遗产
    - The Whole Tribe Wants To Have Baby With Me - 全部落都想和我生孩纸
    - The Wife is First - 妻为上
    - The World Is A Bit Sweet - 世界有点甜
    - The Wrong Way to a Demon Sect Leader - 少年江湖物语 Or 论如何错误地套路一个魔教教主
    - The Wulin Alliance’s Private Records - 武林盟私密记
    - The Year of Rebirth - 重生之执笔流年
    - The Young General’s Wife Is Mr. Lucky - 少将夫人是福神
    - The Zoo in My Eyes - 我眼中的动物园
    - There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle - 娱乐圈有个郁大厨
    - There Is No Afterlife - 没有来生
    - There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem - 总有主角妄想开后宫
    - There’s A Beauty / You Xu - 有姝
    - There’s No God in Show Business - 娱乐圈无神 (重生)
    - There’s Something Wrong with this Development! - 这个发展有点不太对劲 or 這個發展有點不太對勁
    - There’s a Pit in My Senior Martial Brother’s Brain - 我家大师兄脑子有坑
    - They All Say I Encountered A Ghost - 他们都说我遇到了未知生物 or 他们都说我遇到了鬼
    - Thinking of Deer Fei Fei - 想鹿非非[娱乐圈]
    - This Alpha’s Pheromones Are Exploding - 这个Alpha香爆了[穿书]
    - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me! - 這個炮灰我罩了! or 这个炮灰我罩了![快穿]
    - This Evil One Is From the Immortal Realm - 这个妖孽来自修仙界
    - This Omega is Immune to All Abilities - 这个Omega全异能免疫
    - This Omega is Sweet and Wild - 这个omega甜又野
    - This Quick Transmigration Experience Is a Bit Sweet - 这个快穿有点甜
    - This Scum Is Not Worthy Of White Washing - 渣男不配洗白[快穿]
    - This Way of Transmigration Is Definitely Wrong! - 这穿越方式绝逼不对!
    - This World Has Gone Crazy - 這世界瘋了
    - Those Days Master Raised Me - 师父养我的那些天
    - Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils - 妖魔道
    - Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob - 拯救校草的那些日子
    - Those Steps We Walked Together - 那些我们一起走过的台阶
    - Those Years I Opened a Zoo - 我开动物园那些年
    - Those Years In Quest Of Honour Mine - 当年万里觅封侯
    - Those Years When We Killed the White Lotus - 那些年我们弄死的白莲花
    - Thousand Autumns - 千秋
    - Three Joys - 三喜
    - Thrive in Catastrophe - 绝处逢生[末世]
    - Through The Strait Gates - 过门 or 過門
    - Ti Shen / Body double - 替身
    - Tianbao Fuyao Lu - 天宝伏妖录
    - Tiandi Baiju - 天地白驹
    - Tianting Kindergarten - 天庭幼儿园
    - Till Death Do Us Part - 長相守 or 长相守
    - Time-Limited Hunt - 限时狩猎
    - Times of Our Lives - 岁月间
    - To Be a Heartthrob in a Horror Movie / To Be a Fan in a Horror Movie - 在恐怖片里当万人迷[快穿]
    - To Burris The Spellcaster And His Family Dependent - 致施法者伯里斯阁下及家属
    - To Kill A Unicorn -
    - To Marry You - 就是要嫁给你
    - To Raise a Soul - 以身养魂
    - To Rule in a Turbulent World - 乱世为王
    - Today the Manager is Also Very Kind - 今天经纪人也很善良
    - Today, the Foolish Scum Gong Screwed Me Over Again - 沙雕渣攻今天又渣了我
    - Tone Seduction - 一个声控的恋爱
    - Transmigrated As The Big Boss’s Mobile System - 穿成巨佬的手机系统
    - Transmigrated Into a Big Boss to Snatch Away the Cannon Fodder - 穿成霸总拐走炮灰
    - Transmigrated as My Best Friend’s Ex - 重生在好友旧情人的身上
    - Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe - 穿越之游兽部落
    - Transmigrated into a Heartthrob Novel and Went OOC - 穿进万人迷文的我人设崩了
    - Transmigrated into a School Idol and Forced to Do Business - 穿成校草被迫营业
    - Transmigrated into a School Idol and Forced to Do Business - 穿成校草被迫营业
    - Transmigrated into the Film Emperor’s Death-Seeking Fiance - 穿成影帝作死未婚夫[穿书]
    - Transmigrated into the World of “Demon Lord Wu Zun” - 穿越魔皇武尊
    - Transmigrating Into The Heartthrob’s Cannon Fodder Childhood Friend - 穿成万人迷的炮灰竹马
    - Transmigrating into a Big Villain in the Book - 穿成炮灰反派怎么破
    - Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World - 穿成妖精後蘇炸全世界[系統]
    - Transmigrating into a Mob Character to Rehabilitate the Villain Plan - 穿成炮灰之反派养成计划
    - Transmigrating into the Reborn Male Lead’s Ex-Boyfriend - 穿成重生男主前男友
    - Transmigrating into the Villain’s Demon-Revealing Mirror - 穿成反派大佬的照妖镜
    - Transmigrating into the Villain’s White Rabbit Master - 穿成反派的小白兔师尊
    - Transmigrating to the Ancient Times with Lu’s Convenience - 带着小卖部到古代
    - Transmigrating to the Ming Dynasty’s Imperial Examination - 穿到明朝考科举
    - Transmigration of Mian [Reluctantly] Becomes His Man [Wife] - 穿越之勉为其男
    - Transmigration: The Farm Life of a “Fool” - 穿越之农家如画
    - Travel to a Primitive World to Build Infrastructure - 穿越原始异界搞基建
    - Tree of Stars - 星辰樹
    - True Star - 巨星
    - Turing’s Code / Alan Turing's Code - 图灵密码
    - Turn on the Love System - 开挂恋爱系统(快穿)
    - Turning the Corner to Love You - 拐个弯儿来爱你
    - Turns Out I’m Crazy - 我原来是个神经病
    - Twin Jades of Jiangdong - 江东双璧
    - Tyrant Pampering Wife Diary - 暴君宠婚日常
    - Unbridled - 嚣张
    - Uncontrolled Love - 不可抗力
    - Undead - 不死者
    - Under the Peach Blossom Tree at 6:30 p.m. - 酉时三刻桃花树下
    - Undying Body - 不死之身
    - Undying Patient - 快穿之不死病人
    - Unexpected Marriage - 意外结婚
    - Unlimited Cycles of Death - 无限之回溯死亡
    - Unlucky Radish Occupied the Seat Again - 倒霉萝卜又上位了[快穿]
    - Unspeakable - 不堪言
    - Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits - 都市妖鬼录
    - Vanguard of the Eternal Night - 永夜之锋
    - Very Happy - 美滋滋
    - Villain and Beauty - 坏蛋和美人
    - Villain in the Kindergarten - 反派幼稚园[穿书]
    - Villain, Please Go Easy on Me - 快穿攻略:大佬,求放过
    - Waiting For You Online - 就等你上线了
    - Waiting Until 35 Years Old - 我等你到三十五岁
    - Waiting Upon You - 等你仰望
    - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love - 想飞升就谈恋爱
    - War Prisoner - 俘虏
    - Warhead Pet Hamster - 首领的仓鼠战宠[星际]
    - Warm Waters - 温水
    - Watch Me Eat Fish, It’s Exciting! - 看我吃鱼很刺激
    - Water Recovery System - 覆水能收系统
    - Welcome to the Nightmare Game - 欢迎来到噩梦游戏
    - What Are You Two Doing? - 你们两个在干什么
    - What Do I Want to Do with This Magnificent Beauty? - 我要这盛世美颜有何用
    - What Should I Do if the School Bully is Interested in Me - 被校霸看上了怎么办
    - What To Do When Hunger Strikes - 餓了怎麼辦
    - What to Do When I Become a Koi and Fall into the Male God’s Bathtub - 变成锦鲤掉到男神浴缸该怎么破〔星际〕
    - What to Do with a Pair of Kittens - 穿成对家顶流养的猫了怎么办
    - When A Destructive Wolf Joins An Escape Game - 当狼灭进入逃生游戏
    - When The Male Supporting Actor Bend The Male Lead - [快穿]当男配掰弯男主
    - When Two Alphas Meet, One’s an Omega - 兩A相逢必有一O
    - When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel - 当同人主角穿回原著
    - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System - 当异形绑定了救世系统
    - When an Angst Writer Meets a Doting Writer - 当虐文作者遇见甜文作者
    - When the Golden Finger Lands in the Hands of the Villain - 当金手指落入反派手里
    - Where is Our Agreement to be Each Other’s Arch-Rivals? - 說好成為彼此的宿敵呢[穿書]
    - Who Dares Slander My Senior Brother - 谁敢说师兄的坏话(穿书)
    - Who Touched My Tail! - 谁动了我的尾巴!
    - Why Didn’t You Tell Me Your Mother Was a Fujoshi? - 你怎么没告诉我你妈是腐女?
    - Why Do I Always Mortify Myself in Front of My Boss? - 为什么我总在老板面前出丑
    - Why Do I Wake up as a Cheater Every Time? - 每次醒来都在出轨[快穿]
    - Willing to Accompany by the Gentleman’s Side - 愿陪君身侧
    - Winner Takes All - 谁把谁当真
    - Winning the Male Lead - 荣获男主[快穿]
    - Winter Begonia - 鬓边不是海棠红
    - Witch, Open Your Eyes - 女巫请睁眼
    - Woke up and Heard I Was Married - 一觉醒来听说我结婚了
    - Wolf’s Love - 狼的爱恋
    - World Hopping: Avenge Our Love - 你無法預料的分手我都能給你送上
    - Xia Niangniang / The Blind Concubine - 瞎娘娘
    - Xiao Jiu / Little Nine - 小九
    - Yandai Xie Jie No. 10 - 烟袋斜街10号
    - Yang Shu Mei Ying - 扬书魅影
    - Yes, I’m Straight. But What Have I Done Wrong? - 可是直男又做错了什么呢
    - Yesterday - 昨天
    - Yin Yang Eye GunGun’s Marriage Contract - 阴阳眼滚滚婚约[星际]
    - Yingnu - 鹰奴
    - You Are Mine - 你是我的人
    - You Are Too Ugly, I Refuse - 你太丑了,我拒绝
    - You Boys Play Games Very Well - 你们男生打游戏好厉害哦~
    - You Can’t Be Fierce Towards Me! - 你不许凶我!QAQ【重生】
    - You Know Too Much - 你知道得太多了
    - You Use a Gun, I Use a Bow - 你们用枪我用弓[电竞]
    - Young Man, You Are Too Young, Too Simple - 少年你图样图森破
    - Young Military Rarities / The Young General's Precious - 军少掌中宝 【完结全本】
    - Your Distance - 你的距离
    - Your Highness, Please Love Me Tender - 王爷在上
    - Your Husband’s Leg is Broken - 你老公的腿断了
    - Your Name Engraved Herein - 刻在你心底的名字
    - Your Rival in Love Gets Prettier Every Day - 情敌每天都在变美
    - Your Teacher I, am Hella Rich - 你师父我人傻钱多
    - You’ve Got Mail: A Cautionary Tale - 飞鸽交友须谨慎
    - Yuwu / Remnants of Filth - 余污
    - Zhao Ge - 朝歌 or 病美人存活攻略
    - Zombie University - 丧病大学
    - Zui Xing Mai Shen / Selling Body After Sobering Up - 醉醒卖身
    - Transmigrated into Ancient Times to Sell Desserts - 穿到古代卖甜点
    - 100% Compatible - 契合百分百(abo)
    - 100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death - 十万伏特电死你
    - 15P 7H 6SM - 15P,7H,6SM的故事大集
    - 2013 - 二零一三(末日曙光)
    - 4:48 - 凌晨四點四十八
    - 6 Cats Rush to Raise Me - 六只猫争着要养我
    - 7 Days - 七天
    - A Beta Has Dreams Too - 可是BETA也有梦想
    - A Cat with a Red Envelope Group - 一只拥有红包群的猫
    - A Certain Someone - 某某
    - A Collection of BL Shorts - BL 小短文合集
    - A Collection of Sweet Danmei Shorts - 耽美小甜短篇合集
    - A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me - 万千厉鬼排队表白我
    - A Cruel Romance - 残酷罗曼史
    - A Cure for the Dark Heart - 穿越之冲喜王妃
    - A Day in the Life of the Former Prisoner of War and His Interrogator - 昔日战俘与审讯官的一天一夜
    - A Doted Toy Boy in Another World - 重生之我被强宠了
    - A Dream Comes True - 梦想成真
    - A Flower on the Back of His Head - 你的后脑勺有朵花
    - A Fox Spirit’s Guide to Sleeping with Men - 不想睡男人的狐狸精都不是正经狐狸精
    - A Glimpse of the Muscular Man -
    - A Good-for-Nothing - 小废物
    - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy - 天敌饲养指南
    - A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob - 干掉万人迷的一百种方法
    - A Jinx and His Lethal Python Lover - 蟒蛇挚爱之亲爱的别哭
    - A Lucky Coin - 一个钢镚儿
    - A President’s Out-of-Body Experience - 总裁离魂小记
    - A Race to (Be) The Top - 群雄逐鹿
    - A Round Trip To Love - 双程之归途
    - A Seductive Gentleman / Yao Tiao Jun Zi - 窈窕君子
    - A Sloth and a Tree Spirit - 树精和树懒精
    - A Smile from the Villain - 反派邪魅一笑
    - A Straight Guy’s Nightmare - 直男噩梦
    - A Straight Guy’s Transmigration Journeys - 快穿之直男强撩
    - A Sword of Frost - 一剑霜寒
    - A Tale of Strategies For the Throne - 王座攻略笔记
    - A Train Named Evil - 罪恶号列车
    - A Walk-on Actor Who Wants to Be A Baker - 不想当蛋糕师傅的演员不是好龙套
    - A Warm Short Story - 一个暖暖的短篇
    - A Wave of Exes Came Looking for Me. What to Do?! - 前男友組團來襲怎麼破!
    - A Weasel Pays a New Year’s Visit to a Chicken - 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年
    - A Western Doctor’s Happy Farming Life - 小西医的幸福种田生活
    - A White Lotus Host Who Does Not Want To Be a White Moonlight is Not a Good Host - 不想当白月光的白莲花不是好宿主
    - ABO Cadets - 軍校生 or 在校生
    - AWM: PUBG - AWM [绝地求生]
    - Accidental Mark - 意外标记
    - Acting School - 演技派
    - Actually, I’m an NPC - 其实我是npc[网游]
    - Additional Inheritance - 附加遗产
    - Advance Bravely - 势不可挡
    - After Becoming The Tyrant - 成为暴君之后
    - After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad - 被儿子亲爹找上门后
    - After Being Confessed to by My Handsome Agent - 被帅气经纪人表白之后
    - After Being Extorted - 强取豪夺以后
    - After Being Marked by a Powerful Love Rival - 被豪门情敌标记之后
    - After Being Picked up by the Top Alpha - 被顶级alpha捡回家之后
    - After Being Transported into a Book, I Adopted the Villain - 穿书后我收养了幼年期的反派
    - After Being Turned Into a Dog, I Conned My Way Into Freeloading at My Rival’s Place - 变成狗后我去死对头家骗吃骗住
    - After Brushing Face At The Apocalypse’s Boss For 363 Days / After Showing My Face to the Apocalypse for 365 Days - 在末世BOSS面前刷脸卡363天之后
    - After Cultivating With the Enemy - 和死对头灵修后 or 和死对头灵修后我怀崽了
    - After Getting A Job in the Nether World, I Became Famous - 兼职无常后我红了
    - After I Got Married, Those Who Betrayed Me Were Reborn - 结婚后,渣过我的人都重生了
    - After I Possessed the Tmall Genie of the School Adonis - 穿进校草的天猫精灵后
    - After My Ex-Boyfriend’s White Moonlight Proposed to Me - 被前男友的白月光求婚后
    - After Our Divorce, I Still Wore Your Jacket - 离婚之后我还穿着你的外套
    - After Rebirth, I Was Entangled with the Tyrant - 重生后,我被学霸大佬缠上了
    - After Rebirth: What Should I Do if My Boyfriend Has a Boyfriend? - 重生回来男朋友有对象了怎么办?
    - After Reverse Transmigration, I Became the Four Arch-Enemies’ White Moonlight - 反穿后我成了四个死对头的白月光
    - After Swapping Bodies With My Arch-Nemesis - 和死对头互换身体以后
    - After Transmigrated into a Book, I’ve Gained an Entire Family of Cannon Fodder - 穿书后我有了一家子炮灰[娱乐圈]
    - After Transmigrating I Made The Antagonist Cry - 穿书后我把反派弄哭了[娱乐圈] or 穿書後我把反派弄哭了[娛樂圈]
    - After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy - 穿成Omega后被宿敌标记了
    - After Transmigrating, the Wealthy Actor and I have a HE Ending - 穿书后我和豪门影帝HE了
    - After the Bankruptcy of the Supporting Male Lead - 男配破产后[穿书]
    - After the Cannon Fodder’s Rebirth - 炮灰重生后 [快穿]
    - After the Rebirth, the Male God Have Seen Me - 重生后男神们都看上了我
    - Ageless Seducer - 老妖精
    - Aggrieved Fish Sprite - 鱼不服
    - Agreement of Being Gay for 30 Days - 协议搅基30天
    - All For the Sake of Great Harmony - 之一切为了大和谐
    - Always with the Old Attack - 快穿之老攻在手[快穿]
    - Amnesia Guide Of A Mermaid - 失忆人鱼攻略指南
    - An Accidental Rebirth: The Surrogate Bride - 绑上花轿嫁了狼
    - An Empire as a Betrothal Gift - 嫁给暴君后我每天都想守寡 or 愿以山河聘
    - An Inconspicuous Shooting Star - 昼行流星
    - An Instruction Manual for Male Pregnancy - 未来孕夫生子手册
    - An Ning / Serenity - 安宁
    - Antidote - 解药
    - Apocalyptic Rebirth: Earth’s Vast Changes - 末世重生之星球巨变
    - Applaud for Happiness - 为幸福而鼓掌[快穿]
    - Are You Addicted? - 你丫上瘾了?
    - Are You OK - 有药
    - As an Elder Brother - 为兄
    - As the Demon King, I Am Very Distressed Because the Hero Is Too Weak 1.0 - 身为魔王的我因为勇者太弱了而十分苦恼1.0
    - As the Minor Gay Rival in Het Novels - BG文里的基佬男配[快穿]
    - Aspiring Cyclist and the Domineering CEO - 热血男主与霸道总裁
    - Assassinate - 刺杀
    - Assistant Architect - 助理建筑师
    - Asteroid - 小行星
    - Asylum Live Broadcast Room - 疗养院直播间
    - Avenue Of Rebirth - 重生之腥光大道
    - BE Crazy Demon Survival System - BE狂魔求生系统【快穿】
    - BOSS Dresses as a Cutie - BOSS穿成小可爱[快穿]
    - Back To The Age Of The 80s - 80之大时代
    - Back To The Beginning Of Ming To Do Charity - 回到明初搞慈善
    - Back to Zero - 重生之归零
    - Back to the Age of Dinosaurs - 回到恐龙时代
    - Back to the Apocalypse - 末世重生之少爺
    - Ban All Singles - 我们这里禁止单身
    - Ban Lu Qin Jun / To Get the Ideal Man - 半路擒君
    - Banished to Another World - 异世流放
    - Bark!? - 汪汪汪!?
    - Bastard Male Wife - 庶子男妻
    - Beastman Forcefully Raising a Wife - 兽人之强养雌性
    - Before the Divorce - 睡前故事集·离婚之前
    - Befriending The Most Powerful Person - 和武力值最高的人做朋友
    - Begging You to Break Off This Engagement! - 求求你退婚吧
    - Being a Hamster in the Apocalypse is a Breeze - 末世仓鼠富流油
    - Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation - 作者属于高危职业
    - Beloved Enemy - 决对争锋
    - Beloved Husband - 宠夫(快穿)
    - Beloved Marriage in High Society - 宠婚豪门
    - Bend That Male God - 掰弯那个男神
    - Bent This Way - 快穿:攻略直男大佬
    - Bestial Blade - 兽丛之刀
    - Beyond The Outline - 这题超纲了
    - Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day - 修仙大佬万人迷日常[快穿]
    - Bird Dude Nie Bufan - 禽货聂不凡
    - Bite Your Fingertips - 咬上你指尖
    - Bix Magic Cube Game World - 比克斯魔方
    - Black Sky - 黑天
    - Blood Contract - 血色契約
    - Blooming Flowers, Silent Sorrow - 花开有时,颓靡无声
    - Blooming Romance - 桃花汛
    - Boss, Please don’t be a Manic - BOSS,请不要狂躁
    - Boss’s Death Guide / The BOSS' Guide to Seeking Death - BOSS作死指南
    - Bounded - 束缚
    - Bounty Hunter Goes Deep into the Mountain Forest - 赏金猎手前往山林深处
    - Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss - 男友总会变成恐怖片BOSS[快穿]
    - Break Up, Next - 分手,下一个
    - Breaking Through the Clouds - 破云
    - Breaking up, No Joke - 分手了,别闹
    - Bringing Along a Ball and Hiding from Foreign Devils - 带球躲洋鬼子
    - Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant - 带着儿子嫁豪门
    - Broken Bonds - 断情结
    - Brothel Open For Business (H) - 窑子开张了(H)
    - Brother - 弟弟
    - Brother-in-Law, I’m Pregnant! - 姐夫,我有了
    - C Language Cultivation - C语言修仙
    - Can You Connect to Your Wifi? - 能连你家WIFI吗?
    - Canary - 金丝雀[主攻]
    - Cannon Fodder Cheat System - 炮灰作弊系统[快穿]
    - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System - 炮灰逆袭探案系统
    - Cannon Fodder Counterattack System - 炮灰逆袭系统
    - Cannon Fodder is Always Lucky E - 炮灰总是幸运E
    - Can’t Afford to Offend My Scheming Disciple - 穿书之黑化徒弟惹不起
    - Card Room - 卡牌密室(重生)
    - Carven Jade - 琢玉
    - Cat King System - 猫大王系统
    - Certificate of Conformity - 合格证[快穿]
    - Chang’an Intoxicated, A Chaos-Bringing Concubine - 长安醉,乱世皇妃
    - Chasing Tides - 逐浪
    - Cherry Blossoms Upon a Wintry Sword - 寒剑栖桃花
    - Childish Flower - 未熟之花[ABO]
    - Chinese Almanac Master - 黄历师 or 不科学唯物主义秘密档案
    - City of Endless Rain - 終雨之城
    - Class Teacher System - 班主任系统
    - Cold Sands - 漠上寒沙
    - Cold Sub-species - 寒系亚种
    - Comeback of the Abandoned Wife - 废妻重生
    - Coming Twogether As One - 合二为一
    - Commercial Marriage [Rebirth] - 商业婚姻(重生)
    - Confession - 告解
    - Congratulations on Your Successful Escape - 恭喜您成功逃生
    - Conqueror of Hell - (英雄无敌6)征服地狱的人
    - Consort Qing / Imperial Concubine Qing - 晴妃娘娘
    - Contract Marriage - 契婚
    - Contractual Marriage: We’re Meant to Be Together - 合约情侣虐狗日常
    - Copper Coins - 铜钱龛世
    - Corpse Wins After The End Of The World - 尸生赢家 末世反重生
    - Could You Not Tease Me? - 你能不能不撩我
    - Counter Attack - 逆袭
    - Counterattack of a White Lotus that was Reborn into an Apocalypse - 末世重生之白莲花的逆袭
    - Counterfeit Bride - 冒牌新娘
    - Crawl Between Another’s Legs - 胯下之臣
    - Creator’s Internship Guide - 造物主实习指北
    - Creatures of Habit - 江山易改
    - Criminal Investigation Notes - 刑侦档案
    - Criminal Psychology - 犯罪心理
    - Crossing to the Primitive - 带着游戏面板穿越原始
    - Crossing to the Wild - 穿到蛮荒搞基建
    - Cub Raising Association - 幼崽护养协会
    - Cuck Slave in Training - 我和老婆被直男操 or 被调教的绿帽奴
    - Cute Beast Store No. 138 - 138号异兽萌宠店
    - Cāi Cāi - 猜猜
    - Dage - 大哥
    - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof - 豪门汪日常
    - Daily Life of the Wealthy - 豪门日常 [重生]
    - Daji and I Are Fighting Over A Man - 我和妲己抢男人
    - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse - 末世之绝地求生
    - Daozi - 道子
    - Dark Blue and Moonlight - 深藍與月光
    - Dark Tales - 黑暗怪谭
    - Dating the Strongest Boss - 与最强boss谈恋爱(快穿)
    - Death Progress Bar - 死亡进度条 or 生存进度条[穿书]
    - Deceive - 欺骗
    - Deep in Peach Blossoms - 桃花深处
    - Deep in the Act - 入戏
    - Defect - 缺陷
    - Delicious Food Got Me Famous Across the Galaxy - 我靠美食火遍银河系f
    - Demon Boss in the Human World - 魔界BOSS在人间[娱乐圈]
    - Demon King’s Political Marriage - 魔尊的政治婚姻
    - Demon Monk - 妖僧
    - Demon’s S*ave: Open the Basement Doors - 恶魔的仆从:打开地下室的门
    - Dense Fog - 大雾
    - Depth Charge - 深水炸弹 or 深水炸彈
    - Desharow Merman - 德萨罗人鱼
    - Devil - 魔王
    - Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know - 魔尊也想知道
    - Devouring the Seas - 破云2吞海
    - Di Wang Gong Lue / The Emperor's Strategy - 帝王攻略
    - Diary of Raising a Mermaid - 人鱼饲养日记
    - Did The Affectionate Love Interest Collapse Today? - 深情男配今天崩了吗
    - Didn’t Love You Enough - 重生之宠你不够
    - Dinghai Fusheng Records - 定海浮生录
    - Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food - 论食用狗粮的正确姿势[快穿]
    - Disguised as a Boss in an Escape Game - 在逃生游戏里伪装大佬
    - Do You Remember My Name? - 想起我叫什么了吗
    - Doctor, My Bottom Half is Wet Again - 医生,我下面湿了
    - Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports? - 电子竞技存在一见钟情吗?
    - Dog Slave - 犬奴
    - Doing All Kinds of Tricks Everyday - 每天都在花样作死[快穿]
    - Doll House
    - Don’t Be a Kept Man - 不做软饭男
    - Don’t Discriminate Against Species - 不要物种歧视
    - Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin - 不要在垃圾桶里捡男朋友[快穿]
    - Don’t Talk To Me! - 不准跟我说话!
    - Don’t You Like Me - 你是不是喜欢我
    - Dousha Bao - 代孕夫 / 豆沙包
    - Dragon Slaying Records - 屠龙记
    - Dwarf In The Future - 矮人在未来
    - ESports Has No Live Stream - 电子竞技没有直播
    - Elevator - 电梯
    - Embers - 余烬
    - Embers of Love - 相思成灰
    - Encountering a Snake - 遇蛇
    - End of Century - 末世纪
    - End of World’s Businessman - [係統]末世巨賈 or [系统]末世巨贾
    - End of the World [ABO] - ABO之末世強占
    - Engraved in Bone - 刻骨
    - Entering a Split Personality - 走进人格分裂
    - Entertainment Industry’s Gourmet Food Service - 娱乐圈美食担当
    - Epiphanies of Rebirth / Reborn to Epiphanies / Rebirth's Enlightenment - 重生之豁然
    - Escape Game - 逃杀闯关游戏
    - Escape the Infinite Chamber - 逃离无限密室
    - Estranged - 参商
    - Even until Death, the Scum Gong Thought I was a White Lotus - 渣攻到死都以为我是白莲花
    - Ever Since I Take Home An Adonis Who Has Lost His Business - 自從我把生意失敗的男神撿回家後
    - Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Capture Me - 主角每天都想攻略我
    - Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration) - 每个世界都不太对[快穿]
    - Everyday Fighting With The Black-Bellied Male Lead - (快穿)和黑化男主斗争的日日夜夜
    - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show - 每天起床都看到反派在抢戏
    - Everyday Life of a Dom Boyfriend - S男友的日常
    - Everyday, Boss Is Pretending To Be Weak - BOSS每天都在装柔弱
    - Everyone Knows I’m a Good Person - 全世界都知道我是好人[快穿]
    - Everyone Loves Pei JiYu - 人人都爱裴即玉
    - Everyone Thinks that I Like Him - 所有人都以为我喜欢他
    - Everyone is Secretly in Love with Me - 所有人都暗恋我
    - Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful - 江湖遍地是奇葩
    - Evil Cult Undercover Gets Exposed Everyday - 魔教卧底每天都在露馅
    - Ex-Husband’s Call - 前夫来电
    - Exclusive Rights to an Online Voice Actor - 网配之独家授权
    - Exile - 流放[种田]
    - F*ck Off Unless You’re The One - 非诚互扰
    - FOG - FOG[电竞]
    - Face Slapping The Slag Gong System - 打脸渣攻系统[快穿]
    - Fake Dating the Amnesiac School Prince - 和失忆校草谈假恋爱的日子
    - Fake Demon Lord - 伪魔头
    - Fake Ex-Husband Proposes to Marry After Amnesia - 假前夫失忆后求复婚
    - Fake Slackers - 伪装学渣
    - Faking Straight - 伪装直男
    - Faking an Honest Act to Eat You Up - 假戏真做吃掉你
    - Falling Down the Pond - 落池
    - Falling in Love Inside an Urban Legend - 在都市怪谈里谈恋爱[快穿]
    - Falling in Love With the Male God - 和男神谈恋爱
    - Falling in Love in the Supernatural World - 在灵异世界里谈恋爱
    - Falling in Love with You - 爱上你
    - Falling into the Abyss - 黑洞坠落
    - Family Sex Slave - 家庭性奴
    - Family’s Common Husband - 家族共夫(H)
    - Fanservice Paradox - 营业悖论
    - Fantasy Farm - 幻想农场
    - Far From You - 遙遠的你
    - Faraway Wanderers - 天涯客
    - Father and Son - 儿父
    - Fei Pin Ying Qiang / The Promotional Record of a Male Consort - 妃嫔媵嬙
    - Feng Mang - 锋芒
    - Feng Yu Jiu Tian - 凤于九天 or 風于九天
    - Fierce Silk Flower - 菟丝花凶残[末世]
    - Fight for Peace and Love - 为了和谐而奋斗
    - Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love - 斗地主之恋
    - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times - 影帝家的古代萌妻
    - Film Emperor’s Secret Marriage - 影帝的秘密
    - Filthy Black - 污黑 or 魔皇之束
    - Find My Bearings - 找得着北
    - First Date - 第一次约会
    - Florist Little Boss - 花店小老板
    - Flower Vase - 花瓶
    - Flowers Reflecting The Sky - 繁花映晴空
    - Flowers of Plants Cannot be Picked Casually - 植物的花朵儿不能随便采
    - Flying Gulls Never Land - 飞鸥不下
    - Forced Estrus - 强制发情
    - Forced To Be Favored By The Whole Stars - 被迫受到全星际的宠爱
    - Forced to Marry the Enemy Prince - 被迫和敌国太子联姻的日子
    - Forcefully Doting On You - 偏要宠爱我
    - Forensic Traversing Notes - 法医穿越记事
    - Four Short Sweet Stories - 蒙布朗的四个小故事
    - Fox - [重生]话狐
    - Fox Demon Cultivation Manual - 狐妖修炼指南
    - Fox Demon Usurping The Throne Daily - 狐妖篡位日常
    - Free Ren Yigu - 烂漫的任一顾
    - Friends with Benefits - 基友难当
    - Game Loading - 游戏加载中
    - Game, Live Stream - 游戏,在线直播
    - Gaze at the Scenes of Debauchery - 你看那灯红酒绿
    - General, You Have It - 上将,您有了
    - Get Lost! I Don’t Have a Traitorous Disciple Like You - 滚!我没有你这个逆徒
    - Ghost Marriage - 阴亲
    - Ghost Mending the Way -
    - Ghost Wife - 鬼妻
    - Ghosts Know What I Experienced - 鬼知道我经历了什么
    - Give Me a Kiss - 你亲我一下
    - Giving Birth in a Supernatural Game - 在灵异游戏里生崽崽
    - Global University Entrance Examination - 全球高考
    - Glory - 荣光[电竞]
    - Go to Hell, White Lotus - 去死,白莲花
    - God Level Summoner - 神級召喚師
    - Going Against the Wind - 逆风而行
    - Gold Class Fighter - 金牌打手
    - Gold Lord is Very Busy - 谭少很忙[娱乐圈] or 金主很忙[娱乐圈]
    - Golden Assistant - 金牌助理
    - Golden Stage - 黄金台
    - Gone with the Bustling World - 倾尽天下,乱世繁华
    - Good God, Stop! - 乖,大神别闹!
    - Gossip! The Prince and the Dragon, That Shameless Couple - 扒一扒王子和恶龙那对狗男男
    - Gourmet Live Room - 美食直播间[星际]
    - Governor’s Illness - 督主有病
    - Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn - 超会演戏的我现在重生了
    - Green Dragon Totem - 青龙图腾
    - Green Plum Island - 青梅屿
    - Grim Reaper Makes His C-Debut - 死神大人他C位出道啦
    - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi) - 监护人[重生]
    - Guardian - 鎮魂
    - Gui Tu / Long Way Home - 归途 or 歸途
    - Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating - 网恋翻车指南
    - Han Shan’s Sword Unsheathed - 剑出寒山
    - Handsome Friend - 漂亮朋友
    - Handsome to the Point of Death - 帅以致死
    - Have You Ever Met Such a Cold Author - 你可曾见过如此高冷的作者
    - He Became the Aunt of His Best Friend after Waking Up / To Be or Not To Be - 一觉醒来成了好兄弟的舅妈
    - He Doesn’t Know I’m Dead - 我死了他不知道
    - He Has A Dual Personality - 崽崽他有双重人格
    - He Tastes Sweet - 他尝起来甜甜的
    - He Woke Up And Became The Actor’s Cat - 睡醒成了影帝的猫
    - He is His Excellency Zhi Li - 他是支理大人
    - Heard I’m a Hero - 听说我是个勇者
    - Heart has Ling Xi - 心有凌熙
    - Heart of Glass - 玻璃心
    - Heartthrob - 校草
    - Heaven Official’s Blessing / Heaven's Blessing - 天官赐福
    - Heaven and Earth are Worthless - 天地无用
    - Heavenly Wife - 仙妻男当
    - Heroic Death System - 英勇赴死系统
    - He’s Not A Non-Entertainment Circle - 娱乐圈之非他不可
    - He’s Not My Shadow Guard, He’s My Lover - 不是暗卫,是爱人
    - High Energy QR Code - 高能二维码
    - His Awesome Young Hostess - 极品少奶奶
    - His Majesty’s Hostage - 质子殿下
    - His Royal Highness, Wants a Divorce! - 太子殿下,求和离!
    - His Son Has a Richest Billionaires Dad - 他儿子有个亿万首富爹
    - Holding Onto My Man - 抱住我的男人
    - Holy Institution - 圣院
    - Home of the Zerg - 蟲族之歸家
    - Hope You’ve Been Well - 别来无恙
    - Horror Game Escape Guide - 恐怖游戏逃生指南
    - How A Queen Was Made - [系统]女王是怎样炼成的
    - How Can The White Cabbage Dig Up The Pig - 论,白菜怎样去拱猪
    - How Could This Cat Tease Me? - 这喵怎么撩我
    - How Dare You Attack My Support! - 再打我辅助试试?
    - How Do I Dominate the World? - 我是如何制霸四海的
    - How Many Steps Does It Take To Turn an SM R*pe Novella into a Comedy Skit - 把sm強制文變爲沙雕文攏共分幾步 or 把sm强制文变为沙雕文拢共分几
    - How Many Tomorrows There Are - 明日何其多(穿書)
    - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai - 如何死得重于泰山
    - How To Say I Love You - 爱你怎么说
    - How To Thank You For Saving Me - 救命之恩无以为报
    - How to Deal with a Tsundere Gong - 祖传傲娇攻的整治办法
    - How to Fall in Love with the Villain / How to Court a Villain - 如何与反派谈恋爱
    - How to Survive As a Villain - 穿越成反派要如何活命
    - Hua Hua You Long - 花花遊龍
    - Hypocritical Adonis - 假正经男神
    - I Always Wanted to Pounce on that… - 我总想扑倒那个
    - I Became A Big Star After I Quit The Entertainment Industry - 退出娱乐圈后我成了大明星
    - I Became A Virtuous Wife and Loving Mother in another Cultivation World - 贤妻良母
    - I Became Rich After My Pet Became a Refined Human - 宠物成精后我成了富一代
    - I Became a Fanboy of the Villain - 我成了反派脑残粉[快穿]
    - I Became a God in a Horror Game - 我在惊悚游戏里封神
    - I Can Do It - 我行让我上
    - I Can’t Write Any ‘Below the Neck’ Love Scenes - 脖子以下的亲热不能写
    - I Dare You To Run Away Again - 有种你再跑
    - I Don’t Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore - 我再也不敢和主角作對了
    - I Don’t Want You To Be Responsible! - 老子不要你负责!
    - I Dumped My Prince Charming Once Again - 快穿:男神又被我始乱终弃了
    - I Excavated an Emperor to Become a Wife - 挖个皇帝做老婆
    - I Found My Dad Is a Crossdresser - 我发现,我爸是女装大佬
    - I Got Marked By My Shadow Guard After Pretending To Be An Alpha - 装A后被影卫标记了
    - I Have A Pair of Yin-Yuan Eyes - 我有一双姻缘眼
    - I Have A Secret - 我有一个秘密
    - I Have Amnesia, Don’t Be Noisy! - 失忆了别闹
    - I Have Everything You Like - 你喜歡的樣子我都有
    - I Have Medicine - 我有药啊[系统]
    - I Have Paid Too Much For This Home - 为这个家我付出太多了
    - I Have a Sickness - 我有病
    - I Have a “System” Halo - 我有一枚“系统”光环[快穿]
    - I Heard That I Am Poor - 听说我很穷[娱乐圈]
    - I Heard You Are Going to Marry Me - 听说,你要娶老子
    - I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce - 听说我未婚夫超凶
    - I Just Want to Be in a Relationship - 我就想谈个恋爱
    - I Just Want to Divorce - 我就想离个婚[重生]
    - I Kiss The Movie Emperor To Continue My Life - 我和影帝接吻續命
    - I Like Your Pheromones - 我喜欢你的信息素
    - I Love Farming - 我爱种田
    - I Must Be a Fake Alpha! - 我一定是個假alpha
    - I Need to Skip Out on this Marriage - 我得逃个婚
    - I Never Want to be a Younger Brother Again - 我再也不要当小弟了
    - I Only Like Your Character Settings - 我只喜欢你的人设[娱乐圈]
    - I Only Lived For Three Chapters In A Campus Romance Novel! - 我在校草文裡只能活三章
    - I Ran Away after I was Forced into a Love Polygon - 被迫修罗场后我跑路了or 被迫修羅場後我跑路了
    - I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My Child - 豪门老男人怀了我的孩子后我跑了
    - I Really Am a Slag Shou! - 我真的是渣受
    - I Really Can’t Act - 我真的不会演戏
    - I Regard You as Enemies, Yet You’re All After My Heart! - 我把你们当敌人你们却想攻略我
    - I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival Games - 我靠贫穷横扫逃生游戏
    - I Rely On Selling Meng To Upgrade - 我靠卖萌来升级 [星际]
    - I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country - 我靠美颜稳住天下
    - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games - 我靠么么哒通关逃生游戏
    - I Ship My Adversary X Me - 我嗑了对家x我的cp
    - I Shocked the World After Being Forced to Farm - 被迫种田后我震惊世界
    - I Think My Boyfriend is Sick - 我男朋友好像有病
    - I Trick Even the Lames to Stand Up for Me - 瘸子都被我忽悠的站起来了
    - I Turned Into a Little White Face After I Returned From the Apocalypse - 从末世回来后我变成了小白脸
    - I Want to Be Your Man - 我想成为你的男人
    - I Want to Blow - 我要吹吹
    - I Want to Divorce My Hubby - 我要和老攻离婚
    - I Want to Sleep With You - 我想跟你困觉
    - I Was Once a Legend - 我曾是个传说[无限流]
    - I Was Sent to a Wolf Den - 被送进狼窝了怎么办
    - I Wasn’t Born Lucky - 我不是天生欧皇
    - I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child - 一觉醒来我怀了僵尸的孩子
    - I [Imperial] Am Not This Kind of Man - 不当皇帝就得死! or 朕不是这样的汉子 or 朕今天不想穿女装
    - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man - 朕就是这样的汉子[快穿]
    - I am a Chef in the Modern Era - 我在现代做厨子[美食]
    - I am an Alpha - 我是一个Alpha
    - I am the Lucky Cat of an MMORPG - 网游之我是招财猫
    - I woke up and was pregnant - 一觉醒来我怀孕了
    - Iceberg Man’s Prey - 冰山男的猎物
    - Idiot, I Love You - 蠢货,我爱你
    - If Only Time Stopped at the Moment We First Met - 人生若只如初见
    - If You Are Not Red, You Must Inherit the Family - 不红就要继承家业[重生]
    - If You Don’t Fall In Love, You’ll Die - 不谈恋爱就去死
    - Illusion (Lan Lin) - 错觉
    - Immersed in the Act - 入戏[娱乐圈]
    - Immoral Holidays - 惩罚军服系列:背德假期
    - Imperfections - 残次品
    - Imperial Uncle - 皇叔
    - Imprisoned - 囚禁
    - In Love with an Idiot - 你却爱着一个傻逼
    - In The Name Of Fang - 以牙之名
    - In the Future, My Whole Body is a Treasure - 未来之全身是宝
    - Insider - 局中人
    - Intense Radical Behaviors - 过激行为
    - Intersex Student and Biology Teacher - 双性学生与生物老师
    - Interstellar Demon Legend - 星际修妖者传说
    - Interstellar Favorite Superstar - 星际宠婚巨星
    - Interstellar Power Couple - 星际强力联姻
    - Interstellar’s Unmarried First Pregnancy - 星际之异形侵入 or 星际之未婚先孕
    - Intoxication - 一醉經年
    - Introduction to Sex Education - 青春性教育启蒙课
    - Investment Life - [重生]投资人生
    - It Always Feels Like Someone is Trying to Steal the Consignment - 总感觉有人要劫镖
    - It Might Be a Hottie - 虽然那是一个帅哥
    - It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead - 想做男配其实也不容易
    - It’s Hard Being the Bad Guy - 恶霸难当
    - It’s My Turn to Take the Stage to Fly - 该我上场带飞了[全息]
    - It’s Not Easy Being Your Love Rival’s Big Brother - 情敌他哥不好当
    - It’s Not Easy Being a Master - 师尊难为
    - It’s Not Too Late to Meet Again After Rebirth - 重生之相逢未晚
    - It’s Okay, I’ll Take Care of You - 没关系,我养你
    - It’s Over! The Major General is Bent! / Oh No, Major General is Bent [Interstellar] - 完了,少将弯了[星际]
    - It’s Valentine’s, Will You Rent Me? - 七夕,你租了吗
    - I’ll Still Love You Even If You’re a Man - 你是男的我也爱
    - I’ll Still Love You Even if You’re a Man 2 - 你是男的,我也爱 2
    - I’m Afraid I’m Now a Salted Fish - 我恐怕是一条咸鱼了〔娱乐圈〕
    - I’m Bearing My Love Rival’s Child - 我怀了情敌的孩子
    - I’m Just This ‘Sue’ - 我就是这么苏
    - I’m Not Human / No Longer Human - 我不做人了
    - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame - 这锅我不背
    - I’m Pregnant With a Wealthy Old Man’s Child - 怀上豪门老男人的孩子[穿书]
    - I’m Raking in Billions in the Aristocracy - 我在豪门敛财百亿
    - I’m Really A Dragon - 我真的是龙呀
    - I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist - 我为主角播撒智商[快穿]
    - I’m Supposed to Be An Undercover Cop, Not The Sister-in-Law! - 是做卧底不是做大嫂
    - I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs - 我在星际直播养崽
    - I’m a Little Cutie Not a Bossy CEO - 是小可爱不是霸道总裁
    - I’m an NPC - 我是NPC
    - I’ve Been Pregnant for 10 Years Without Giving Birth - 我怀胎十年就是不生
    - I’ve Led the Villain Astray, How Do I Fix It? - 把反派养歪了肿么破
    - I’ve Liked Your Boyfriend for a Long Time - 我喜欢你男朋友很久了
    - Jellyfish - 水母
    - Jiang Chao Ge and the Spirit Weapon - 魂兵之戈
    - Jiang Jiu - 将就
    - Jin Se - 錦瑟 or 锦瑟
    - Jin Xiao Yi Tan / A Different Story Tonight - 今宵異譚
    - Jin Yu Wang Chao - 金玉王朝
    - Joyful Reunion - 相見歡
    - Jubo / The Dominant Boss - 巨擘
    - Jun You Ji Fou / How is the Gentleman Feeling? - 君有疾否
    - Junior Brother Always Wants to Bend Me - 师弟总想撩弯我[重生]
    - Jus Primae Noctis - 初夜權
    - Just Want to Be His Lover - 就想和他谈个恋爱
    - Kaleidoscope of Death - 死亡万花筒
    - Keeping A Loyal Dog Is Not As Good As A Loyal Dragon - 养忠犬不如养忠龙[娱乐圈]
    - Killing Show - 杀戮秀
    - Killing the Same Person Every Time - 每次都在杀同一个人
    - King of Classical Music - 古典音乐之王
    - Kisses Make Me Grow Taller - 親親就能長高高
    - Knight, the Dragon Snatched a Princess Again! - 骑士,恶龙又抓公主了
    - Lantern: Reflection of the Peach Blossoms - 提灯映桃花
    - Later On, I Was Known As A Fake Actor! - 我以前是个假歌手
    - Later, He Became a Royal Healer - 后来,他成了御用奶妈
    - Later, He Became a Top-Notch Drag Queen - 后来,他成了女装巨巨
    - Lawless Gangster - 不法之徒
    - Laws of the Other World / The Law Of All Things - 异世之万物法则
    - Le Ke - 乐可
    - Lend Me A Lifetime - 借我一生
    - Lessons on Raising a Partner - 教你种植一个对象
    - Let Me Shoulder This Blame! - 这个锅我背了![快穿]
    - Let Me Tease You - 先撩为敬
    - Let’s Talk about that Guy Who Transmigrated to Pursue me - 谈谈那个穿进书里来追我的家伙
    - Lian Qun Fang - 敛群芳
    - Lie Huo Jiao Chou / Drowning Sorrows with Raging Fire - 烈火浇愁
    - Life After Marrying My Love Rival - 和情敌结婚的日子
    - Life Among the Drop-Dead Gorgeous - 大叔遇上郎
    - Life Going Wild With Plug-ins - 带挂装逼, 最为致命
    - Life-Chaser - 追命
    - Life-Saving Days by the Husky’s Side - 在二哈身边保命的日子
    - Lifetime Gifts - 终身赠礼
    - Like Love But Not - 似爱而非第一版
    - Ling Shan Jun - 灵山君
    - Lion King’s Adopted Son - 狮王的养子
    - Little Expert Bending Plot Lines Back - 掰正剧情小能手(快穿)
    - Little Fool - 小呆子(H)
    - Little Gods - 小神仙
    - Little Love Song - 小情歌
    - Little Monk - 小和尚
    - Little Mushroom - 小蘑菇
    - Little Terrified Bun - 小怂包
    - Liu Li Loves Jun - 琉璃戀君
    - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect - 六爻
    - Live Action Murder Mystery - 真人剧本杀
    - Live Broadcasting Raising Dragons in the Interstellar - 在星际直播养龙
    - Living Next To The Male God - 住在男神隔壁[穿书]
    - Living to Suffer - 活受罪
    - Logical Aesthetics - 逻辑美学
    - Loneliness - 茕茕
    - Long You Jianghu - 龙游江湖
    - Looking Over at the Guy Across the Way - 对面的小伙看过来
    - Lord Seventh - 七爷
    - Lord and Dragon - 领主与龙
    - Lord of End of World - 末世重生之少主横行
    - Lost Lovers - 丧世情人
    - Lost Temple - 失落神庙
    - Lovable Package - 娇气包[快穿]
    - Love Among the Stars - 魔天星之艳后
    - Love Fraudster - 愛情詐騙師
    - Love Genius Qian Xiaoke - 恋爱天才钱小可
    - Love Late - 迟爱 or 遲愛
    - Love Rival Romance System - 情敌恋爱系统
    - Love Stops Rumours - 谣言止于恋爱
    - Love Story at Starry Night - 明日星程
    - Love You 59 Seconds - 网游之爱你59秒
    - Love You Till Death - 守你百岁无忧
    - Love is More Than a Word - 识汝不识丁
    - Love is too Frustrating - 愛太慌張
    - Love, Expired - 过期关系
    - Lovely Allergen - 可爱过敏原
    - Lovers Always on the Counterattack - 恋人总是在逆袭(快穿)
    - Loving the Most Handsome Man in the Capital - 穿越之帝都第一帅
    - Lust Guidance City - 调教欲望都市(总攻NP)
    - Made by God - 神造
    - Male God is Chasing My Brother - 男神都在追我哥
    - Male Lead 2 and Male Lead 3 Happy Ending! - 男二和男三HE了!
    - Male Lead 2 and Male Lead 3 Happy Ending! - 男二和男三HE了!
    - Man, You’re My Man - 男上加男
    - Marked by a Tyrant After Transmigrating - 穿书后被暴君标记了
    - Marriage Agreement - 婚约
    - Marrying the Big Shot - 嫁入豪门[重生]
    - Marshal, Please Calm Down - [星际]元帅请淡定
    - Marshal’s Cannon Fodder Spouse [Transmigration] - 元帅的炮灰配偶[穿书]
    - Mary Sue: A Faithful Adaptation - 写实派玛丽苏
    - Masquerade in Bridal Attire and Marry the Prince - 扮成女装去替嫁
    - Master Swindler - 诈欺大师
    - Master of Trading Star Card Game - 星卡大师(重生)
    - Me and My Knight - 我和我的骑士
    - Me and my Husband Sleep in a Coffin - 我和老攻睡棺材
    - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries - 遇见魔修,神都哭了[无限]
    - Melted City - 熔城
    - Meow! A Kitten Stumbles into a CEO!Novel! - 喵!奶猫闯入总裁文
    - Mermaid Effect - 人鱼效应
    - Messiah - 弥赛亚
    - Misplacement Game - 错位游戏[快穿]
    - Mist - 薄雾[无限]
    - Mo Flower - 陌上花开 or 陌上花開
    - Monster Inn Rectification Report - 妖怪客栈整改报告
    - More Than A Few Blessings - 福泽有余[重生]
    - Mr. Dior - 迪奥先生
    - Mr. Fashionable - 时尚先生
    - Mr. Gu and the Evil Dog Lu - 顾先生与陆恶犬[娱乐圈]
    - Mr. Melancholy Wants to Live a Peaceful Life - 忧郁先生想过平静生活
    - Mr. Rong’s Lovelorn Diary - 戎先生的失恋日记
    - Mr. Yuan is Always Unhappy - 袁先生总是不开心
    - Mr. Zhou Doesn’t Want to Work Hard Anymore! - 周先生不想努力了
    - Murder - 谋杀
    - Muted / Muran - 穆然
    - My Artist Is Reborn - 我家艺人满级重生[娱乐圈]
    - My Black-Bellied Boyfriend - 我的腹黑男友
    - My Boss Had Wet Dreams About Me Everyday - 我的上司每天做梦都在和我啪啪啪
    - My Boyfriend is A Dragon
    - My Boyfriend is the Zombie King - [屍者]我的男票丧尸的王
    - My CEO Goes OoC - 我家总裁画风不对 / 我家總裁畫風不對
    - My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse - 末世之我的樱桃会爆炸
    - My Childhood Buddy Keeps Trying To Turn Me Gay - 发小总想掰弯我
    - My Clingy Boyfriend Asks for Kissing Every Day - 男友每天求亲亲
    - My Enemy is Actually Secretly in Love with Me - 死敌居然暗恋我
    - My Family’s Idol’s Vest Fell Again - 我家爱豆的马甲又掉了
    - My Family’s Omega Has Just Grown Up - 家有Omega初长成
    - My Favorite Manly Husband - 恶霸的娇夫郎 or 秀才家的壮夫郎
    - My Five Elements Lack You - 我五行缺你
    - My Former Significant Others Were All Alphas - 前任都是alpha[ABO]
    - My Ghost Lover Is Too Annoying - 家有鬼君:赔了阳寿又亏钱
    - My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm - 我家又不是神奇生物养殖场!
    - My Hubby Frequently Loses His Memory - 老攻他总是失忆
    - My Hundred Husbands and I - 我与我的100个攻
    - My Husband is Suffering from a Terminal Illness - 老攻身患绝症[穿书]
    - My Junior Still Hasn’t Killed Me - 师弟还不杀我灭口
    - My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World - 修真界依然有我的传说
    - My Little Poplar - 小白杨
    - My Love Comes to See the Grass on my Grave - 心上人来看我的坟头草
    - My Love Rival Has Been Acting Strange Lately - 【阳光攻】·我的情敌最近很不对
    - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt - 我死对头终于破产了
    - My Old Gong Has Amnesia - 我家老宫失忆了
    - My Roommate Probably Is Not an Omega - 我的室友可能不是omega
    - My Sassy ‘Crown Princess’ - 重生之极品皇子妃
    - My Senior Is Always Salivating After Me! - 师兄他总对我垂涎三尺
    - My Teammates Are All Crazy - 队友都是深井冰[电竞]
    - My Top Boy Is like a Dog - 我家学霸像狗一样
    - My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting - 学渣同桌不需要安慰
    - My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away - 植物人伴侣在我逃跑后气得睁眼了
    - My Wangfei is a Man - 我的王妃是男人
    - My Wife Always Thought I Did Not Love Him - 媳妇总以为我不爱他 (重生)
    - My Wife is Straight - 我的老婆是直男
    - My Zombie Husband - 家有僵尸老公
    - Mythical Creatures Series 1: Ah-Jiang - 神魔鬼怪系列之阿江
    - Nan Chan - 南禅
    - Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do! - 必须向七个男人求婚怎么破!
    - Never Marry a Man With Two Tintins - 绝不嫁有两个丁丁的男人
    - Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero! - 没想到你是这样的勇者!
    - New Life of Broken Cedar - 松雪折椿生
    - New Times, New Hell - 新时代,新地府
    - Nirvana Rebirth - 星盘重启 or 星盤重啟
    - No Money to Divorce - 没钱离婚
    - No Worries about Food and Medicine - 医食无忧
    - No Zuo No Die - (网游)不作死就不会死
    - Non-Human Seeking Re-employment - 非人类下岗再就业
    - Non-Human Sub-district Office - 非人类街道办
    - Non-critical Elevator - 非關電梯
    - Notes from the Grey Tower - 灰塔笔记
    - Nothing to Lose - 破罐子破摔
    - Nowhere to be Found - 无处可寻
    - Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World - 兽世第一懒商 or 獸世第一懶商
    - Number One Ugly Husband - 第一丑夫
    - Number One Zombie Wife - 第一尸妻
    - O Pretends to be B For The Violent Admiral - O装B给暴戾上将当男秘
    - Obscene Immortal - 亵仙[双性]
    - Offered Into Marriage - 奉崽成婚[星际]
    - Oh, My Dear! - 哎呀,亲爱的
    - Old Fogey Goes Down The Mountain - 古董下山
    - One Hundred Ways to Become a God - 成神的一百种方式
    - One Useless Rebirth - 一次没卵用的重生
    - Only Wing - 只翼ABO
    - Open Sea - 透明海
    - Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World - 在噩梦世界开店
    - Outside the Law - 法外之徒
    - PUBG Online Romance of the Century - PUBG世纪网恋
    - Paintings of Terror - 画怖
    - Palace Full of Delicacies - 鲜满宫堂
    - Pancake Cart - 煎饼车
    - Panguan - 判官
    - Paper Lover - 纸片恋人
    - Paper Plane - 纸飞机
    - Part-Time Taoist Priest - 非职业半仙
    - Pastel Colours - 淡彩
    - Paw in Paw, Let’s Satisfy Our Desire for Dogs - 一起来吸狗 or 狗男男
    - Pay Attention to Me - 理我一下
    - Peach Blossom Debt - 桃花债
    - Peeping Woman - 窥娘
    - Peerless - 无双 or 無雙
    - Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic Disciples - 仙君座下尽邪修
    - Perfect Match - 最佳契合
    - Perfect Two - 重生之娱乐搭档
    - Pet Dog - 爱犬
    - Phantom Skeleton Painting - 骷髅幻戏图
    - Pharmacist of the Future - 未来之制药师
    - Pheromone Addiction - 信息素成癮症
    - Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel / Picked Up by the Protagonist of a Suffering!MC - 被虐主文主角捡回家
    - Pink Robed Mage - 粉袍法师
    - Pixiu Rearing Guide - 兽身如玉 or 貔貅饲育指南
    - Plan to Trap the Golden Thigh - 诱捕金主计划
    - Please Close Your Eyes At Night - 天黑请闭眼
    - Please Don’t Eat Me - 請不要吃掉我
    - Please Respect the Occupation ‘Evil Spirit’ - 请尊重恶灵这个职业
    - Please Start Your Show - 请开始你的表演
    - Pleasing Start-Over - 快意重來[快穿]
    - Poison of the Human Panacea - 药人毒
    - Poisonous Peasant ‘Concubine’ - 农家毒‘妃’
    - Porcelain Rose - 玫瑰瓷
    - Positive Energy System - 正能量系统
    - Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist - 国家一级注册驱魔师上岗培训通知 or 明王幻世录
    - Postnatal Care of a Sow - 母猪的产后护理ABO
    - Powerful Eunuchs - 大珰
    - Powerful Skull in The Last Days / A Skeleton with Power in the Apocalypse - 末世之骷髅当道
    - Praying for Fate - 求緣
    - President Gu’s Robot Boyfriend - 小伙太帅,别扯我西装
    - President Shen always Top Up Money - 沈总 总在逼氪
    - President Wife is A Man - 总裁夫人是男的
    - President isn’t ‘Mary Sue’ - 总裁不苏
    - President, Our Egg Is Lost - 总裁,咱们的蛋丢了
    - President’s Exclusive Alchemist - 总裁的专属炼丹师
    - Prince Charming Is a Top - 男神是个攻
    - Prison Officer of the System - 世袭制狱警
    - Professional Body Double - 职业替身 or 職業替身
    - Psychic - 灵媒
    - Psycho - [病娇]疯子 or 疯子
    - Psychological Control - 心理控制
    - Puffed-up after Giving Birth to a Wealthy Man’s Heir - 生了豪门继承人我膨胀了
    - Pulling Together a Villain Reformation Strategy / Organizing a Villain Reformation Strategy - 扒一扒反派洗白攻略
    - Pure Love - 纯情
    - Python Starter Guide - Python入门指南
    - Qiang Jin Jiu - 将进酒
    - Qing Guo Yingxiong / Fallen Hero - 傾國英雄
    - Qing Kuang - 轻狂
    - Qingge - 青歌[重生]
    - Qinglian Chronicles - 青莲记事
    - Qizi - 契子
    - Quick Transmigration: He Likes Being a Father - 他喜当爹了
    - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead - 快穿之我快死了
    - Quick Transmigration: The Villain Gets Proposed to Every Day - 反派日常被求婚
    - Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil - 快穿之打脸狂魔
    - RPG - 角色扮演
    - Raider System - 被攻略系统(快穿)
    - Raider, Please Stay! - 攻略者,请留下[快穿]
    - Raising Dragons in Hollywood - 在好莱坞养龙
    - Raising You This Small Stuff - 养你这件小事
    - Raising a Bun with a Daily Life System - 带着生活系统养包子
    - Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler - 重生成昏君
    - Rebirth and Redemption - 重生自赎[主攻]
    - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage - 重生之星际宠婚
    - Rebirth of Brotherly Love - 重生之兄弟情深
    - Rebirth of Chen An - 重生之陈安
    - Rebirth of MC - 重生之或跃在渊
    - Rebirth of Poisoned Empress - 权门毒后
    - Rebirth of The Golden Marriage - 重生 之 金色 婚姻
    - Rebirth of a CV Star - 重生配音巨星
    - Rebirth of a Cannon Fodder from a Novel - 豪门宠文炮灰重生后
    - Rebirth of a Movie Star - 重生之朗朗星空
    - Rebirth of a Supermodel - 重生超模
    - Rebirth of a Useless Waste: Number One Evil Immortal - 废柴重生之第一妖仙
    - Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being - 重生之至尊仙侣
    - Rebirth of the Wolfish Silkpants Bottom - 重生之纨袴小狼受
    - Rebirth to Become the President’s Omega Wife - 重生豪门总裁的O妻
    - Rebirth-First Class Magician - 重生之顶级魔术师
    - Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant - 重生之孽奴虐暴君
    - Reborn As The Villain President’s Lover - 穿成反派总裁小情人[娱乐圈]
    - Reborn As a System - 重生成系统
    - Reborn Only to Love You Again - 重生只为再爱你一次
    - Reborn Out of Love and Murder - 重生之恃爱行凶
    - Reborn as a Good Child - 重生之做个乖孩子
    - Reborn as an Omega - 重生成為Omega
    - Reborn as the Villain President’s Cat & Dog - 重生成反派总裁的猫狗[娱乐圈]
    - Reborn into A Slash Game - 重生到搅基游戏
    - Reborn into a Hamster for 233 Days - 重生成仓鼠的233天
    - Reborn with an Old Enemy on the Day of our Marriage - 和宿敌结婚当天一起重生了
    - Rebuilding Base is Under Construction - [综英美]改造基地建设中
    - Recapture the Entertainment Industry - 重征娱乐圈[重生]
    - Record of the Missing Sect Master - 教主走失记
    - Records of the Dragon Follower - 从龙记
    - Red Balloon - 紅色氣球
    - Red Bean Ice - 红豆牛奶冰
    - Refined Sunflower and the Little Priest - 向日葵精与小道士
    - Refraction - 折光
    - Reincarnation of Master Su - 重生之苏爷
    - Reincarnation of a Superstar - 重生之名流巨星
    - Repudiating a Good Wife is out of the Question - 贤妻不能休
    - Retirement Life - 养老生活[末穿古]
    - Returning to the End of the World - 重回末世之天罗惊羽
    - Reverse - 逆转
    - Riling Up The Jianghu - 霍乱江湖
    - Rivals in Love - [娱乐圈]情敌
    - Rooster X Rooster - 鸡夫夫(ABO)
    - Runaway Guide - 逃婚指南
    - Running with a Bag and Bun - 揣着包子带球跑
    - S.C.I Mystery Series - SCI 谜案集
    - SAYE / Act Wildly - 撒野
    - Salad Days - 经久
    - Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most Lethal - 沙雕发小最为致命
    - Saving Unpermitted - 禁止存档
    - Scholar…I Don’t Want Any…Meow - 书生…我不要了…喵呜
    - Screen Partner - 萤幕拍档
    - Sea Monster Alliance - 海怪联盟
    - Sea of Clouds Prison Heart - 云海囚心
    - Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement - 符修当自强[重生]
    - Second Marriage of a Wealthy Old Man - 豪门老男人的二婚男妻
    - Sect Master and Psycho - 教主與瘋子
    - Seduction Game - 试图勾引
    - Seizing Dreams - 夺梦
    - Seven Days Escape Game Chapter - 七日逃生游戏[无限流]
    - Seven Days, Seven Nights - 七天七夜
    - Seven Shows - 七秀
    - Sha Po Lang - 杀破狼 or 殺破狼
    - Sha Qing - 杀青
    - Shameless Gangster - 无耻之徒
    - Shan He Biao Li - 山河表里
    - Sharing Rain and Dew - 雨露均沾
    - Sharing System - 系统共享中
    - Shh, There’s a Beast in the Imperial Palace - 嘘,帝宫有兽
    - Short Stories Collection (BL) - 小故事合集BL
    - Show Love System - 秀恩爱系统[末世]
    - Shuisheng Didi - 水声滴滴 or 水滴聲聲
    - Sickly Tyrannical - 病虐
    - Side Character Survival Guidelines - 配角生存指南
    - Silent Lover / Mute Slave - 哑奴
    - Silent Reading - 默读
    - Silly Spring Attack - 憨攻的春天
    - Sissy - 娘娘腔
    - Slag Shou Cultivating Manual - 渣受修炼手册
    - Slow-Witted - 天资愚钝
    - Small Clingy Embrace - 小黏包[重生]
    - Small, Grey Fish - 小灰鱼
    - So What If You’ve Been Reborn? - 重生算什么
    - Social Outcast - 社交温度
    - Spare Tire is Gone - 备胎不干了
    - Special Case Files of Rebirth - 重生之特别案卷
    - Spice of Life - 柴米油盐
    - Spirit Boss - 幽灵Boss
    - Spirit Hotel - 幽灵酒店
    - Split - 分裂
    - Splitting the Immortal - 脔仙
    - Spoiled - 宠坏
    - Spring Once More - 又一春
    - Spring Trees and Sunset Clouds - 春树暮云
    - Still Saving The World Today (Switching Worlds) / World saving System - 今天也在拯救世界[快穿]
    - Stimulating To Be Raised By A Virtual Lover - 被虚拟恋人养真刺激
    - Stone Age Husband Raising Journal - 史前养夫记
    - Stop Bothering Me, Emperor - 皇上别闹
    - Strategy to Attack the System - 攻略那个人造人
    - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong - 攻略那个渣攻[快穿] or 攻略那個渣攻[快穿]
    - Striving for Science - 为科学奋斗
    - Strong Offense and Defense - 強勢攻防
    - Strongly Pampered Male Wife / Strongly Favored Wife - 强宠男妻
    - Sugar Baby - 糖二代
    - Sui Yu Tou Zhu - 碎玉投珠
    - Summer Drowning - 夏溺
    - Sunset Boulevard - 日落大道
    - Supernatural Movie Actor App - 灵异片演员app[无限]
    - Superstar Aspirations - 巨星问鼎[重生]
    - Superstar and Ordinary People - 综艺小白和三栖巨腕
    - Superstar, No Big Deal?! - 巨星,算什么?!
    - Supporting Role’s Aura - 配角光环(穿书)
    - Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?! - 惊!说好的选秀综艺竟然
    - Surrender - 臣服
    - Survival Qualification Test - 生存资格测试
    - Suspended Life Game - 悬命游戏
    - Swallowing the Seas - 破云2吞海
    - Swapped Bodies with the Hated Alpha - 和討厭的Alpha交換了身體
    - Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters - 豪门夫夫种田日常
    - Sweet, Although Short - 甜,就是短
    - Sword Edge - (重生)竞剑之锋
    - Taizi - 太子
    - Tales of Aegiceras: Cave in - 桐花中路私立协济医院怪谈
    - Tales of the Blood Night - 血夜异闻录
    - Tattoo - 刺青
    - Temporary Bodyguard - 临时保镖
    - The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path - 仙道第一小白脸
    - The A in the Opposite Dorm Always Thinks I’m Pretending to be a B - 对面楼的A总觉得我在装B
    - The Actor Extraordinaire - 影帝
    - The Adventure of Holy Beast Bai Xiaoli - 一言不合就开挂
    - The Antelope and Night Wolf / Online Game: I'm Not Worthy - 小羚羊与夜太狼 or 網遊之我不配
    - The Aphrodisiac-carrying Man - 另类植物鉴赏一 or 自帶春藥的男人
    - The Bandit’s Strategy - 土匪攻略
    - The Basketball Captain is Determined to Date Me - 篮球队长非要跟我谈恋爱
    - The Big Bosses Are Not What I Expected After I Transmigrated Into A Book - 穿书后大佬们倒戈了
    - The Big Landlord - 大地主
    - The Bird and the Golden Cage - 雀鸟与金笼
    - The Blissful S*x Life of a Hypnotist - 催眠师的性福生活
    - The Book of Hibernation - 冬眠之书
    - The Boss I Picked Up All Fell In Love With Me - 我捡的Boss都爱上我[快穿]
    - The Boss Is in a Bad Mood Again - 大佬又在闹情绪
    - The Cannon Fodder Strikes Back - 重生之炮灰请躺枪
    - The Childhood Friends That I Love Secretly For Ten Years Suddenly Ask Me To Come Out - 暗恋十年的发小突然找我出柜
    - The Complete Guide to the Use and Care of a Personal Assistant - 助理食用指南
    - The Correct Way of Face-Slapping in Transmigration - 快穿之打脸的正确方式
    - The Counterattack Plan of A Villain With Ten Thousand Fans - 万人迷反派逆袭计划
    - The Court - 庭上
    - The Cruel Tyrant - 暴君
    - The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday - 崽他爹每天都在装穷
    - The Cultivator’s Peerless Sexcapades - 修真不如啪啪啪
    - The Cutest Height Difference - 最萌身高差
    - The Daily Life of Being the Campus Idol’s Fake Boyfriend - 给校草当假男友的日子
    - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side - 把徒弟养大后,发现他想吃我
    - The Day We Conquered the Dragon Castle - 占领恶龙城堡那一天
    - The Days of Being an Assistant for the CEO of a Mary Sue Novel - 给玛丽苏文总裁当助理的日子
    - The Decade of Deep Love / The 10 Years I Loved You the Most / The Ten Years When I Loved You So - 最爱你的那十年
    - The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him - 魔君总以为我暗恋他[穿书]
    - The Demonic Ancestor who Desired Supremacy / Demonic Ancestor Wholeheartedly Wants to Climb Up - 魔尊一心想上位
    - The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration] - 残疾暴君的掌心鱼宠[穿书]
    - The Domineering King of the Netherworld and His Sweetheart - 霸气侧漏
    - The Door Keeps Getting Smaller And Smaller - 门越来越小[快穿]
    - The E-Sports Circle’s Toxic Assembly Camp - 电竞毒瘤集结营
    - The Earth is Online - 地球上線, 地球上线
    - The Easter Egg Game - 彩蛋游戏
    - The Elegant Dancing Years - 韶华舞流年
    - The Emperor and the Wild Dog - 皇帝与野狗
    - The Emperor is Always Unhappy - 皇帝他总是不开心
    - The Emperor is Expecting! - 皇上有喜了
    - The Emperor’s Runaway Lover - 皇帝的叛逃情人[星际]
    - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks - 末世重生之炮灰逆袭
    - The End of the World - 末世重生之凿冰
    - The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin - 死对头总想拉我进棺材
    - The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child - 逃生游戏BOSS怀了我的孩子
    - The Film Emperor Asks for Divorce Every Day - 影帝每天都想离婚[穿书]
    - The Film Emperor’s Daily Live Cooking Broadcast - 影帝天天直播做饭[星际]
    - The Final Protectors - 最后的守卫
    - The First Dragon Convention - 龙族第一公约
    - The First Emperor Said He Likes Me - 秦始皇说他喜欢我
    - The Flustering Sound of the Pipa from the Hallway - 穿堂惊掠琵琶声
    - The Founder of Diabolism - 魔道祖师 Or 魔道祖師
    - The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua - 成化十四年
    - The Fox’s Heat - 狐狸的發情期
    - The General Is As Urgent as Law - 将军急急如律令
    - The General Is Too Evil - 军爷心太污
    - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers - 将军爱集小红花
    - The General’s Cat Always Wants To Climb Into My Bed - 将军家的猫总想上我家床[星际]
    - The General’s Vampire Omega - 上将的omega吸血鬼
    - The Generous Poor with the Really Stingy - 穷大方和真小气
    - The Ghostbuster and the Almighty Man - 过气大明星捉鬼日常
    - The Glory After Rebirth - 重生之尊荣
    - The Godfather’s Secret - 教父的秘密[双性]
    - The Happy Life of Internet Celebrity Master Ye - 网红天师的幸福生活
    - The Haunted - 邪祟
    - The Heart of a Smith - 匠心
    - The Hegemon of Western Chu - 西楚霸王
    - The Horror Movie Male Lead’s Winter - 恐怖片男主的冬天
    - The Husband Who Is Played Broken - 被玩坏的丈夫
    - The Husbands from the Republic of China - 民国来的夫夫
    - The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - 二哈和他的白猫师尊
    - The Idol And The Disabled President Made An Official Announcement - 爱豆和残疾总裁官宣了
    - The Idol Group and the Crown - 天团与皇冠
    - The Interstellar Male God - 星际之国民男神
    - The Invasion Day - 末世入侵
    - The Jasmine Scented White Moonlight - 茉莉味的白月光
    - The Jasmine Scented White Moonlight - 茉莉味的白月光
    - The King’s Game - 國王遊戲[快穿]
    - The King’s Return - 王者重临 or 王者重临(电竞)
    - The Last Cat in the Universe - 全宇宙最后一只猫
    - The Last Dragon in the Cultivation World - 修真界最后一条龙
    - The Lawyer - 一级律师
    - The Legend of the Big JJ - 大JJ的传说
    - The Legendary Master’s Wife - 傳說之主的夫人
    - The Life After Marrying My Sworn Enemy - 跟死对头的婚后生活
    - The Little Crying Bag and his Mr. Grumpy - 小哭包和他的暴躁先生
    - The Little Flower God and the Emperor - 小花神和帝君
    - The Little Merman - 小人鱼
    - The Long Chase for the President’s Spouse - 总裁追夫路漫漫
    - The Love Story of A Passerby - 路人甲的愛情故事
    - The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm - 男神好感不好刷[快穿]
    - The Male Lead’s White Moonlight is Attracted to Me! - 我被男主的白月光看上了[穿书]
    - The Male Wife - 男妻
    - The Man Who Came From 1930 - 1930来的先生
    - The Marshals Want to Get Divorced - 元帅们同时闹离婚
    - The Midnight Owl - 子夜鸮
    - The Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System - 白月光男神自救系统
    - The Most Popular Comedian - 最红谐星[娱乐圈]
    - The National Sweetheart Livestreamer Is A Pro!
    - The Old Photo - 旧照片
    - The Only Favourite Ugly Husband - 独宠丑夫
    - The Overbearing Aura is Spilling Over / The Spectator's Aggressiveness Is Spilling Over - 旁观霸气侧漏
    - The Palaces of the Twelve Sacred Beasts - 十二圣兽宫
    - The Paranoid Emperor’s Black Moonlight Shizun - 偏执皇帝的黑月光师尊[重生]
    - The Paternity Guard - 侍卫生包子
    - The Path of the Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack - 炮灰逆袭之路
    - The People Who’re Supposed To Kill Me Fell For Me Instead - 说好要杀我的人都看上我了
    - The Perfect Destiny - [快穿]完美命运 or 快穿之完美命运
    - The Perfect Relationship - 完美关系
    - The Pervert and the Yandere -变态与病娇 (主攻)
    - The Poor Baby’s Manipulation Manual - 小可怜操作手册[快穿]
    - The Pregnant Woman Next Door, How Are You Doing? - 隔壁的孕妇你还好吗
    - The President’s One-Night Stand - 總裁的一夜情情人
    - The Prince Coming Out of the Closet - 王爷他断了袖
    - The Prince’s Loyal Lover - 王爷的忠犬攻
    - The Promise Sealed with Our Lips - 唇诺
    - The Protagonist Is in the Right Position to Get Along With the Villain - 主角与反派相处的正确方式
    - The Protagonist Makes You Retreat About Thirty Miles - 主角令人退避三舍
    - The Rabbit Boss’ Bakery - 兔老板的糕饼店
    - The Ragdoll and His Bossy Male Leads - 快穿:杠上腹黑大佬
    - The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love - 读者和主角绝逼是真爱
    - The Rebirth Waste Strikes Back - 重生之废材来袭
    - The Rebirth of the Last Days and Return to [Fang] Hao - 末世重生之重归于郝
    - The Reborn Otaku’s Code of Practice for the Apocalypse - 重生宅男的末世守則
    - The Rental Shop Owner - 租書店老闆
    - The Return of Cambrian Period - 寒武再临
    - The Rich And Honorable ChangAn / Rich and Powerful Chang An - 富贵长安
    - The Right Way to Offer a Sacrifice to the River God - 向河神献祭的正确方式
    - The Roommates Were Ecstatic to See Their Roommate in a Dress - 穿女装被室友撞见,室友欣喜若狂
    - The Script is Not Like This! - 剧本不是这样的
    - The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide - 渣受生存手册 or 渣受生存手册[快穿]
    - The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System - [重生之]人渣反派自救系統
    - The Seeing Eye Dog - 重生成导盲犬
    - The Shameless Prince - 不知羞恥的王子
    - The Short Story of ShaoWang / Shh! My Dear Alpha - 少汪几句
    - The Silly Wizard’s Courtship Method - 笨巫师求爱法
    - The Slag Gong wants to Kill me - 渣攻想要杀了我
    - The Sound of Piano Under Fascism - 法西斯下的钢琴曲
    - The Spiritual Plant Master Transmigration - 穿越之灵植师
    - The Spring of Prince Syndrome - 王子病的春天
    - The Star Knight - 星辰骑士
    - The Story of Two Male Mosquitoes - 两只公蚊子的故事 / 兩隻公蚊子的故事
    - The Story of a Youth Being XXOO in Various Ways to Obtain Magic Power XD - 双性少年为了获得魔力而被各种XXOO的故事XD
    - The Stranger’s Homeward Journey - 陌路归途
    - The Strategy of Washing Clean a Slag Shou - 渣受洗白攻略
    - The Strongest God - 最强男神
    - The Surrogate Bride of the Colonel He - 赫少的代嫁小新娘
    - The Sword of Galaxy - 银河帝国之刃
    - The Taming of the Ruffian Hero - 痞子英雄的驯服日记
    - The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him! - 目标总以为我喜欢他[快穿]
    - The Ten Promises with My Master - 和主人的十个约定
    - The Three Years When I Was Forced To Wear Women’s Clothing On Campus - 被迫在校园穿女装的那三年
    - The Transmigrated Li Jin’s Daily Farming Life - 穿越之黎锦的农家日常
    - The Transmigrated Senior Martial Brother - 穿越之大师兄
    - The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML - 总是被男主攻略的穿越日常
    - The Transmigrator’s Cultivation - 穿越之修仙
    - The Trial Game of Life - 人间试炼游戏
    - The Two Omega’s Heats - 兩個Omega的發情期
    - The Two-Tailed Little Fox Demon and His Taoist Priest Gong - 兩條尾巴的小狐妖和他家道長攻
    - The Ugly Empress - 丑娘娘[重生]
    - The Ugly Man’s Big Transformation - 醜男勵志大變身
    - The Ugly Prince - 丑皇
    - The Ultimate Blue Seal - 终极蓝印
    - The Ultimate Past - 终极往事
    - The Unicorn Legion - 独角兽军团
    - The Useless Mr. Zhuang - 没出息的庄先生
    - The Vicious Supporting Role Only Wants to Debut as Center - 恶毒男配只想C位出道
    - The Villain Becomes The White Moonlight - 反派变成白月光[快穿]
    - The Villain Has Been Coveting Me for a Long Time - 反派对我觊觎已久(快穿)
    - The Villain Has Something to Say - 反派有话说[重生]
    - The Villain Slaps The Protagonist’s Halo - 反叛打脸主角光环 “快穿”
    - The Villain Will Become Stupid If He Doesn’t Pamper Me - 反派不宠我就得傻[穿书]
    - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful - 反派他过分美丽[穿书]
    - The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth - 反派们重生后都爱上了我
    - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack - 反派打脸逆袭
    - The Villain’s White Lotus Halo - 反派白化光环
    - The Way of the Evil - 坏道 or 壞道
    - The White Cat’s Divine Scratching Post - 神木挠不尽
    - The White-eyed Wolves I Personally Raised Are All Coveting My Legacy - 我亲手养大的白眼狼都在觊觎我的遗产
    - The Whole Tribe Wants To Have Baby With Me - 全部落都想和我生孩纸
    - The Wife is First - 妻为上
    - The World Is A Bit Sweet - 世界有点甜
    - The Wrong Way to a Demon Sect Leader - 少年江湖物语 Or 论如何错误地套路一个魔教教主
    - The Wulin Alliance’s Private Records - 武林盟私密记
    - The Year of Rebirth - 重生之执笔流年
    - The Young General’s Wife Is Mr. Lucky - 少将夫人是福神
    - The Zoo in My Eyes - 我眼中的动物园
    - There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle - 娱乐圈有个郁大厨
    - There Is No Afterlife - 没有来生
    - There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem - 总有主角妄想开后宫
    - There’s A Beauty / You Xu - 有姝
    - There’s No God in Show Business - 娱乐圈无神 (重生)
    - There’s Something Wrong with this Development! - 这个发展有点不太对劲 or 這個發展有點不太對勁
    - There’s a Pit in My Senior Martial Brother’s Brain - 我家大师兄脑子有坑
    - They All Say I Encountered A Ghost - 他们都说我遇到了未知生物 or 他们都说我遇到了鬼
    - Thinking of Deer Fei Fei - 想鹿非非[娱乐圈]
    - This Alpha’s Pheromones Are Exploding - 这个Alpha香爆了[穿书]
    - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me! - 這個炮灰我罩了! or 这个炮灰我罩了![快穿]
    - This Evil One Is From the Immortal Realm - 这个妖孽来自修仙界
    - This Omega is Immune to All Abilities - 这个Omega全异能免疫
    - This Omega is Sweet and Wild - 这个omega甜又野
    - This Quick Transmigration Experience Is a Bit Sweet - 这个快穿有点甜
    - This Scum Is Not Worthy Of White Washing - 渣男不配洗白[快穿]
    - This Way of Transmigration Is Definitely Wrong! - 这穿越方式绝逼不对!
    - This World Has Gone Crazy - 這世界瘋了
    - Those Days Master Raised Me - 师父养我的那些天
    - Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils - 妖魔道
    - Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob - 拯救校草的那些日子
    - Those Steps We Walked Together - 那些我们一起走过的台阶
    - Those Years I Opened a Zoo - 我开动物园那些年
    - Those Years In Quest Of Honour Mine - 当年万里觅封侯
    - Those Years When We Killed the White Lotus - 那些年我们弄死的白莲花
    - Thousand Autumns - 千秋
    - Three Joys - 三喜
    - Thrive in Catastrophe - 绝处逢生[末世]
    - Through The Strait Gates - 过门 or 過門
    - Ti Shen / Body double - 替身
    - Tianbao Fuyao Lu - 天宝伏妖录
    - Tiandi Baiju - 天地白驹
    - Tianting Kindergarten - 天庭幼儿园
    - Till Death Do Us Part - 長相守 or 长相守
    - Time-Limited Hunt - 限时狩猎
    - Times of Our Lives - 岁月间
    - To Be a Heartthrob in a Horror Movie / To Be a Fan in a Horror Movie - 在恐怖片里当万人迷[快穿]
    - To Burris The Spellcaster And His Family Dependent - 致施法者伯里斯阁下及家属
    - To Kill A Unicorn -
    - To Marry You - 就是要嫁给你
    - To Raise a Soul - 以身养魂
    - To Rule in a Turbulent World - 乱世为王
    - Today the Manager is Also Very Kind - 今天经纪人也很善良
    - Today, the Foolish Scum Gong Screwed Me Over Again - 沙雕渣攻今天又渣了我
    - Tone Seduction - 一个声控的恋爱
    - Transmigrated As The Big Boss’s Mobile System - 穿成巨佬的手机系统
    - Transmigrated Into a Big Boss to Snatch Away the Cannon Fodder - 穿成霸总拐走炮灰
    - Transmigrated as My Best Friend’s Ex - 重生在好友旧情人的身上
    - Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe - 穿越之游兽部落
    - Transmigrated into a Heartthrob Novel and Went OOC - 穿进万人迷文的我人设崩了
    - Transmigrated into a School Idol and Forced to Do Business - 穿成校草被迫营业
    - Transmigrated into a School Idol and Forced to Do Business - 穿成校草被迫营业
    - Transmigrated into the Film Emperor’s Death-Seeking Fiance - 穿成影帝作死未婚夫[穿书]
    - Transmigrated into the World of “Demon Lord Wu Zun” - 穿越魔皇武尊
    - Transmigrating Into The Heartthrob’s Cannon Fodder Childhood Friend - 穿成万人迷的炮灰竹马
    - Transmigrating into a Big Villain in the Book - 穿成炮灰反派怎么破
    - Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World - 穿成妖精後蘇炸全世界[系統]
    - Transmigrating into a Mob Character to Rehabilitate the Villain Plan - 穿成炮灰之反派养成计划
    - Transmigrating into the Reborn Male Lead’s Ex-Boyfriend - 穿成重生男主前男友
    - Transmigrating into the Villain’s Demon-Revealing Mirror - 穿成反派大佬的照妖镜
    - Transmigrating into the Villain’s White Rabbit Master - 穿成反派的小白兔师尊
    - Transmigrating to the Ancient Times with Lu’s Convenience - 带着小卖部到古代
    - Transmigrating to the Ming Dynasty’s Imperial Examination - 穿到明朝考科举
    - Transmigration of Mian [Reluctantly] Becomes His Man [Wife] - 穿越之勉为其男
    - Transmigration: The Farm Life of a “Fool” - 穿越之农家如画
    - Travel to a Primitive World to Build Infrastructure - 穿越原始异界搞基建
    - Tree of Stars - 星辰樹
    - True Star - 巨星
    - Turing’s Code / Alan Turing's Code - 图灵密码
    - Turn on the Love System - 开挂恋爱系统(快穿)
    - Turning the Corner to Love You - 拐个弯儿来爱你
    - Turns Out I’m Crazy - 我原来是个神经病
    - Twin Jades of Jiangdong - 江东双璧
    - Tyrant Pampering Wife Diary - 暴君宠婚日常
    - Unbridled - 嚣张
    - Uncontrolled Love - 不可抗力
    - Undead - 不死者
    - Under the Peach Blossom Tree at 6:30 p.m. - 酉时三刻桃花树下
    - Undying Body - 不死之身
    - Undying Patient - 快穿之不死病人
    - Unexpected Marriage - 意外结婚
    - Unlimited Cycles of Death - 无限之回溯死亡
    - Unlucky Radish Occupied the Seat Again - 倒霉萝卜又上位了[快穿]
    - Unspeakable - 不堪言
    - Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits - 都市妖鬼录
    - Vanguard of the Eternal Night - 永夜之锋
    - Very Happy - 美滋滋
    - Villain and Beauty - 坏蛋和美人
    - Villain in the Kindergarten - 反派幼稚园[穿书]
    - Villain, Please Go Easy on Me - 快穿攻略:大佬,求放过
    - Waiting For You Online - 就等你上线了
    - Waiting Until 35 Years Old - 我等你到三十五岁
    - Waiting Upon You - 等你仰望
    - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love - 想飞升就谈恋爱
    - War Prisoner - 俘虏
    - Warhead Pet Hamster - 首领的仓鼠战宠[星际]
    - Warm Waters - 温水
    - Watch Me Eat Fish, It’s Exciting! - 看我吃鱼很刺激
    - Water Recovery System - 覆水能收系统
    - Welcome to the Nightmare Game - 欢迎来到噩梦游戏
    - What Are You Two Doing? - 你们两个在干什么
    - What Do I Want to Do with This Magnificent Beauty? - 我要这盛世美颜有何用
    - What Should I Do if the School Bully is Interested in Me - 被校霸看上了怎么办
    - What To Do When Hunger Strikes - 餓了怎麼辦
    - What to Do When I Become a Koi and Fall into the Male God’s Bathtub - 变成锦鲤掉到男神浴缸该怎么破〔星际〕
    - What to Do with a Pair of Kittens - 穿成对家顶流养的猫了怎么办
    - When A Destructive Wolf Joins An Escape Game - 当狼灭进入逃生游戏
    - When The Male Supporting Actor Bend The Male Lead - [快穿]当男配掰弯男主
    - When Two Alphas Meet, One’s an Omega - 兩A相逢必有一O
    - When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel - 当同人主角穿回原著
    - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System - 当异形绑定了救世系统
    - When an Angst Writer Meets a Doting Writer - 当虐文作者遇见甜文作者
    - When the Golden Finger Lands in the Hands of the Villain - 当金手指落入反派手里
    - Where is Our Agreement to be Each Other’s Arch-Rivals? - 說好成為彼此的宿敵呢[穿書]
    - Who Dares Slander My Senior Brother - 谁敢说师兄的坏话(穿书)
    - Who Touched My Tail! - 谁动了我的尾巴!
    - Why Didn’t You Tell Me Your Mother Was a Fujoshi? - 你怎么没告诉我你妈是腐女?
    - Why Do I Always Mortify Myself in Front of My Boss? - 为什么我总在老板面前出丑
    - Why Do I Wake up as a Cheater Every Time? - 每次醒来都在出轨[快穿]
    - Willing to Accompany by the Gentleman’s Side - 愿陪君身侧
    - Winner Takes All - 谁把谁当真
    - Winning the Male Lead - 荣获男主[快穿]
    - Winter Begonia - 鬓边不是海棠红
    - Witch, Open Your Eyes - 女巫请睁眼
    - Woke up and Heard I Was Married - 一觉醒来听说我结婚了
    - Wolf’s Love - 狼的爱恋
    - World Hopping: Avenge Our Love - 你無法預料的分手我都能給你送上
    - Xia Niangniang / The Blind Concubine - 瞎娘娘
    - Xiao Jiu / Little Nine - 小九
    - Yandai Xie Jie No. 10 - 烟袋斜街10号
    - Yang Shu Mei Ying - 扬书魅影
    - Yes, I’m Straight. But What Have I Done Wrong? - 可是直男又做错了什么呢
    - Yesterday - 昨天
    - Yin Yang Eye GunGun’s Marriage Contract - 阴阳眼滚滚婚约[星际]
    - Yingnu - 鹰奴
    - You Are Mine - 你是我的人
    - You Are Too Ugly, I Refuse - 你太丑了,我拒绝
    - You Boys Play Games Very Well - 你们男生打游戏好厉害哦~
    - You Can’t Be Fierce Towards Me! - 你不许凶我!QAQ【重生】
    - You Know Too Much - 你知道得太多了
    - You Use a Gun, I Use a Bow - 你们用枪我用弓[电竞]
    - Young Man, You Are Too Young, Too Simple - 少年你图样图森破
    - Young Military Rarities / The Young General's Precious - 军少掌中宝 【完结全本】
    - Your Distance - 你的距离
    - Your Highness, Please Love Me Tender - 王爷在上
    - Your Husband’s Leg is Broken - 你老公的腿断了
    - Your Name Engraved Herein - 刻在你心底的名字
    - Your Rival in Love Gets Prettier Every Day - 情敌每天都在变美
    - Your Teacher I, am Hella Rich - 你师父我人傻钱多
    - You’ve Got Mail: A Cautionary Tale - 飞鸽交友须谨慎
    - Yuwu / Remnants of Filth - 余污
    - Zhao Ge - 朝歌 or 病美人存活攻略
    - Zombie University - 丧病大学
    - Zui Xing Mai Shen / Selling Body After Sobering Up - 醉醒卖身
    - Transmigrated into Ancient Times to Sell Desserts - 穿到古代卖甜点

    Some Chinese terms:
    星际 = intertesllar, 重生 = rebirth, 快穿 = fast wear/QT, 穿越 or 穿书 = transmigration, 高H = smut
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
  2. Eden

    Eden Active Member

    Aug 10, 2017
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    You Xu - 有姝 has 19 translated chapters. It's called "There's A Beauty".
    Thanks for the list!
    lazyasianscientist likes this.
  3. gnessa14

    gnessa14 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    Thanks! Really appreciated for pointing out mistakes.
  4. Mel O_o

    Mel O_o Active Member

    Sep 19, 2017
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    who know it? i cant search chinese name :(
    "I Just Want to Grant My Wish!" on scribble hub
  5. sleepy_chelsy

    sleepy_chelsy Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2018
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    I think you accidentally added “The Untouchable President” on this list? Just saw the spoilers for that and i’m pretty sure that it isn’t a danmei novel...
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2019
    gnessa14 likes this.
  6. gnessa14

    gnessa14 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    You're right. Not sure how it ended up on the list
  7. JennyLi

    JennyLi Member

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Does anyone know of any Chinese novels that have Campus sex slaves? Like designated sex slaves for students to use. If you don’t really understand what I’m asking, check out the hentai Dropout. It’s exactly what I’m looking for.
  8. Kawaiishop

    Kawaiishop Active Member

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I am currently looking for 庶子日常 and I couldn't find it on either lists. Does anyone know what the title is in English or if it is on novel updates? The only one that has a remotely similar name is 庶子男妻 but I don't believe that that is what I'm looking for.
  9. gnessa14

    gnessa14 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    This novel has not been translated.

    Here's the author of the story on jjwxc: http://www.jjwxc.net/oneauthor.php?authorid=507707

    The corresponding link for NU is: https://www.novelupdates.com/nauthor/鳳九幽/

    Bastard Male Wife (aka 庶子男妻) is the only story from the author that has been translated.
    paobear likes this.
  10. Yumeru

    Yumeru Active Member

    Jun 15, 2020
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    Following this thread UwU also started continuing to Eng tranlsate danmei novel of : His Son has a billionare richest father @yumerulogs on wattpad^^ waitinh for NU to approve the new group to post the link here hihi. I've been more into fluff-not major misunderstandings,doting couple /family/mpreg novels
  11. Evesneon

    Evesneon Active Member

    Sep 26, 2020
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    Has any one translated The Governor is Sick /督主有病?
    tabushechka likes this.
  12. gnessa14

    gnessa14 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    I don't think so.
  13. jannanmr

    jannanmr Member

    Jan 17, 2022
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    hello, I want to ask about the title of a short novel. This novel tells the story of a shou named Chen Hu who became pregnant after one night stand with Gong named Shen Zi. The Shou owns the inn and good at cooking, while gong has a resort project in shou's village. They have twins baby. Does anyone know the title of the novel? Thank you for anyone who will answer ❤️
  14. Lady Lullaby

    Lady Lullaby Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2019
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    sorry idk the title. but I suggest making a post under "I'm looking for..." with a tag "Forgotten title" (iirc it's yellow). there's higher chances of getting it answered that way.
    I hope you find that novel! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
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